Chapter 75

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Continues from previous chapter....

Kol's pov

I was lounging around since there was nothing to do until I had to make dinner for the kids. I'm so bored here without my kids or Davina.

Suddenly the door goes making me frown as I get up and vamp speed to the door. I open it and groan seeing Elijah standing there "what do you want Elijah?" I ask preparing to shut the door in his face.

"I just stopped by to see you" he states making me nod "well you've seen me, now get lost" I say going to shut the door, but he stops me by holding a hand out to the door.

"Don't shut the door on me" he says making me roll my eyes "I swear if you're here to drag me back to that house, I will kick up a fuss" I warn making him sigh. "I'm not here to drag you anywhere. I just wanted to apologize for how things have been. I know apologies have been made but they've come up meaningless" he says making me snort.

"You're telling me. One minute Klaus is apologizing for ruining my happiness and the next he's barging into this house and slapping my daughter. He laid a hand on my child!" I somewhat snap gripping the door. "I'm sorry, that was out of line and he knows it. He feels terrible about it" he states making me scoff "really then why is he not here on his knees groveling with endless apologies?" I ask and he sighs.

"He's on time out until he can learn to behave himself" he states making me smirk "that I would like to see" I respond "I was also wondering how things are going with you besides the obvious? You're staying with Davina and spending time with your kids. Is it still going well with the triplets?" he questions me scoff.

"Things are great, my kids like me now and it feels good to be around not only them but also Davina" I respond and he nods. "I have a question for you" I say clearing my throat.

"What is it?" he asks "why have you not bothered with my kids? Rebekah has and she's establishing a relationship with them. So why haven't you? Thought you cared about family or is that only excluded to Klaus and Hope? Do you not care to know your nieces and nephew?" I ask making him sigh. "I do care about family and I do care about your children Kol" he states making me scoff "you have a funny way of showing it" I retort with my arms folded.

"I want to have a relationship with your children Kol but it hasn't been easy approaching them. They either flip me off and walk away or avoid me" he states making me sigh "that's just how they are with people they don't know. You're their uncle yet they barely know you other than you're the ass who trails after the dickhead who thinks it's okay to control people's lives" I retort making him sigh. 

"You need to make an effort with them, if you want to know them. You always made an effort with Klaus. Why don't you make the same effort with my kids and the rest of us?" I ask "I will try and start making an effort with them. My hope is that one day we can all be in the same room together without wanting to throttle one another" he says making me raise an eyebrow.

"Well that may take some time with the way things are going. Klaus needs to get his act together and Freya just needs to get that stick out of her arse" I retort and he frowns "Freya hasn't done anything" he states me snort "exactly. She's done nothing but back Klaus, she's done nothing to reach out to my children. All she seems to want to do is ask questions about their birth, their magic and how Dahlia never found them. She doesn't need to know that crap because Dahlia never finding my children is a good thing!" I somewhat snap and Elijah gestures for me to calm myself making me roll my eyes.

"She's just curious but I'll talk to her and get her to back down" he says making me nod "thank you" I respond "how are things with Davina? Rebekah mentioned you keep looking at her with starry eyes" he says with a teasing smile. 

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