Chapter 18

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Continues from previous chapter...

Kol's pov

We arrive back at home after leaving the after party at Davina's which me and my siblings pretty much crashed because Klaus got too worried and paranoid about Hope. The car ride back was completely silent, Hope wouldn't even look or talk to Klaus, she was mad at him and she has every right too. She was having fun at the party, getting to know the people who go to the school and making friends, she was being a normal teenager for once and of course her father ruined it.

It probably didn't help that we were all there either, I know people aren't exactly welcoming to have us back in town after everything Klaus did when he was trying to break his curse and the trouble my family caused along with it.

"Hope please talk to me" Klaus pleads as we walk through the door "no, leave me alone dad!" Hope snaps storming towards the stairs but stops and freezes before turning around. "Why dad? I was having fun and being a normal teenager for once in my life and you came and ruined it, why?" she asks with tears in her eyes and Klaus looks away, looking guilty.

"I got worried" he says turning his head back to face "you are always worried, Miss Claire assured you I would be fine and no harm would come my way" Hope responds "I don't like letting you out of my sight!" Klaus snaps making her scoff.

"I can't deal with you right now, I can't I just can't" she sobbed before running up the stairs "Hope darling wait" Rebekah called up the stairs as she went to go after her but she suddenly stopped and snapped her head towards Klaus "I hope you're proud of yourself Nik!" she snaps before disappearing upstairs to comfort Hope.

"Well tonight was a complete disaster" I say as I plop down on the couch, kicking my feet up on the couch. "Feet off the couch" he scolds making me roll my eyes as I sit up, moving my feet off the couch.

"I really hope this doesn't affect Hope attending the school" Freya says "it shouldn't, it's not Hope's fault her father is paranoid and doesn't trust anyone but himself" Elijah replies "I'm concerned about her going there" Freya says making me, Elijah and Klaus frown.

"Why? It's a perfectly good school and she'll be safe there" Elijah replies "will she? I don't know if it's just me but I don't think Davina's kids like Hope, more particularly Keira. The way she said Hope's name she said it like it was venomous to her, like she disliked her for some reason" Freya responds making me clench my jaw.

"I don't think Keira is anyone to be concerned about, she seems harmless" I say but she snorts "harmless? She has a rude attitude" she retorts "only towards us, she probably heard the stories about what our family did when we were last here and what I did to her mother" I respond looking down as I say the last part. "I don't get why Keira would dislike Hope though? I mean Harmony seems to be okay with her, I can't be sure about Ethan" Freya rambles making me roll my eyes.

"Would you stop Freya? Davina's kids are not a threat to Hope" I say "and how do you know that? You don't know them" she retorts making me scowl. "I know their mother and if they're anything like her, they're good kids" I respond before heading upstairs.

I reach my room and shut the door behind me, I lie down on my bed just looking up at the ceiling. I look to my nightstand where there stands a picture of me and Davina dancing which was taken at the Ball where Esther plotted to kill me and my siblings by linking us through Elena's blood.

We had met the day before but she wouldn't give me the time of the day but on the night of the ball she came wearing this beautiful blue cinderella like dress and I just had to ask her to dance and she accepted. We ended up dancing and talking nearly all night, we even went outside to talk and this was before my fight with Damon which she stayed with me after he snapped my neck as she wanted to know if I was okay even though I'm a vampire.

That ball was when our romance started, well she did try to resist my charm and my advances at first because of Elena and what the others would think but she soon caved after realizing she shouldn't have to care and that I wasn't just messing with her, that I was actually interested in her. 

4 months, we dated for 4 months and they were the best 4 months of my life until I screwed it all up by breaking up with her. I never wanted to break up with her, I never wanted to leave her as I loved her too much, I still do but Klaus was nagging at me to cut any ties I had to Mystic Falls because they needed me in New Orleans to help them protect Hayley when it was found out she was carrying Klaus's child.

I wanted to bring Davina with me, I knew she would've but he said I couldn't have any distractions that my family needed me to be there in New Orleans and he said I'd be more included in the always and forever vow. I was a little tempted but not enough to break up with her so then Klaus threatened to kill Davina if I didn't and I didn't want him hurting her, I'd never forgive myself or him so I did to protect her and it was the hardest thing I ever had to do.

I had gone my whole life feeling alone and empty inside but after I broke up with Davina, I felt so much worse. I felt even more alone and empty than I ever had been and I hated it but I couldn't change it, the damage was already done and my family needed me.

I just wish I hadn't been such a coward and gave in to Klaus but he threatened the love of my life, he was going to kill her if I didn't break up with her and come to New Orleans to help them protect Hayley who I never really clicked with. Sure she was the mother of my niece and the woman Elijah loved but I just never really liked her, I thought she was a bit of a strumpet, I mean she slept with one of my brothers and got knocked up and then later slept with my other brother before going on to marry a man who she didn't love and she totally kept leading Elijah on. I felt sorry for Jackson because he was married to a woman who he was in love with but she didn't love him and was constantly ditching him and practically having eye sex with Elijah. 

I did try to get on with her for the sake of Hope and Elijah since he was in love with her but I just never found common ground with her and she always rolled her eyes at whatever I said because she thought I was never serious enough but that's just how I am. I try to make jokes to lighten the mood because my brothers act like they have a stick up their arse half the time and are always far too serious so if I don't try and take the piss in order to lighten the mood then who else will? 

My mind goes back to Davina as I look at the picture on my night stand. It sucks being in the same town as the love of my life yet I can't just take her in my arms and kiss her because she wouldn't appreciate it as I'm pretty sure she hates me for breaking her heart. Plus she has a boyfriend, that Shawn Parker who she has a child with and apparently lives with from what I've heard.

I do wonder who the father of her triplets are, I mean they don't look older or younger than Hope so Davina must've met someone not long after we broke up which resulted in her getting pregnant with the triplets. However for some reason, I couldn't help but feel a pull towards them I don't know why I felt that maybe it's just because they're Davina's kids.

End of chapter

Hope wasn't happy with her father. You finally got a glimpse at what's going through Kol's mind. He was thinking back to how his relationship with Davina started. He wasn't close with Hayley and had a negative opinion of her. Kol thinks Davina and Shawn are dating because they have a child and live together. What will happen next?

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