Chapter 73

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Kol's pov

I go to check on Davina as she's been gone a while and the kids are ready with a list of games and films for us to do and watch. 

I reach Davina's room and hear her talking so I lightly knock on the door before nudging the door open. Davina turns and holds a finger up to signal me to wait a moment before turning away "okay, yeah I'll see you soon then" she says nodding her head before she hangs up and sighs.

She turns back to me "was that your brother?" I ask making her nod "yeah, it was. He's coming down to pay a visit within the next few days" she explains running a hand through her hair "what did you come up here for?" she asks "the triplets are waiting downstairs with a list of what they want us to do for the next day or two" I explain making her nod.

"Okay, I'll be right down" she says making me nod "are you okay?" I ask and she sighs "yeah, I'm fine just a little stressed with everything that's going on but it's no biggy" she explains making me nod though I get the sense she's hiding something but I'm not going to pry. 

I head downstairs "is mom coming?" Keira asks as I enter the living room "yeah, she'll be right down she just got off the phone with your uncle Percy" I explain "is he alright?" Harmony questions "I gather so, your mother rang him and apparently he's coming to visit soon" I respond making their eyes light up.

"Is he bringing Annabeth and Peter?" Ethan asks making me shrug "I don't know, you'll have to ask your mother" I respond as I sit down before looking at my sister watching her play with Gabriel.

Davina enters the living room "okay so what are we doing?" she asks as she leans against the doorway "we're going to have a movie night" Keira replies "it's a themed movie night" Harmony adds "okay, what theme were you thinking?" she asks as she walks over and sits down.

"Disney" Keira and Harmony respond in sync while Ethan groans "do you not want to watch Disney?" Rebekah asks "it's alright" he replies with a meh look "he wanted an action movie night so we did heads and tails and he lost" Keira explains "but we can have an action movie night another night but tonight it's Disney" Harmony compromised making Ethan nod in agreement.

"Okay so what will we be watching first?" Davina asks as Gabriel walks over to her, reaching his arms out to her so she picks him up and sets him on her lap. "I was thinking we could watch the Disney movies in order from the first to the most recent movie that's come out" Keira suggests looking at her siblings and then at me, Davina and Rebekah.

"So we start with Snow white?" Harmony asks making her sister nod "yes as long as that's okay with everybody else" Keira responds looking at the rest of us "I'm fine watching whatever love" Rebekah replies flashing a smile "as am I" I say making her nod "sure. I'm going to sort out the popcorn and snacks" Ethan replies getting up and exiting the room.

"I'll go help" I say standing up and heading after him. "Okay let's see popcorn, pringles, chocolate, m&m's, jelly beans, pepsi, mountain dew and ice cream" I hear him mutter to himself as I hear cupboards opening and closing. 

I reach the kitchen and see him pulling out stuff "you sure you need that much?" I ask eyeing the numerous bags of m&m's and tubs of pringles and many bottles of soda. "It's not just for me dad" he responds looking back at me "it's for everyone. Now can you open that cupboard behind you, I'm pretty sure there are Dorito's in there" he says pointing to a cupboard behind me so I turn and open it, pulling out a blue bag of Dorito's.

"Just the one?" I ask as I place the bag down on the counter "grab one more but get an orange bag. Keira likes the cheesy ones" he replies so I pull out an orange bag and set it on the counter as he pops a bag of unpopped popcorn in the microwave and starts it.

The bag of popcorn starts to rise and I hear popping sounds as the corn pops before the microwaves stops with a chime. He opens the microwave, pulls out the bag of newly popped popcorn and shuts the microwave door. He pulls out a bowl and pours the popcorn into it.

"Right I think that's everything" he states looking at the mound of snacks and drinks on the counter "don't forget the skittles!" Keira calls from the living room "I got it!" Ethan yells back before opening a cupboard and pulling out a bag of skittles.

"Okay dad help me bring the stuff to the living room" he says as he grabs a handful of the snacks, even holding a bag of m&m's between his teeth. I grab the rest of the stuff, carefully picking up the bowl of popcorn before heading after him.

"Okay peeps we got snacks and drinks" Ethan announces as we enter the living room "do we really need that much?" Davina asks eyeing the amount he holds in his arms "duh" he replies making her raise an eyebrow at him "I mean, I thought it wouldn't hurt to bring out a little extra in case someone wanted more to avoid anyone having to go back to the kitchen plus Keira eats like a hog" he responds before getting a pillow thrown at his face by Keira.

"I do not eat like a hog. I just like food" she defends with a huff as she holds her arms before grinning as he tosses her the bag of skittles before sitting down. 

We all gather round in front of the big TV where the movie is prepared to play "mama chocolate" Gabriel says pointing to a bar of chocolate that Ethan set on the coffee table along with the rest of the snacks and drinks.

From the corner of my eye I see Davina reach out to grab it but the tables nearest to me so I reach out and grab the bar of chocolate and hand it to her "thank you" she says flashing a smile before opening the chocolate and snapping off a small piece "eat carefully" she says in a soft tone as she hands it to Gabriel.

"Shhh the movie's starting" Harmony says before sipping on a can of Pepsi as she nestles herself in between Keira and Rebekah. Keira and Harmony are sharing a blanket between them which covers their legs.

The room falls silent as the movie begins with the intro and the music.




Seven movies later we're now watching Cinderella and Keira and Harmony have been humming and singing along to the songs. They also did it during the other movies we watched. I've also heard Davina humming along beside me.

"What dreadful girls" Rebekah says as the ugly step-sisters tear apart Cinderella's dress "they're the worst" Keira comments "haven't you ever watched this movie before Aunt Rebekah?" Harmony asks "no I haven't" she replies "have you read the original version of Cinderella? I have, it's pretty grim" Keira comments "actually I have and yes I agree. What fool cuts off their toe just fit it into a shoe?" Rebekah questions "a desperate one" Keira answers before popping a handful of m&m's in her mouth.

End of chapter

What did you think? The triplets had a Disney movie day with their parents and aunt Rebekah. Percy's apparently coming to visit. What will happen?

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