Chapter 71

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Davina's pov

As soon as the sun rose this morning, I was up and dressed. After the earthquake happened last night, I know the town must've taken some damage, I don't know to what extent exactly, but I have to check out the school and see if my students are okay after last night, my friends too though I know my friends can take care of themselves.

The kids were also up at the same time as me since we ended up sleeping in the same room. "My back" Ethan grunts as he enters the kitchen "oh quit complaining grandpa" Keira quips making him roll his eyes as he grabs a pear from the fruit bowl. "Okay kids if you would sit down a moment" I say grabbing a cup of coffee before turning around and setting a bowl of sliced apples in front of Gabriel.

"What's up mom?" Harmony asks looking at me as she holds a glass of orange juice in her hand "I just want to make sure you're all okay after last night?" I ask "we're fine, just a little shocked" Keira replies making me nod "after last night, I am going to be postponing all classes for the next two to three days" I say "yes!" Ethan and Keira exclaim fist pumping the air.

 "So that's why you didn't make us get dressed for school this morning?" Harmony questions making me nod "I don't know what state the school is in or how much damage the town has suffered. I want to ensure it's safe before sending you back. I am however going over there this morning as I need to check on the students and make sure they're okay, I also need to inform them of classes being post poned" I explain making them nod.

"Kol could you inform one of your siblings that school is post poned due to the earthquake, so Hope doesn't need to go this morning?" I ask turning to him as he enters "sure" he replies pulling out his phone.

"So for the rest of the day you are to stay indoors" I say looking back at my oldest children "but mom I have a study date......" Keira says trailing off as she glances at Kol who is narrowing his eyes at her suspiciously "with Harlow" she whispers close enough for me to hear.

"I heard that. Who's this Harper guy?" Kol asks making the Ethan and Harmony snicker "It's Harlow, not Harper" Keira corrected "again who is he?" he questions walking over "a friend, a very good friend" Keira replies flashing an innocent smile "is this your boyfriend?" Kol asks and Keira sort of freezes "where oh where did you hear I have a boyfriend?" she asks "a little birdy told me" Kol replied with his arms folded.

Keira looks between her brother and sister "I know it was one of you two" she says eyeing them both "it wasn't me, I sister swear" Harmony assures her holding up one hand and placing the other hand over her heart "you're in the clear" Keira replies before turning to Ethan who quietly sips on his orange juice as Keira stares at him.

 "That leaves you brother. So are you the little birdy?" she asks still staring at him making him look at her "what? Why I would never" he replies with a look of offense on his face before he turns way, swiveling his chair around so his back is facing her.

"Look the point is any plans you may have had are to be cancelled until further notice" I say clearing my throat to make them look at me. "How long are we to stay in for?" Ethan questions "until I know it's safe which means you are all house bound for at least the next few days" I respond and he stands up "wait but I have a date with Skylar planned tomorrow" he interjects making me sigh.

"I'm sorry Ethan but you're going to have to post pone it until further notice. I don't want to keep you from going out and doing things but until I have inspected the damage outside and know it's safe all of you are to stay here" I respond in a gentle but firm tone.

"Looks like you're going to be making out with your pillow for the next few days" Keira remarks and Ethan just flips her the middle finger "however don't think this means you get out of doing schoolwork. I know you have homework to do so you will do that as normal" I say making Ethan and Keira groan except for Harmony.

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