Chapter 69

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Harmony's pov

My fingers glide along the piano keys trying to find the right note for the song I'm writing for the talent show. Yes I got a spot in the talent which I was sort of surprised by because I surely thought I wouldn't get through but I'm relieved even though it's just some talent show but I like being a part of something.

I'm not in the talent show to win, I'm just in it to perform and show the town that I'm not just some shy, awkward girl who hides behind her siblings and mother because of her insecurities. You're probably wondering what I could possibly be insecure about? Well my looks, my body and just everything about me in general. 

I don't like the way I look and I hate my body, I feel frumpy and disgusting, I can't even look at a mirror because I don't like what I see. I'm not as pretty as my sister who is gorgeous like our mom nor is my body perfect like hers. I'm not confident and funny like her or Ethan. 

I feel like I'm the defective triplet as kids from Mystic high have often told me. I know I shouldn't pay attention to what bullies say but I can't help it when I think of myself like that.

Music and singing is my escape, it makes me forget about my insecurities and it's actually something I'm proud of. I'm also proud of my magic too, I'm quite the pro at casting spells and even creating my own spells.

My fingers come to a stop on the keys as I hear footsteps before I hear my mother's voice as she calls out to me "Harmony?" she calls before popping her head in and smiling at me "there you are. Dinners ready" she says "I'm not hungry" I say although my stomach says otherwise as it growls lowly.

My mom raises an eyebrow "really then why is your stomach growling?" she asks with a hand on her hip "because it thinks it's empty. I had something to eat on my way home, I know I shouldn't have but I was peckish" I respond and she sighs as she walks over.

She gently places a hand under my chin and lifts my head up "is something the matter sweetheart?" she asks looking at me with concern "no, nothing's wrong mom" I respond with a small smile "you know I can sense when something is wrong with my children right?  You can talk to me" she says softly "I'm just anxious about writing the perfect song for the talent show. I don't want to make a fool of myself if the songs horrible" I respond coming up with a lie.

She flashes a warm smile "you'll do just fine sweetheart, I believe in you but you know don't push yourself. The perfect song will come to you, it just requires time and patience" she advises and I smile at her "I know, I'm gonna take a break soon" I respond "you promise?" she asks raising an eyebrow "pinky promise" I respond holding up my pinky finger making her laugh as she hooks her pinky around my finger.

"I'll leave something for you in the microwave in case you get hungry later" she says as she leans down, planting a kiss on the top of my head "okay" I respond with a small smile and she smiles "you know where to find me if you need me" she says in a sincere tone and I can see she's worried making me feel guilty as the last thing I want to do is make her worried.

"I love you mom" I say and she smiles "I love you too sweetheart" she replies before walking away and walking out the room so I turn back to the piano and get back to writing a song or at least try too.


No one's pov

Davina reappeared in the kitchen from finding Harmony for dinner "hey what's wrong?" Kol asked as he placed a stack of plates on the side "I'm worried about Harmony" Davina replied making him frown "why? What's wrong?" he asked concerned "I think something's bothering her but she won't tell me" she explained as she leaned against the counter.

"Did you ask her if something's wrong?" Kol questioned now standing beside her, his tall frame towering over her "yes but she said she was just anxious about writing a song for the talent show" she replied "that's not so bad love" he replied with a frown "she wasn't being completely honest Kol. Something else is bothering her too" she said her eyebrows furrowed as concern was laced in her eyes.

"Hey if something is truly wrong she'll come to us" Kol assured her as he took one of her hands in an attempt to comfort her except their hands tingled at the contact and a rush of warmth ran through their bodies making her look to their hands and then up at him. His brown eyes gazed down at her with such warmth and concern, a small smile graced his lips and it made her undead heart stop. 

She closed her eyes as she gently pulled her hand back and sighed looking away from him and down at the floor "I know, I just can't help but worry about what could possibly be bothering her. I don't want our children having anything to worry about" she said as she looked up and back at him, fully composed after that little moment. "I know, no good parent does" Kol replied shaking his head before Shawn came in with Gabriel.

"Hey what's going on? We're hungry out here" he said making Davina turn to him "sorry Shawn, we were just having a private chat" Davina replied and Shawn cocked an eyebrow "ooh about what?" he asked wriggling his eyebrows "anything saucy?" he asked making Davina roll her eyes.

"No just parent stuff" Davina replied "boring, now where's the food?" Shawn asked "right there mate" Kol replied gesturing to the hot dish on the side that he just pulled out of the oven before Davina appeared in the kitchen.

Shawn's eyes lit up and he strolled over, handing Gabriel to Davina before grabbing a cloth and picking up the dish "I'll start serving" he said as he went to walk out "we kind of need to put the plates down first" Davina replied picking up the plates off the side "unless you want to eat off the table" she added "plates would be nice" he replied and she nodded and walked over after him. Kol quickly grabbed the bowl of salad off the side and followed after them to the dining room which already had place mats, glasses, knives and forks down.

Ethan and Keira were sat round the table flicking through their phones "dinner is here" Shawn declared as he set the dish down. Davina put the plates down "where's Harmony?" Keira asked "she's not quite hungry" Davina answered as she sat down "but she's not eaten today" Ethan piped up "yeah she didn't eat at lunch" Keira added making Davina and Kol glance at each other in concern.

"I saw her eat this morning and she had a granola bar earlier, at least I think it was a granola bar" Shawn piped up which slightly eased the two parents and two teens worries though Kol and Davina were still a little concerned. 

End of chapter

Harmony's not feeling positive about herself and thinks little of herself. Davina senses something is bothering her but Harmony won't tell her what's really going on with her. Kol and Davina had a brief moment there. It was small but it was something. Kol and Davina are both concerned for Harmony. Will they figure out what's wrong with her? Will there be more moments with Kol and Davina? What will happen next? Stay tuned to find out

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