Chapter 31

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The next day.....

Davina's pov

"Gabriel please eat your toast" I plead to Gabriel who is refusing to eat his breakfast, he's in a stubborn mood today and not doing anything he's told. "No!" he says shoving the plate of toast away from him making me sigh "you have to eat baby, breakfast is the most important meal of the day so please eat up, at least have a few bites" I plead while looking at my watching, I'm suppose to be at school in just under an hour and I haven't even showered yet and I'm still in my pyjamas as I've been to busy getting the kids up and fighting with Gabriel to get him dressed as he's being difficult this morning.

"Mom we'll handle this, go get ready" Keira said appearing in the doorway with Harmony, both of them dressed in their school uniform. Ethan shuffles up behind them, half dressed with his hair not even brushed so he still has a case of bed hair, his shirt is half unbuttoned, he's got one shoe on and he's holding the other shoe in his hand as well as lugging his blazer around in his hand.

"Ethan how are you not fully dressed yet? You got up the same time the girls did" I say with my arms folded "sorry mom" he apologises walking over to the table and grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl on the island counter beside me and taking a bite out of it. He gives me a kiss on the cheek as he passes me before he shuffles his way out while attempting to put on his other shoe.

"That boy is a disaster waiting to happen" Keira comments shaking her head "I'm surprised he even gets to school on time" Harmony says making me shake my head. "Have you girls had any breakfast yet?" I ask as I haven't seen them come in here "no but we're about too, now go get dressed mom we'll deal with Gabriel" Harmony replies before Keira practically shoves me out the kitchen and she laughs as I just give her a playful glare.

I head upstairs to my room, passing Ethan's on my way and I poke my head in as I spot him just sitting on the bed, still half dressed while talking on the phone "Ethan off the phone, finish getting ready or no girlfriend for the rest of the day" I say making him instantly hang up and scramble around his room trying to finish getting ready. "You're evil mom!" he yells making me laugh "no I'm just the boss of this house and you, now get ready and don't make me tell you again" I warn before walking away and heading to my room to go take a shower and get ready.


15 minutes later.....

I walk out my room after spraying on some perfume and head downstairs with my bag and a folder in hand. The folder contains a report of the incident that happened with Harmony and those bully girls from Mystic Falls high school, I'm planning to get a restraining order placed against them and have them put in juvy as punishment for what they did to my daughter. They bullied, stalked and assaulted my daughter and since they are minors they can't go to jail so juvy's the next best thing and it's the best revenge I can think of. Harmony doesn't want them hurt and I don't believe in hurting kids no matter how vile they may be as I'm a mother and a headmistress so I must set a good example and get justice for my daughter the right way and not the dirty way.

"Looking good mom" Keira comments as I walk in the kitchen and I smile at her comment "thank you sweetheart" I respond giving her a kiss on the cheek before setting my bag and folder down on the counter. I smooth my clothes down with my hands, so there's no wrinkles or creases on my clothes.

I'm wearing a beige blazer over a green off the shoulder top with black skinny jeans and beige sandal heels.

Davina's outfit

Davina's outfit

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