Chapter 34

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Later that night....

Davina's pov

Me, Caroline and Dorian arrive back from tracking down the teen who went missing after being in a car crash which killed two other teenagers. We found the teen who is a boy and he was a newly triggered werewolf as expected, it took some convincing to get him to trust us and come with us as he was really shook up about what happened and thought he would hurt us.

I managed to get through to him and assured him we'd help him and keep him safe. His name is Devon and he's 17 years old so he'll be in the year above my children and for the time being he will be staying with Damon and Elena who sometimes temporarily take in supernatural kids who don't have parental figures in their life whether because they've been orphaned or been kicked out and have nowhere to go. Devon told us he's in the foster system so I made some calls and was able to have him come with us.

"Are you sure I'm welcome here?" Devon asks as me and him walk up the doorsteps of Damon and Elena's house "of course, Devon these people are my friends and they were more than welcome to take you in. You'll be okay" I assure him just as the door opens and Damon stands there.

"Sup hot mama" he says glancing at me making me roll my eyes as he always calls me hot mama, always has done ever since I was first pregnant "shut up asshat. This is Devon" I say gesturing to Devon who gives him a shy wave. "Hi nice to meet you, I'm Damon Salvatore your temporary foster person until my friend here has enrolled you into the school and sorted out a dorm room for you" Damon says holding his hand out which Devon hesitantly shakes.

"Damon is that Davina?" Elena asks before she appears "babe this is Devon" Damon introduces "hi nice to meet you Devon, I'm Elena Salvatore this one's wife" Elena replies pointing to Damon as she shakes Devon's hand.

"Are you two like me?" Devon asks "we're not werewolves no" Elena answers "we're vampires" Damon replies flashing his fangs making me and Elena roll our eyes. "Devon everyone at the school is special like you. We have witches, vampires and werewolves, I also have children who go to the school" I explain "are they werewolves?" he asks making me shake my head.

"No dear my children are witches" I respond not mentioning the fact my children are technically vampire-witch hybrids although they haven't died and become vampires yet and they are grandchildren of Poseidon making them his legacies but nobody knows that information except for myself obviously, my children, my brother, Annabeth and my friends so pretty much the whole Mystic falls crew well except for Matt and Jeremy they don't really know about it.

"Come on in it's late and Miss Claire must be getting back home" Elena says making Devon look away from me "okay" Devon replies before heading into the house. "I shall see you tomorrow Devon" I say with a wave before turning on my heal and leaving.

Caroline and Dorian went straight home while I went to drop Devon off at Damon and Elena's house. Harmony didn't accompany us to track Devon, she wanted to stay and hang out with her sister which was fine, we luckily didn't need extra back up.


The next day....

Davina's pov

I wake up just before my alarm clock is due to go off so I get out of bed and head into my bathroom and jump in the shower to have a quick rinse and wash.

Once I'm finished I get out the shower and use my magic to dry myself so I don't need to wrap a towel around me or take 10 minutes to dry my body.

I head into my room and over to my closet, picking out my outfit for the day. I decide on a plain black cotton top, a beige skirt, black tights and black kitten high heels. Once I've picked out what I'm wearing I get dressed and proceed to do my hair which I decide to leave down and brush the right side of my hair behind my ear.

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