Chapter 80

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Okay so this chapter features the game, now I can't remember what the Salvatore schools sports team is called so I'm calling them Salvatore cyclones for now.

One week later....Friday

Ethan's pov

The team and I were in the locker rooms, getting ready for the game. We're playing against the Timberwolves which will be interesting as some of the guys who like to pick on us kids are on the team but I'm going to crush them.

Obviously because we are supernatural we would have an advantage however we're not allowed to use our supernatural abilities to win the game. We have to play fair otherwise it would be cheating. So we just play as we normally do, before I joined the team two years ago, the team were pretty bad as the coach at the time told them that they had to lose the game on purpose to make it seem like we're normal. 

My mom and aunt Caroline weren't happy when they discovered this and fired the coach and replaced him with Shawn who is a miles better coach. After we were told to play normally and fairly, and to make sure no one uses their powers. Though we do have our supernatural powers suppressed for the duration of the game just in case someone tries to go rogue and use their powers to win the game.

"I'm nervous" MG rambles as he paces back and forth with Kaleb watching him as he goes to and from "relax, mate. Everything's going to be fine" I say turning to him making him stop in his tracks. "We're going against the Timberwolves, those kids terrorize us" he rants sitting down and Kaleb pats him on the shoulder.

"Because they're assholes who have nothing better to do than pick on other people. You know why they pick on us because they're envious of us. They want to be us" I say I know how envy looks on people and most of the kids from Mystic Falls high, are very envious of most of us kids, here at the Salvatore school.

"They don't look envious" Kaleb states with a huff "because they hide it beneath that petty, stuck up attitude of theirs. They tease us because they want to intimidate us and make us feel small about themselves which is why the bitchy girls from that school always attack Lizzie or my sisters" I state before looking around at the rest of the team.

"Remember who we are and how awesome we are. This team is great, this school hasn't had a better team than we have right now and we are going to crush the Timber wolves. We can do this!" I exclaim fist pumping the air "yeah!" they cheer fist pumping the air and hollering before we hear Shawn blow the whistle, calling for us and they run past me, giving me high fives until I'm alone in the locker rooms.

Once I hear the door close, I grab my tee from my locker and put it on before I hear the locker room door open. I turn and smile as I see Skylar in the doorway "hey babe" I say as she makes her way over to me "hey you. Thought I'd just stop by and wish you good luck before the game" she states as she comes to a stop in front of me and places her hands on my shoulders before leaning forward and pressing her lips against mine.

I hum as I kiss back before pulling away and a smirk pulls at my lips "well, I'm feeling lucky alright" I say making her giggle as I pull her in for another kiss and she instantly responds, moving her lips in sync with mine.

The kiss gets more and more heated as I bring one hand up to her face, cupping her cheek while I trail my other hand down to her hip and pull her flush against me until my back rests against my locker.

I hear footsteps before the sound of a throat clearing and someone wolf whistling makes us pull away and I feel my cheeks flush as I see Uncle Damon and Shawn standing there with their arms folded and smirks on their faces. "Well aren't you two lovebirds just adorable?" Uncle Damon teases "oh shut up, Uncle Damon. You and Aunt Elena have been caught in way worse predicaments" I retort making him throw his hands up "I admit, we have. Just remember to use protection kids, you don't want any little one's running around just yet though the thought of your father being a grandpa somewhat amuses me" he says with a smirk before disappearing knowing I'd throw something at him if he didn't.

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