Chapter 78

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Hey everyone so this will be my last chapter for Christmas. I hope you like it and hope you all have a lovely Christmas xx

Continues from previous chapter

Davina's pov

I was typing out an email to a parent when the door is thrust open "mom, come quick!" Ethan exclaims looking distressed "sweetie, what's wrong?" I ask quickly sending the email before standing up and making my way over to him.

"It's Harmony, she collapsed" he explains making my eyes widen "oh goodness, where is she now?" I ask "being taken to the nurse's office" he replies as I follow him out of the office "did it happen out of the blue?" I ask "sort of, she just suddenly stopped and passed out. She did look a little pale earlier but I didn't think anything of it" he explains as we head to the nurse's office.

We reach the nurse's office just as Kol arrives looking worried "Keira called me. What's wrong with her?" he asks just as Elena walks out, making me remember that she's temporarily filling in for the school nurse while she's off sick.

"Elena? What's wrong with my baby?" I ask and she sighs "her heart rate and blood pressure are extremely low. I also noticed she appears to have lost a lot of weight and is quite thin, she's also rather pale too...." she explains before pausing making me frown.

"What is it Elena?" I ask I feel Kol grabbing my hand but I make no move to pull my hand away. I notice Elena narrowing her eyes on our joined hands before she clears her throat "she hasn't been eating probably. I know the signs, she's weak, her heart rate is low along with her blood pressure" she explains making my heart drop.

"I noticed she had been eating very little and I asked her if something was wrong but she just said she had a big meal earlier in the day or she wasn't that hungry. How could I miss something like this?" I ask looking down, feeling guilty. "Darling it's not your fault. You can only do so much to try and get something out of a child, especially a teenager" Kol says squeezing my hand "can we go in and see her?" I ask looking at Elena who nods.

"She's waking up, just be careful of how you approach the matter with her" she warns making me nod "I know, Elena" I respond as I walk into the office and she steps in front of Kol, who glares at her. "You stay out here" she states firmly "unless you want to get thrown through a wall or out the window, I suggest you get out of my way. Don't try and stop me from going in and seeing my daughter because I will throw you" he threatens with his fists clenched "Elena, let him pass. He has a right to go in" I say sternly making her sigh as she steps aside.

We enter the room and find Harmony stirring on the medical bed. "Sweetheart" I say as I approach her "m-mom, what's going on?" she asks making me sigh as I take her hand "don't you remember what happened?" I ask as Kol moves to stand next to me.

"I-I felt faint so I stopped walking and the room started spinning then everything just went black" she explains somewhat looking down "sweetheart. Elena told us your heart rate and blood pressure is very low and you've seemed to have lost some weight and not in a good way. She said you haven't been eating probably, is that true?" I ask feeling my heart drop as she looks down.

"I just wanted to be perfect. I wanted to be beautiful" she sobs making my heart break so I throw my arms around her "you are beautiful, Harmony" I say as I pull back. "You're a beautiful girl. Why do you think otherwise? Is it bullies again?" I ask getting ready to throw down with whoever has made her think so low of herself.

She looks down, a tear slipping from her eye "oh baby girl, why do you listen to them? They're all miserable people who have nothing better to do than tear others down. They are nothing compared to you" I say rubbing her shoulder.

"Your mother's right. You know these bullies are just jealous of you and that's why they try to tear you down but you mustn't let them" Kol says next to me. "I just feel fat and ugly. I don't look like mom or Keira. I'm the ugly duckling of the family" she says making my heart break.

I open my mouth to say something but Kol beats me to it "you are not the ugly duckling of the family. You are every bit as beautiful as your mother and sister" he says making her look at him. "He's right sweetheart. You know I had the same insecurities when I was your age" I say making her look to me.

"You did?" she asks making me nod "I did. I always felt so plain and bland compared to my friends, I mean they look like super models and I always felt like the odd, one out. I would think to myself, why can't I look like them? Why can't I be perfect?" I explain as I grab one of her hands.

"I would always second guess myself and put myself down. Constantly comparing myself to them. I never tried out for Miss Mystic falls when Elena and Caroline did because I thought I couldn't possibly compete against them because they're stunning and one of them will surely win" I explain and she frowns. "But that's crazy mom. You're beautiful, you always have been" she states "you're right, she is. I always thought she was the prettiest amongst them" Kol speaks up making me look to him as he turns, leaning himself back as he sits on the edge of the bed with his arms folded.

"Really?" I ask making him nod "yeah, I mean they weren't the one's that caught my eye" he replies with a smile as he looks into my eyes making my cheeks flush and I turn away. "Going back to you. Harmony, you're beautiful and you need to stop comparing yourself to others because it's not healthy. I learned that lesson" I say and she looks down.

"You need to remember and remind yourself that you're perfect just the way you are. You know what I do?" Kol questions making Harmony look to him "no, what do you do?" she asks "every morning when I wake up. I look myself in the mirror and say 'you are one fine specimen'" he says making her giggle.

 "Wait so that's who you talk too in the morning? You talk to yourself in the mirror?" I ask looking at him "yeah, why?" he asks "I thought you were talking to someone else" I respond making him shake his head "nope, just talking to myself" he replies before looking back at Harmony.

"The point is, you've got to remind yourself so everyday from now on when you wake up. Go up to a mirror and say 'Harmony, you are beautiful' assure yourself because you are beautiful just like your mother and sister" Kol says making her smile.

"I'm sorry if I disappointed you two" she states as she fiddles with her fingers "we're not disappointed, sweetheart" I say "you're not?" she asks looking at us "of course not. You could never disappoint us" Kol replies making her smile.

"I'm just upset that you didn't come and talk to us" I say making her look down "I'm sorry, mama" she apologizes making me hug her "oh baby girl, you don't need to be sorry but in the future, just remember if you have a problem or you're upset then you can come to us. We'll always be here to listen" I say making her smile.

"And we won't judge. We're here for you, always" Kol states smiling as we bring her in for a hug when we hear the door open behind us, placing a kiss on top of her head "yay group hug!" Keira squeals before I feel arms around us "hey, I want to get in on this too!" Ethan exclaims before I feel him throw himself onto us, throwing his arms around us making us all burst out laughing as Harmony giggles.

We all pull apart "so who do I have to punch?" Keira asks looking between us "no one Keira" Harmony assures her with a smile "are you sure? Because I'm ready and loaded" Keira states balling her fists up and winding them back and forth as she hops on her feet as if she's a boxer and she delivers a soft but firm punch to Ethan's arm who instantly grabs it and glares at her. 

"Ow! What was that for?" he asks "you were my test dummy" she replies with a cheeky smile "cut it out you two and Keira no going around punching people including your brother" I say making her sigh "fine" she grumbles as she sits herself down on a chair.

End of chapter

What did you think? Kol and Davina now know Harmony hasn't been eating probably because she thinks she's ugly and fat. Kol and Davina assured her that she's beautiful. Davina opened up about her own struggles with insecurity when she was Harmony's age. A nice little family moment at the end there. What will happen next?

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