Chapter 12

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Davina's pov

I make my way backstage as soon as I arrive at the school with Bonnie and Caroline as Josie came hurrying over to me and told me Harmony's freaking out so I parted ways with Bonnie and Caroline who went to deal with Elena who was apparently starting shit with the Mikaelson's which I was annoyed about because she knows tonight is important for Harmony. It's Harmony's first time stepping onto the stage since she was ill. She was suppose to be in the play last year but she fell ill because of her tumor so she had to pull out which she was devastated about as she told me she was ready to get over her stage fright and perform in front of a crowd plus last years play was Grease which was one of her favourite musicals.

So yeah this play is very important to her and I don't want anything to go wrong and I swear to god if Elena spoils this night, I will never forgive her. Well scratch that I will never speak to her again.

I reach the dressing room where Harmony is currently freaking out with Keira and Lizzie trying to calm her down. I knock on the door before pushing it open "mom" Harmony stammers looking at me as she sits on the sofa, rocking back and forth.

"Oh come here baby girl" I say holding my arms out to her and she gets up and runs into my arms while I motion Lizzie to leave so me and Keira can talk to Harmony alone. "Mom I can't do this" she says as I pull away "why not? What's wrong?" I ask as I gently lead her over to the dresser and sit her down so I can do her hair since it's a bit of a mess. Keira sits next to the dresser, leaning on her arm and balancing her chin in the palm of her hand.

"What if I mess up? What if I forget the lyrics to the songs and make a complete fool of myself?" she asks shaking her head so I move round to kneel in front of her. "Sweetheart you spent all of this Summer practicing the songs, you'd sing the songs in the shower. You know the songs like the back of your hand, you can do this" I assure her wiping away a tear as it trickles down her cheek, smudging her green make up so I grab a wipe and the green makeup to try and fix the smudge. 

"I'm just scared something's going to go wrong. I don't want to mess up especially in front of him" she says referring to her father who is sitting in the audience. "Is this why you're freaking out so much? Because your father's in the audience?" I ask "well yes and no. I don't want to mess up because I've been waiting for this moment for so long and I also want to make him proud even though he doesn't know I'm his daughter" she explains making me sigh as I pull her into a hug, trying not to smudge her makeup.

"I'm sorry" I apologize making her pull away "what are you sorry for?" she asks "if I wasn't such a coward and had just told him about you and your siblings maybe things would be different. It's my fault he doesn't know and why you don't have a father in your life" I respond making her shake her head. "Mom don't be daft, it's not your fault" Keira comments looking at me.

"She's right it's not your fault mom, he broke your heart and you didn't know what to do. You wanted to tell him and I know you made an attempt to tell him so many times over the years. I saw you often dial his number but only to delete it at the last minute before you could press ring. You were scared and I know you wanted me and my siblings to be safe which you weren't sure would happen if they knew because of everything Hope went through" she explains taking me by surprise and I start tearing up. The triplets know about everything the Mikaelson's went through in New Orleans with Hope, how her mother Hayley was attacked when it was found out she was carrying Klaus's child, how Hope was nearly sacrificed by the witches and how Esther had tried to kill her and how their aunt Dahlia came to try and take Hope because she was a first born.

They also know about the downfall of the Mikaelsons when they were put down for three years and the most recent fiasco, the hollow where the Mikaelson's took a piece of the hollow inside them in order to save Hope and had to keep away from each other until Hope brought them together. The triplets also know about Hope's mother being killed by an enemy of the Mikaelson's, they just don't know how. They only know her mother's dead because I remember Caroline had bumped into Klaus as she found him making draining people and she helped him locate Hayley which she had some of our students do without telling them who they were tracking. Caroline had told me about it and the triplets overheard so that's how they know.

"We don't regret anything mom because you gave us the best childhood. You're the best mom in the world and I can't help but think if we had been brought up alongside them that maybe we would've endured what Hope did and the thought that you could possibly be taken from us, kills me because you're my best friend mom and I wouldn't know what to do without you nor would Ethan and Keira as you're our rock, you're our everything" Harmony says making a tear stream down my face. "She's right mom, you're the coolest mom in the world" Keira adds standing up and kneeling beside me and hugging my side. "Girls you're making me cry and the play hasn't even started" I say making them giggle as I stand up, grabbing a tissue to wipe my face.

"We want you to know how much we love and appreciate you" Keira says standing up as does Harmony and they both give me a hug making my heart swell with love. "What is this? A group hug without mwah?" Ethan says as he appears in the doorway in his costume with his hands on his hips, standing in a superhero pose making us laugh.

"Come here you dork, we're telling mom just how much we love and appreciate her" Keira says making Ethan smile "well obviously, she's the most badass mom ever" he says making me laugh as we shuffle towards him and Keira yanks him into the hug. "She's the only one who can put up with us. Anyone else would've probably kicked us out by now" Ethan teases "oh don't say that, you're all great kids" I respond as I break the group hug.

"You have to say that you're our mom and we know we're not easy to put up with" Keira responds causing me to give them a look. "I mean it can't be easy raising hybrid triplets on your own" Ethan adds making me sigh "I was never alone, I had help from friends" I respond "we know but you were still a single parent, you raised us, nurtured, loved and protected us while juggling with Aunt Elena and the others crap" Keira responds making me give her a look for swearing making her smile nervously. "You're a super mom" Harmony says with a giggle making me smile before Dorian appears in the doorway and knocks on the door. "Hey we're on in 10" he says making my eyes widen "shit I need to do your hair" I say in panic as I sit Harmony down and begin doing her hair "language mom" Keira scolds playfully making me stick my tongue out at her making her giggle.

"Ethan and Keira Claire please make your way to the stage" a voice says over the megaphone "well that's our que, see you on stage sis" Keira says giving Harmony a kiss on the cheek before leaving and Ethan gives me and Harmony a quick hug before following her.

"Okay your hairs done and your makeup is fixed, I'll be in the audience and remember sweetheart, if you're feeling nervous just look to the side and you'll see me" I remind her as she stands up and I give her a hug. "Okay, I can do this" she says making me smile "that's my girl" I respond giving her one last hug before walking out the dressing room and exiting backstage.

End of chapter

Davina had an emotional talk with Keira and Harmony. Do you like how close Davina and the triplets are? The play will start in the next chapter and it will be split into two or three chapters. What will happen next?

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