Chapter 35

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Keira's pov

I was walking out of History class with Harlow when my phone buzzed in my pocket "hold on I got a text" I say as I pull out my phone "who's it from?" Harlow asks with his arm slung around my shoulder. "My mom, she wants me and Ethan to go with her to my dad's house because apparently Freya and Elijah have called for a meeting" I explain as I type back a message to my mom.

"What do they want?" Lizzie asks coming up next to me "probably to beg me and Ethan to remove the hex off my uncle" I respond "I can't imagine him being too happy about being hexed" Lizzie replies making me shrug "well it's his own fault, he's the one who came over here and started shit. My brother and I don't take shit from anyone especially from my so called dad's side of the family" I respond "hey what's your sister doing with that boy over there?" Harlow asks looking down the hall and pointing to my sister who is walking down the hall and talking and smiling with some unfamiliar boy with dark hair.

"Oh that's the new kid that our mom's and Dorian recruited last night. He stayed at Aunt Elena's and Uncle Damon's house last night" Lizzie pipes up "what's his name?" I ask since Lizzie always knows everything about new kids.

"Devon, he's cute right?" Lizzie says "yeah he is" I respond "hey" Harlow interjects making me giggle and I give him a kiss on the cheek "don't worry babe, you're cute too" I respond making him smile that boyish smile of his that I love. 

"Keira! Lizzie!" Harmony suddenly shouts as she notices us and makes her way over with Devon following after her "Devon meet my sister Keira, my best friend Lizzie and my sister's boyfriend Harlow" Harmony explains as she introduces us. "Guys this is Devon Pevensie, he's going to be coming here" she says "hi it's nice to meet you Devon" I say holding my hand out for him to shake and I notice him hesitate before shaking my hand but it was very brief and quick.

"So are you older or younger than Harmony?" he asks "I'm older by 25 minutes" I say making him frown "ah so you're twins?" he asks gesturing between the two of us making us giggle and shake our heads. "No we're triplets" Harmony answers "oh so there's three of you? You have another sister?" he asks making me snort "haha I wish we had another sister but sadly our other sibling is our annoying stinky brother Ethan" I respond "aw look who's talking stinky feet" Ethan says as he walks out from god knows where.

"Piss off asshat" I retort making him smirk "nope, now who's this guy?" he asks pointing at Devon "this is Devon he's new" Harmony replies placing a hand on his arm "sup dude the names Ethan Claire. So what are you?" Ethan asks while moving Harmony aside so he's standing between them.

"I-I'm a werewolf" Devon answers nervously "you're also something else too aren't you? I can sense it" Ethan says "your mom said I'm something called a siphon" Devon replies making our eyes widen and Lizzie squeals. "I'm a siphon too!" she exclaims "so you're one of the siphons in the school Miss Claire mentioned about" he says "yep I sure am now come with me and I'll introduce you to my twin sister who is also a siphon. We also have a little cousin who is a siphon too but he's their little brother" Lizzie explains pointing to me and my siblings before she grabs Devon by the hand and drags him away.

Harmony looks a little miffed making me give her a sympathetic look as I can already tell that she already has a bit of a crush on Devon and she might be worried that Lizzie will call dibs on him like she does with most boys. I will just speak to Lizzie later and tell her to back off Devon if she tries to pursue him.


Kol's pov

Elijah walks in "so Davina will be coming over with Keira and Ethan to discuss removing the hex off Niklaus" he says "thank god, I can't wait to be rid of this hex" Klaus rants "wait did Keira and Ethan actually agree to remove the hex?" Rebekah asks "it's still up for discussion" Elijah replies making me smirk.

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