Chapter 24

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Continues from previous chapter....

"Which one are you going to choose brother?" Nik asks placing a hand on my shoulder as he stands beside me. "This one" I say pointing to the door on my right, Freya flicks her wrist making the door fly open and we're all sucked into the room.

We find ourselves in the kitchen at the Salvatore's house. Ethan and Keira are sat in high chairs as Davina walks over with Harmony and puts her in the empty high chair next to Keira. "Okay babies who's hungry?" she asks and the triplets start babbling making her giggle as she turns away and turns the stereo on making music start playing. Harmony squeals as she places a hand to her mouth "bababa" Keira babbles as the two look at each other and smile before bobbing their heads and dancing in their high chairs giggling to themselves as Davina laughs. "Oh god bless them, they're so cute" Rebekah gushes next to me.

(Keira and Harmony)

"You two are so cute and funny" Davina says and Ethan lets out a shriek "you too baby" she says giving him a kiss on the forehead making his face light up before he starts bobbing his head to the music as Damon enters "hello three little amigo's" ...

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"You two are so cute and funny" Davina says and Ethan lets out a shriek "you too baby" she says giving him a kiss on the forehead making his face light up before he starts bobbing his head to the music as Damon enters "hello three little amigo's" he says making the triplets shriek and squeal at him. Davina laughs as they keep babbling and squealing "they're very chatty today" she says as she sets bowls down in front of them "hmm" Keira coos before sticking her hand in the bowl and flicking the contents at Damon making food splatter on his face and she claps her hands looking rather proud of herself as Ethan and Harmony laugh on either side of her while Davina covers her mouth as she tries not to laugh.  "Keira's a mini you Kol" Rebekah comments "yes, she's messy and likes making others look like an idiot" Nik retorts as I smirk in pride.

"Keira we don't throw food at people" Davina says as she hands Damon a wipe. Keira smiles sweetly as she chews her hand. Davina walks over to her and gently takes her hands in hers and wipes them clean. "Don't waste the food baby girl, it's banana your favourite" Davina says as she pulls out a spoon and scoops some of the blended food on it before handing the spoon to Keira. "Careful she might splatter you" Damon warns "no she won't, I'm the mama unlike you who is the idiot" Davina responds as she moves away as the triplets start eating before we're pulled out of the memory.

We're once again back in the hallway "the triplets seem like they were little rascals as babies" Nik comments "well Kol is their father, now we have just about enough energy to see one or two more memories" Hope says making me nod. "Choose wisely brother" Elijah says as I walk past a few doors, deciding to skip a few to try and pick a memory of the triplets when they were a bit older.

I walk up to a white door which has a blue door frame which is different to the other doors we went through. Freya once again snaps her fingers making the door open and we're all pulled through the door. We find ourselves in the house Davina lives in today and we head to the living room where we hear noise.

A four year old Ethan and Keira are present in the room, Ethan is playing with toy cars on the floor making car noises as he moves the cars around while Keira is sat on a bean bag chair wearing big goofy glasses and reading a comic book. Davina enters "hello babies I'm home" she says making the two stop what they're doing "mommy!" they exclaim as they run to her as she gets on her knees and hugs them. "Hi babies were you good for Uncle Stefan and Auntie Caroline?" she asks "yes mommy" Ethan answers "good now where's your sister?" Davina asks looking around for Harmony who is nowhere to be seen. "She was sleeping" Keira answers "okay well is she sleeping now?" she asks "I don't think so mommy" Ethan replies shaking his head "okay well where are your Uncle Stefan and Auntie Caroline?" Davina asks "Lizzie and Josie were being naughty so Auntie Caroline took them upstairs for a time out" Keira explains "okay and your Uncle Stefan?" she asks "I'm here" Stefan says as he appears holding Harmony in his arms who is wearing pink sunglasses and a blue dress. "Mommy!" Harmony squeals excitedly as Stefan sets her down on the floor.

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