Chapter 70

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No one's pov

It was midnight in Mystic falls, the sky was pitch black with no stars anywhere in sight. The only light there was came from the streetlamps. Wind blew through the trees making them rustle as the wind whistled.

The town was quiet for once, the night was completely silent. There were no people around in sight, everyone was in their homes safe and sound, every resident was asleep including the oldest residents, the Mikaelson's.

Suddenly the ground started to tremble as the sky began to rumble before a thunderous roar came from the sky as a big flash of thunder struck a tree making it split and fall onto the road, blocking the path.

The ground continued to tremble causing the streetlamps to flicker on and off continuously until they just shut off completely and then the ground shook violently shaking every house and surely waking every resident.

Davina's pov

I'm startled awake by the house shaking violently "mama!" Gabriel cries out making me jolt out of bed and I rush out not even bothering to throw on a robe. "Gabriel!" I call out as I rush into his room, seeing him hiding under his bed clutching his blankie.

"Gabriel!" I exclaim rushing over and gently pulling him out from under the bed and I pull him to me and he instantly clings to me, burying his head against my chest just as Shawn bursts into the room instantly relaxing as he sees Gabriel's okay.

"Kids!" I call out as I stand up and rush out the room to check on my other kids "mom!" Ethan yells rushes out his room while trying to pull on some pants, nearly tripping over in the process.

 Keira and Harmony rush over "what's going on?" Keira asks with her arm linked with her sisters, the two clinging to each other.

"Earthquake" Kol answers as he appears, his eyes alert as he roams over each of the triplets before settling on me. I look away as the house starts to rattle and I feel like the house is gonna cave or break away despite there being multiple spells on it to protect it and prevent such a thing from happening "what the hell!?" Ethan exclaims "to the cellar, now!" I exclaim and we all head downstairs with me leading the way.

We reach the door leading to the cellar and I make sure the kids go in first "take your brother and hold on" I say handing Gabriel to Ethan as he heads down. The house continues to shake violently as the earthquake continues, pictures start falling from the walls as me, Kol and Shawn make our way into the cellar after the kids, making sure the door is shut.

"Okay we just need to stay here for now until the earthquake stops" I say as I reach the kids "mom why is there an earthquake? There hasn't been one in Mystic Falls for decades" Harmony questions "I don't know sweetheart" I respond touching her shoulder.

"I have no signal" Ethan says looking at his phone "me neither" Keira says glancing at hers "I don't think any of us have signal so we can't contact anyone. Must be because of the earthquake" Shawn speaks up as he holds Gabriel in his arms who is still crying as he's scared, bless him.

"What matters is we're all okay" Kol says making me look at him when suddenly car alarms start blaring outside, I even hear crashing and glass smashing.

"Davina is this cellar strong enough to hold against an earthquake?" Kol asks looking at me as the girls move over to him and cling to him "the cellar was made especially for occasions like this. The walls aren't made out of ordinary bricks so the cellar will stand" I assure him "can't say the same about the house though" Shawn pipes up as he rocks Gabriel in his arms. "No the house is spelled so it should stay standing, hopefully" I respond and he nods.

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