Chapter 36

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No one's pov

Ethan was chilling outside on the school yard with his girlfriend Skylar and best friend Harlow when Hope made her way over "hey guys" she said shyly "sup" Ethan replied with a small nod of his head as Harlow and Skylar walked away. 

"So I heard you and Keira are coming over to mine after school" Hope said making Ethan look up at her as he stood up "yeah we are but not because we want too. Your Uncle Elijah and Aunt Freya are making a fuss over the hex we put on your dad" Ethan replied "you know they're your Aunt and Uncle too" Hope pointed out and Ethan just scoffed and shrugged his shoulders.

"They maybe my Aunt and Uncle by blood but they haven't earned the title. Yes they didn't know about me and my sisters but those two are enablers for your dad's controlling passive aggressive behaviour even if they don't want to admit it" Ethan retorted making Hope look down.

"I'm really sorry about what my dad did. He just cares about family and he wants my Uncle Kol to have a relationship with you and your sisters" Hope said and Ethan just sighed. "It's not your fault that your dad is a twat and the only family your dad cares about is you and his siblings. He doesn't care about me or my sisters, he just wants to control us like he use to control his siblings by daggering them" Ethan replied making Hope's shoulders sag.

"He doesn't do that anymore" Hope defended "so? It still doesn't make it right what he did and I don't trust him. He threatened my mom Hope and that is something me and my sisters don't take lightly" Ethan replied shaking his head "I know it doesn't. I just hope you don't blame me for what he did. I want to know you and your sisters, you're my cousins after all" Hope replied making him sigh as he ran a hand through his hair and he reminded Hope so much of her Uncle Kol.

"Hope you are safe as you haven't done anything wrong. It's just your uncle aka my dad is a dick along with your dad who is a bigger dick than he is" Ethan replied and Hope wanted to defend her father and uncle but she knew he did hold some truth and both her father and uncle could be dicks from time to time, her father more so than her uncle.

"I know it may sound like I'm defending him but your dad isn't as bad as you think. I mean sometimes he can be a handful but he means well most of the time" Hope said and Ethan just let out a emotionless chuckle. "He clearly didn't mean well when he broke my mother's heart, leaving her like she was nothing" Ethan retorted "your dad didn't want to break up with her, he really loved her but my dad needed him" Hope replied before her eyes widened as she realized what she said and she didn't mean to make it seem like she was defending him. 

"Yeah well my mom needed him more but none of your family cared. All Mikaelson's care about is themselves" Ethan replied beginning to walk away but Hope followed after him. "That's not true, they care about a lot of things. My uncle cares about your mother, you and your sisters, the rest of my family care too" Hope said "they only care now because they know and they only care about those that share blood with them" Ethan retorted wanting this conversation to be over but Hope was very persistent.

"That's not true, they cared about my mom and she didn't share their blood" Hope replied and Ethan chuckled humorlessly "the only reason they cared about your mom is because she carried you, the miracle tribrid daughter of the original fucking hybrid, the monster of children's nightmares and because you were his legacy, his heir and his redemption was so fucking important compared to everything else so nothing else mattered! They also only cared about her because your Uncle Elijah loved her yet they didn't care about my mother!" Ethan snapped getting frustrated with her.

"Eth...." Hope began to say "that's enough talking for one day, please leave me alone" Ethan said as he cut her off before walking away. Hope sighed upset about how that went down, she knew had pressed too far.

"What did you do to my brother?!" Keira snapped as she walked over with Lizzie and Josie on either side of her "nothing, we were just talking" Hope replied "what did you say to him?!" Keira asked as she came to stand in front of her. "I was talking about our family" Hope replied making Keira scoff "what family? The Mikaelson's are your family, not mine" Keira retorted "yes they are, you're a Mikaelson" Hope replied "by blood yes but I don't consider them family" Keira replied "we want to be in yours and your siblings lives, we want to know you" Hope said but Keira just scoffed.

"I doubt it's sincere, I'm not falling into that trap. I know how things work in your family and I don't want any part in it" Keira replied Hope opened her mouth to respond but Lizzie held up her hand. "You really need to learn when to keep your mouth shut. Seriously do you not have a mute button?" Lizzie questioned with her hands on her hips and a scowl etched on her face.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be a pain in the ass but I just want you to know that your dad really wants to know you" Hope said and Keira huffed before storming away. Lizzie glared at Hope "stay away from my best friends and tell that to the rest of your cockroach of a family" she said before following after Keira leaving Josie.

Hope sighed "I'm sorry about my sister and Keira. Keira's kind of sensitive about growing up without a father and my sister just doesn't like your family because our beloved Aunt D ended up with a broken heart" Josie said "I know, I would probably be acting the same way if my dad left my mom like it was nothing" Hope replied "the difference in that scenario though is your mom and dad weren't a couple, they didn't love each other they just hooked up once but for my Aunt Davina and your Uncle Kol they were in a relationship, a very loving one from what my mom tells me and he just left her like it was so easy for him. He even gave her a promise ring Hope and he broke all those promises he made to her" Josie replied shaking her head as she held her books to her chest.

"It wasn't just your Uncle Kol who up and left either. It was your Aunt Rebekah too, my Aunt Davina considered her as another best friend but just like your uncle, she up and left your mother behind too" Josie added "so as a result of a hook up between two people who hate banged each other, a perfectly good relationship was torn apart because I was conceived" Hope replied with a sad look in her eyes.

"It wasn't because of you Hope" Josie assured her but Hope shook her head "yes it is, my dad snapped his fingers and all his siblings came running to his aid because he needed him" Hope replied "your dad called for his siblings for their help but your uncle effectively made the decision to leave so it's not your fault" Josie replied "do you think the triplets will ever accept me?" Hope asked "well Harmony already sort of has accepted you and Ethan has somewhat accepted you but he's still wary of you and it may take some time for Keira as she's just hurt that she didn't have her dad around, she's had many male figures in her life that she looks up too but none of them are ever her father" Josie replied before walking away as the bell rang.

Hope stands alone for a moment before heading inside not wanting to be late for class.

End of chapter

Hope approached Ethan and spoke to him. Ethan had some interest things to say and doesn't hold his dad leaving his mom against her. Keira isn't Hope's biggest fan right now. Josie gave some truths and assurance to Hope that she's not to blame and that Keira is sensitive and Ethan is wary regarding their father. What will happen next?

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