Chapter 44

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New York....Statue of liberty

No one's pov

A man was at the top of the statue of liberty looking over New York, he wore a long sleeved jacket with a hood that was pulled over his head and black pants, he was tightly gripping the bar that went all around the balcony of the statue.

Suddenly the sky lit up as lightning shot out from the sky with a loud bang before another man appeared behind the one who was already there. "At last I find you brother, you've been gone you left your post" the man spoke "I left my post for a reason and you know why, I must find this prophecy Zeus" the man replied turning around to face the man now revealed to be Zeus. Yes that Zeus, the Greek God, the God of the sky and the father of all gods.

"Then we'll find it together Poseidon" Zeus said revealing the man to be Poseidon, the god of the sea "I'm so close Zeus and I have to find it as it concerns my grandchildren" Poseidon replied "I know how important it is you find it, your son looks for it also and it will be found brother now please return to your post" Zeus said making Poseidon scoff "not yet, I have things to do and if you know how important this is then you will stop trying to intervene" he replied before there was another flash and another man appeared.

"Howdy brothers" the man said making Zeus and Poseidon groan "oh no not you" Poseidon said making the man mock offense as he held a hand to his chest "aw brother, I was just gracing you with my presence" he said "go away Hades, nobody likes you" Zeus retorted revealing the identity of the man to be Hades, the god of the underworld.

"Actually I think you'll find I'm very well liked thank you very much" Hades rebutted as he came to stand next to Poseidon "why are you here? You should be in the underworld" Zeus pondered "I pissed off the wife so now I'm here and we're all here just like old times you know when we worked together side by side especially that time we killed our father" Hade rambled "that was a long time ago Hades" Zeus reminded "well those times might become of us again, I feel something in the air. Something's coming" Hade stated making his brothers turn to him.

"What do you know?" Poseidon asked "this prophecy you've been searching for, I've heard whispers that it doesn't only involve your grandchildren but also your children and..." Hade trailed off halfway "and what spit it out. If you know something then I want to know, I want to know my children and grandchildren will be safe!" Poseidon snapped "our father, I believe he will rise again but it will not be us who overthrows him this time"  Hade said before vanishing making them sigh "I hate when he does that" Zeus complained shaking his head.

"Zeus if what he says is true.." Poseidon started "don't take anything he said seriously, it's Hades we know he's one for spreading false gossip" Zeus replied "what if he's not? I can feel a slight change in the air too brother and it doesn't feel good" Poseidon said making Zeus go silent as he looked out to the city "we need to find that prophecy and your children will need to be prepared for whatever is to come their way which I don't doubt they will have a problem, your son and daughter are splendid warriors and your grandchildren well they are fighters themselves, it's in their blood. Do not fret brother, we'll get to the bottom of this" Zeus assured his brother patting him on the back 

Meanwhile....In Mystic Falls

Davina's pov

I arrive at my office and open the door frowning as I find my chair turned round facing the window but I sigh as it suddenly turns around revealing the man sat in my chair "what a pleasant surprise to see you here" I say with my hands on my hips  "what? Can I not come and visit my favourite niece?" he asks getting up from my chair "I'm your only niece Uncle H" I say and he chuckles.

"Well are you gonna just stand there or are you gonna give me a hug?" he asks holding his arms out which I walk into "there we go" he says wrapping his arms around me and hugging me. I soon pull back and walk over to the door to shut it so nobody can just walk in or hear us talk.

"So what are you doing here? Is it about my father? Has he emerged?" I ask "he has been located and he's very intent on finding this unknown prophecy which I'm sure Percy has informed you of" he says "yeah he has, is my father okay?" I ask "yes he's worried and paranoid about this prophecy, he wants to find it to expel any danger that may come your and your children's way" he explains making me sigh as I walk round my desk and sit in my chair.

Hades plonks himself down in the chair in front of my desk and pulls out a slinky from his pocket and starts playing with it "seriously?" I ask with a raised eyebrow "what? It's like a yoyo, it goes down it comes up" he says doing a demonstration making me roll my eyes just as the door flies open.

"H!" Keira squeals upon see Hades "ah there's the spitfire!" Hade exclaims as Keira walks over to where he's sitting and she leans down giving him a hug "what are you doing here?" she asks pulling back "visiting your mother" he replies pointing to me "so what's the problem?" Keira asks "what makes you think there's a problem?" he asks "because whenever you show up or grandpa does there's always some sort of problem that you guys require her or my Uncle Percy to help with because none of you can seem to fix or deal with your problems on your own and as you can see I'm a lot bigger and I'm also stronger now so if you want to take my mom to clear up some mess of yours or your dickhead of a brothers I will fight you on it. I'm not afraid of you" Keira says holding her fists up and winding them up as if she's a boxer.

Hade just throws his head back and laughs "this is why she's my favourite, she's full of fire and reminds me a lot of myself" he says making Keira scrunch up her nose "I don't see it, you're old and boring while I'm young, awesome and pretty" Keira retorts making me laugh while Hade pouts "aw well now I'm hurt. I thought you're suppose to show respect to your elders" he says making her snort "did you show respect to your elders when you were my age however long ago that was?" she asks sassily with her hands on her hips in a manner much like mine.

"Did I fuck" Hade replies making me glare at him while Keira just grins "he swore mom, he has to put a dollar in the swear jar" she says pointing at him "I'm not putting shit in anything" he retorts "you will if you keep talking like that in my office and don't think you can get away with it just because you're the God of the underworld" I say with a warning look.

"Anyway where are your siblings?" he asks looking at Keira "they're in class" she replies "which brings me to question of why aren't you in class?" I ask "I got bored so I walked out" she replies shrugging her shoulders. "Keira you can't just walk out when you're bored it's rude" I scold making her sigh "it's not the lesson itself it's the teacher, the teacher talks so slow like this" she says imitating how slowly the teacher talks "like seriously the old fart doesn't get to the damn point and I'm not the only one who has issues, everyone just winds up leaving or falling asleep it's that boring" she says making me sigh while Hade just chuckles. 

"I will look into it but please give the teacher a little more respect, I raised you better than that" I say making her sigh "I know but you know I struggle to concentrate and he doesn't help with his slow talking, I lose concentration" she says "I know baby, now if you're not going to go back to class you might as well run a few errands for me" I say making her perk up.

"I can do that, I love doing errands for you mom" she says making me sigh as I get up from my chair and walk over to the silver cabinet and pull open a draw. I pull out a file and close the draw before returning to my desk.

"The town council is holding a talent show and they're wanting to use our auditorium which I've given them permission for. The talent show is being held in a fortnight and they will be holding auditions next week so I want you to make some posters and put them up around the school, this file contains the information you need to know for the posters" I explain handing her the file.

"Ohh a talent show, sweet. I'll get right on it mom" she says before rushing out the office shutting the door behind her leaving me with Hades making me sigh "now where were we?" I ask with my arms folded as I turn my attention back to my uncle.

End of chapter

What did you think? The Gods have made an appearance, Davina's father has been located. Hades showed up in Mystic Falls to see Davina. There's a talent show coming soon. What will happen?

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