Chapter 40

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Here's some more memories of the triplets past for you to enjoy.

Continues from previous chapter...

Elijah walked up to a red door and opened it and they were all sucked into the room. "Bloody hell I hate that part" Kol complained every time they were sucked into a room it would make his ears pop.

They looked around and found themselves in the living room of the Salvatore's old boarding house which was now presently used as a student lounge. Their eyes went straight to a little one year old girl who they instantly knew was Keira who was happily sat on the floor playing with the toys around her while Damon was sat on the couch watching her.

Bonnie suddenly walked in "okay Ethan and Harmony are asleep" she said "good now we just have to get this one to take a nap" Damon replied looking at Keira who was too busy playing to notice what was going on around her. "It'll be fine. Davina's on her way home so she won't be long" Bonnie said making Damon nod as his phone rang so he answered it.

"Hello?" he said before a scowl took up on his face "I don't care, just deal with the asshole Stefan" he said "ass...hole" Keira suddenly spoke making Damon's eyes widen and drop his phone while Bonnie's mouth dropped open. The Mikaelson's went wide eyed but also couldn't stop themselves from snickering.

"That was her first word" Bonnie stated making the Mikaelson's go wide eyed that Keira's first word was asshole. "Oh Davina's gonna kill you" Bonnie teased with a smirk as she walked out the room while Damon scrambled to his knees in front of Keira after hanging up the phone.

"No Keira don't say that. That's a bad word" Damon said shaking his head "say mama" he said but Keira said nothing. "Say mama" he repeated "ass...hole" Keira replied making Damon shake his head while the Mikaelson's chuckled.

"Okay let's try again. Say it with me mama" Damon said hoping she'd say it and not repeat the word she heard him say otherwise he was in deep shit. "Copy what I say. Ma..." Damon said trailing off "ma" Keira said making him nod "ma. Mama" Damon said "asshole, asshole" Keira chanted bouncing on her feet making Kol, Rebekah, Klaus and Hope burst out laughing.

"What the hell?!" Davina said from the doorway making the Mikaelson's look her way as did Damon in the memory. Davina looked furious with her hands on her hips and her eyes blazing with fury "mama!" Keira exclaimed throwing her arms up in the air as she turned around to face her.

"Oh yeah sure now you say it" Damon said sarcastically while Kol, Rebekah and Klaus couldn't stop themselves from laughing and smirking as Keira just smiled innocently at Davina. "Oh my baby" Davina cooed as she walked forward and scooped Keira up in her arms "that was your first word and it was a bad word. My poor baby, who taught you that?" Davina asked and the Mikaelson's snorted and laughed as Keira simply pointed at Damon.

Damon looked betrayed "snitch" he said and Keira just stuck her tongue out at him while Davina was glaring daggers at him. "You're so dead" she said through gritted teeth "okay but before you kill me, can I decide how I die?" Damon asked as he slowly started backing away as Davina started moving towards him.

"Run" Davina stated and Damon fled the room "ass...hole" Keira said making the Mikaelson's snicker while Davina bounced her in her arms. "Yes he is one of those baby but we don't say it okay because it's a naughty word" Davina cooed kissing her forehead before handing her off to Bonnie who entered the room and Davina ran after Damon.

The Mikaelson's were pulled out of the room and back into the hallway. "I can't believe Keira's first word was asshole" Rebekah said "I can, she's Kol's daughter" Klaus retorted as Freya walked up to a random door and opened it causing them to be pulled inside.

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