Chapter 49

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Kol's pov

I soon manage to catch up with Keira and find her at the school in the sports hall with a bunch of basketballs around her, she has one in her hand and lobs it at the wall making it bounce right off and she catches it and throws it back against the wall.

"Keira" I call out "buzz off" she says without looking at me "no, I want to talk" I respond as I follow after her "well I don't want to talk so piss off!" she snaps as she picks up a ball and throws it at the wall "Keira please" I plead as I stand in the hall and she turns to me "I said go away!" she yells with her fists clenched by her sides as she glares at me.

"I think I've left you alone long enough, please I just want us to talk things out" I say "you want to talk things out huh? You want to talk about how you were never there, how you chose your siblings and Hope over my mom and me and my siblings, you left us!" she yells "I didn't know you three existed" I defend "I know that but you broke my mom's heart. You left her shattered and didn't even look back, you were never there!" she snaps and I see tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"Keir..." I start but she cuts me off "go away, I don't want to talk to you" she says before turning away and grabbing a ball only to launch it at the hall with a scream, clearly letting out her anger "I'm not going anywhere Keira" I say as I walk over to her "don't come near me, go away I don't want to talk to you let alone see you!" she yells turning back to me and throwing a ball at me which I catch.

I drop the ball "I know you may not want to see or talk to me but I want to see and talk to you. I know I....." I trail off as all the lights in the hall begin to flicker rapidly before she suddenly flicks her wrist making the back emergency door swing open using her magic and she storms out the door.

"Keira" I call after her as I follow after her as she storms across the field "what part of leave me alone do you not understand?! I told you to go away so go away!" she yells as she spins round on her feet to face me "I'm trying to reach out to you, I know you're upset at me. I'm upset at me too, I messed up really bad okay? I made a mistake and I'm having to live with it. If I could change things I would in a heartbeat, I'd do anything to take back leaving your mother" I say as I walk towards her but she just takes a step back.

"I heard all about how your relationship with your siblings was like, you were left out and the black sheep, you never felt like you belonged and they never appreciated you, they only wanted you when they needed something and you left a woman who loved you and appreciated you! She saw something in you that nobody else did! She gave you a chance and you fucking blew it all for the sake of Always and forever and Hayley and Hope!" she yells her words cut like knives and I feel my heart sink as tears spring to my eyes.

"You gave up your own happiness for the siblings who most of the time couldn't give a rats ass about you and to protect Hayley and precious Hope. Everything revolved around your siblings and Hope for you. There was never going to be any room for me or my siblings!" she sobs as tears begin to stream down her face "that isn't true! I would've been here" I try to assure her but she's not buying it.

"Liar! I know how things go with your family, where one goes you all follow" she says with a sniffle as she turns and runs off into the woods but I vamp speed after her, appearing in front of her making her stop and scowl. "That may have been the case in the past but it's not anymore. You and your siblings are my family" I say but she just rolls her eyes and turns away, putting her back to me.

"Keira I can go on apologizing for not being here but it will never change what happened. I'm here now however and I don't plan on going anywhere" I say and she sniffles before turning to me with rage and hurt in her eyes and she storms over to me and starts punching and hitting at my chest but I just let her "I don't believe you! From what it seems it wasn't hard for you to leave my mom, you were weak and cowardly and you didn't fight for her because if you had you would've been here for us, you would've watched us grow up, you would've been there to tuck us in bed at night and read us bedtime stories, you would've been there to hold us with mom when we got scared, you would've been with us on Christmas day watching us opening presents but you were never there. You were busy in New Orleans helping your siblings keep Hope safe, you were busy being there for her and caring for her and not us!" she snaps finally stopping with her assault as her bottom lip quivers as tears flow down her cheeks which are slightly red.

"Do you know how hard it is watching other kids get to be happy and loved by both their parents? Do you know how hard it is when you hear other kids go about all the fun stuff they get up too with their fathers? I loved dancing as a child and I would take park in dance competitions and everytime I'd look in the crowd and see the fathers of other girls sat cheering their daughters on. I was the only girl whose father was never in the crowd" she sobs making silent tears start to stream down my face.

"Every Christmas as a child I would ask Santa for the same thing every year and that was to have my dad come home. I just wanted you, I didn't want anything else. I just wanted to have a dad who loves me, a dad who protects me and my siblings and cherishes my mom" she sobs making my heart shatter and a sob gets caught in my throat.

"You're right. I was weak and cowardly, I didn't fight hard enough to stay with your mother. I hurt her, I broke her and I hate myself for it, I gave up the best thing that ever happened to me and in return I lost out on everything with you and your siblings. I screwed up, just like I screw everything else up in my life. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Keira" I sniffle as I pull her into my arms and this time she lets me and sinks down to the ground "I'm going to make up for it Keira. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but I really would like it. I want to know my daughter, I want to fix things" I tell her "please don't leave me daddy" she cries sobbing into my chest "I'm not going anywhere princess" I assure her as I run a hand through her hair as I just hold her and let her cry as we sit on the ground.





A few hours later...

I arrive at Davina's house with Keira in my arms, fast asleep after we spent hours in the woods just crying and talking. She really needed to vent out her feelings and she did even though it hurt to hear her say some of the things she did but I needed to hear them. I needed to know the impact I caused by leaving Davina and continuing with my families toxic ways.

I never should have caved to my brothers threats and demands, I should've put my foot down and fought harder for Davina but I didn't, I failed her.

I walk up to the front door and knock before stepping back as I wait for someone to answer. I hear someone approach and the door opens revealing Shawn who frowns and furrows his eyebrows at first "Davina" he calls out over his shoulder.

I hear a whoosh before Davina appears behind him and she instantly relaxes as she sees Keira in my arms. Shawn walks away as Davina invites me in "is she alright?" she asks "yes, we did a lot of venting" I respond making her nod "just take her upstairs to her room" she says "which one is hers?" I ask "second door on the left" she replies and I nod before heading up the stairs.

I reach her room and quietly kick the door open and walk in. I walk over to the bed and pull back the covers before laying her down. I pull the covers over her and tuck her in before placing a kiss on the side of her head.

I stand up and turn to leave when I feel her grab my hand "don't go" she says making me look back at her "I won't be far" I tell her "can't you stay?" she asks "I don't know, depends on what your mother says" I respond making her nod "mom!" she yells "yes Keira" Davina replies as she appears in the doorway "is dad okay to stay here for the night?" she asks "of course" Davina replies making Keira smile as she turns to me "see it's okay" she replies making me smile.

"I'll go prepare the couch" Davina says making me nod before walking away and I just watch her before turning my attention to Keira. I grab the chair from the desk and pull it up beside her bed and sit down "so what do you wanna do?" I ask "I don't know, we could watch tv?" she suggests making me nod "alright" I respond and she sits up, grabbing her tv remote and she turns on the tv and flicks through it before stopping on a channel that is showing something we can watch together.

End of chapter

What did you think? Keira finally let her feelings out and had a very emotional heart to heart with Kol. Keira's words really made Kol think twice about leaving Davina. He really regrets leaving now. What will happen next?

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