Chapter 26

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Kol's pov

I arrive back at the house and I'm instantly bombarded by my siblings throwing question after question at me. "How'd it go?" Rebekah asks "is Davina letting you see the triplets?" Nik asks "have you spoken to the triplets?" Freya asks "would you lot bloody shut up! I just walked through the god damn door" I respond making them shut up instantly.

"I take it things didn't go down too well" Elijah says "they went better than I expected. Davina was surprised yet at the same time she wasn't so surprised at me finding out" I respond "so what happened?" Freya asks "she asked me how I found out so I explained how you did that spell and Hope had suspicions" I explain "why'd you mention Hope?" Nik asks "because I wasn't going to lie to her and Hope was mostly why I found out" I respond "I don't want Hope being dragged into this" he retorts making me roll my eyes.

"Well she already is since she went through Harmony's personal belongings" I respond making Hope's eyes widen "wait what?" she asks "Harmony saw you take the hair strands from her brush and she knew you were acting weird so she told her mom" I explain "she never said anything" she said "because she wanted to see what you would do" I respond "is she mad?" she asks making me shrug,

"I don't know, I haven't spoken to her or the other two" I respond "why not?" Freya asks "because Davina's going to talk with them first" I respond "why does she need to do that? They're your kids and you have the right to talk to them when you want" Nik retorts making me roll my eyes. "Keira has a short fuse and Davina just needs to talk to them first before I go and see them and start being involved with them" I respond before heading upstairs.



Later that day...

Davina's pov

I've just arrived home and I have the triplets coming over so I can talk to them about their father knowing the truth and wanting to be involved with their lives. I'm nervous about how they'll react because they've been fine with him being so near and not knowing they were his kids but I'm not gonna keep it from them as it would be wrong.

Shawn has Gabriel and is at Damon and Elena's house while I talk to the triplets alone.

I hear the front door open "mom" Ethan calls out "I'm here sweetheart" I respond as I walk out from the kitchen with a glass of red wine in hand. "What do you need to talk to us about mom?" Keira asks making me sigh "come sit down first and I'll tell you" I say making them nod and we all head into the living room and sit down.

"Your father paid a visit to my office earlier today" I say making them instantly sit up straight in alarm "what did he want?" Ethan asks "he knows" I respond making them frown "he knows what? He knows about us?" Keira questions making me nod. "Yes, he knows you're his kids" I respond "how?" she asks "Hope" Harmony answers making them look at her.

"What?" Keira asks "Hope stopped by outside my dorm, she was trying to get inside. I let her in after I entered and I saw her take some of my hair from my brush and she left. I presume she did some spell to figure out whether we were his kids" Harmony explains and the lights instantly start flickering on and off.

"She did what?!" Keira snaps "Keira baby calm down" I say getting in front of her and grabbing her knees making the light flickering cease. "Hope invaded her privacy and you need permission to do a dna test" she rants "I know sweetie but please calm down okay? The fact is your father knows you're his kids" I say making her scoff.

"And what does he want?" she asks "he wants to know you, he wants to be in your life so I told him I'd speak to you first" I respond "no, I don't want anything to do with him, he only cares now that he knows" Keira responds folding her arms across her chest. "Sweetheart I know you're upset he was never there for you, that was my fault for not being brave enough to tell him" I say "don't do that mom, it's not your fault. He left because he didn't care about you, he left to go help the others protect precious Hope" Keira sneers when she says Hope's name.

"Look just because he doesn't love me, doesn't mean he won't love you. I'm not going to force you into a relationship with him as it's not my call. You three have the choice of whether or not you want to be involved with him, at the end of the day I just want you to be happy, I want you to have what I didn't growing up. I want you to have a mom and a dad who care" I respond they all sigh.

"How do we know he won't just leave us mom?" Ethan asks "you don't, look I made him swear he would put you three first and that he won't abandon you, whether he keeps to his word I don't know but I don't want you to miss the chance of getting to know your father" I respond "I have to think about it, I don't know if I can trust him" Keira responds "okay then trust me" I respond as I cup her cheek making her nod.

"I need time" she says making me nod "that's fine, take all the time you need. The same goes for you two also" I say looking at Ethan and Harmony who nod. "I need to punch something" Keira says standing up and heading downstairs to the basement where I have a bit of a gym which has a boxing ring and a punching bag.

"Are you sure you're okay with this mom? I mean he broke your heart, I don't like him for that and I don't know if I can trust him" Ethan asks "yes 'm okay with it. I always wanted you three to know your father and while he and I parted on not so good terms, I can get passed it for your sake. I know you may have trouble trusting him and that's okay because so do I but this is about you three and I don't think he will do anything to hurt you" I respond "you're so brave and selfless mom" Harmony comments making me smile.

"Thank you sweetheart now go check on your sister, I'm ordering pizza" I respond "yes" Ethan says fist pumping the air making me shake my head. "Go check on your sister" I say gesturing to the direction of the basement. Ethan and Harmony get up and head down to the basement. I take a big sip of my wine as I sit down on the couch and pull out my phone to order pizza.

End of chapter

What did you think? Klaus didn't like Kol bringing in Hope even though she involved herself. Davina has spoken to the triplets but they're unsure of what to think. Keira needs time and Ethan is cautious. What will happen next?

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