Chapter 59

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Continues from previous chapter.....

Kol's pov

I arrive at the Mystic grill and head straight to the bar "one bourbon please mate" I say to the bartender "coming right up" he says turning away to make my drink.

"Here you go one bourbon" the bartender says sliding the drink to me and I hand him the money in return.

I grab my drink as he walks away to go serve another customer. I take a nice long sip and set it back down, knowing I'll need another seeing I've already drank most of it in one go.

"Another bourbon please" I call out to the bartender "coming right up" he says as he passes me to hand a drink to a customer sat along the bar. "Planning to drink the bar dry or something?" a voice suddenly speaks up from behind me and I sigh instantly recognizing the voice as I grab my 2nd glass of bourbon and turn round to face Bonnie who has a judgmental look on her face.

"No just having a drink or two to calm myself" I respond and she scoffs "yeah because alcohol will totally help you do that" she retorts sarcastically making me roll my eyes "what do you want Bonnie? I'm not in the mood for company right now" I say "well I just saw you here and I thought I'd take the chance to talk" she explains making me raise an eyebrow.

"You want to talk? About what?" I ask and she sighs as she moves to stand beside me "well it's come to my attention that you are now developing a relationship with your children meaning you're back in Davina's life so I just want to give a little pep talk, just as a concerned friend and aunt" she says making me mentally groan as the last thing I need is her telling me to back off and leave Davina and the triplets be.

"Let me guess? You want me to back off and leave Davina and our children be right?" I question and she raises an eyebrow at me "well let me tell you that's not happening Bennett so you might as well beat it" I add and she huffs and rolls her eyes.

"Actually I'm not going to tell you to back off. I just want to give you a warning and a little advice" she replies making me frown as I was sure she was going to tell me to leave Davina and the triplets alone. "Okay" I say "I care about Davina and those kids and I don't want to see them hurt. The triplets are good kids and they are very sensitive even though it might not seem like it, now from what I've heard they're becoming very fond of you and they've clearly accepted you so I'm warning you now that you better now let them down because if you do they will never forgive you and you won't get another chance with them so don't screw it up" she says in a stern tone.

"I'm not going to let them down" I say "don't be so sure, you are a Mikaelson after all and you like the rest of your family have a track record of hurting and letting down others especially those you claim to love" she replies "this isn't going to be another one of those times, everything is different. These are my kids, that's not something I'm gonna turn away from, I know how it feels to be abandoned and I'm not going to do that to my kids!" I somewhat snap trying to get my point across.

"You turned away from their mother, abandoned her, a woman you claimed you loved" she says making me sigh "don't" I say "don't what, I'm just telling the truth" she says "leaving her wasn't easy for me" I respond making her snort "sure it was" she replies sarcastically making me roll my eyes. "Alright you gave me your warning so can you like leave now? I want to have my drink in peace" I say picking up my glass of bourbon.

"I'm not quite done, now I want to talk about Davina" she says making me sigh "I want you to back off from Davina" she says making me raise an eyebrow "excuse me?" I ask "you may be on good terms with the triplets and be in Davina's good books right now because you're actually trying with the kids but I don't want you thinking that you can use this to get close to Davina again. You and her are in the past, you're done" she says pissing me off because what gives her the right to decide that.

"That isn't your choice to make, you can't control what becomes of me and Davina" I respond "she's one of my best friends Kol and I just want what's best for her and I don't want her to get hurt again. She's been through a lot before you came along and after you left, she's finally good again, she's stronger and I don't want to see her break again" she says "I hope you understand that, I'm not telling you to back off to be a bitch, I'm telling you because I'm concerned for the girl I consider a sister" she adds making me look away.

"You don't get to tell me what to do regarding Davina. Look I get it you don't trust me after I broke up with her and just left her all those years ago. I know all of you hate me and don't trust me because of it but I regret walking away from her all for my stupid ass brother!" I rant before downing my drink and asking the bartender for another.

"I've never trusted you, we all warned Davina that you were bad news and that she would end up hurt but we let it slide because Davina was so in love with you and she was happy, I wanted her to be happy so I let her be but I shouldn't have which is why I am ensuring it won't happen again" she says making me narrow my eyes at her.

"You can't make decisions for her and you can't force me to back off. You can gather the whole gang and get them to intimidate me into agreeing to leave Davina be but it won't work. I won't let you and those idoits you call friends come between me and Davina" I say as I slam my hand down on the bar before grabbing my drink that the bartender just set down.

"I love her, I have always loved her and I am going to win her back because I am half a heart without her, you cannot stop me from loving her or wanting her back Bennett" I say grabbing my drink and downing it before slamming the glass back down on the bar and I stand up, intending to leave.

"Davina's like a sister to me Kol, you hurt her once and I'm not going to let you do it again" she says before walking away while I head for the door "everyone wants to piss me off today apparently" I mumble as I exit the bar, heading to the little store nearby to get a bottle of bourbon.

End of chapter

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