Chapter 25

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Continues from previous chapter....

Kol's pov

I arrive at the school and make my way straight to the office, gaining some looks from students as I pass them but I pay them no attention.

I reach the office and knock on the door but nobody answers so I grab the door handle and turn it to open the door and I find the office is empty so I decide to just wait inside for Davina to arrive. 

I shut the door behind me as I enter and I just take a seat while I wait for Davina. I glance around the room, mainly glancing at the pictures of the triplets. They look so happy in all of the pictures, like there's no worries in the world.

I suddenly stand up as I hear someone approaching the office. The door handle turns and the door opens. Davina stands in the doorway holding Gabriel "Kol what are you doing here? Is Hope alright?" she asks as she enters the office, shutting the door behind her.

"Hope is fine but she's not why I'm here" I respond as she walks round to her desk "okay then why are you here?" she asks "I'm here to talk to you" I respond and she frowns. "Why?" she asks "because I know about the triplets, I know they're mine" I respond making her freeze and her eyes widen. 

"Let me just have Gabriel's dad come and get him so we can talk" she says clearing her throat as she looks away from me as she sets Gabriel down on her chair before pulling her phone out. She starts typing something "mama" Gabriel says as she reaches out and grabs her shirt, gently tugging at it. "Just a second baby, daddy's coming to get you" Davina says "yay daddy" he squeals clapping his hands making her smile.

A knock sounds at the door a few seconds later "come in" Davina says the door opens and Shawn stands in the doorway "you texted me to come here" he says as he enters the room. "Yeah could you take Gabriel for me while I talk to Kol?" she asks as she picks up Gabriel and walks over to him.

"Sure but is everything okay?" he asks looking concerned making me roll my eyes "everything is fine so don't worry. I'll catch up with you later" Davina says making me frown "sure" he replies before he takes Gabriel from her and gives her a hug making me clench my fists. Shawn pulls away and leaves with Gabriel and Davina shuts the door.

"So you and Shawn? Are you a thing?" I ask seriously "that is none of your business and you're not here to talk about him or me" she responds as she locks the door before walking round to her desk.

"How'd you find out?" she asks "I think the important question is why didn't you ever tell me?" I ask changing the question even know though I already kind of know the answer since I saw one of her memories. "I was planning to tell you but you broke up with me, I literally had only just found out the day you broke up with me. I was heartbroken and I was scared to tell you, I didn't know how you would react or if you would accuse me of cheating or lying to you in order to make you stay with me so I didn't" she explains as she sits down.

"I did attempt to tell you many times throughout my pregnancy but I always talked myself out of it as I heard about everything that your family were going through in New Orleans just because well you're the Mikaelson's and Hayley was targetted all because she was pregnant with Klaus's child. I also know about Hope being targetted for again being Klaus's child but also because she was a Mikaelson. I didn't want that for my children Kol, that kind of life isn't good for any child" she says making me sigh as I know she's right.

"So now that I answered your question, why don't you answer mine? How did you find out?" she asks "Freya did this spell earlier today that tracked down anyone who shares our blood and instead of six dots appearing, there were 9 dots and at first Freya believed it had been our parents and our Aunt" I explain making her nod. "Okay but that doesn't explain how you came to find out the triplets are yours unless someone had an idea about it" she says leaning back in her chair.

"Hope" she says making my eyes widen "it was her wasn't it?" she asks "no, it wasn't. Freya found out all on her own" I respond "Kol don't lie to me. Harmony came to me after Hope showed up outside her apartment, she told me Hope tried to break into her dorm and lied to her when she asked her what she was doing there, she also mentioned she caught Hope taking some of her hair from her hairbrush" she responds not looking too happy.

"I didn't know about it until she and Freya got back home" I respond "I'm still not happy that Hope went snooping like that" she replies "wait if Harmony saw Hope taking hair strands from her brush why didn't she stop her?" I ask "she wanted to see what she would do, she didn't want Hope to know she was onto her" she explains making me nod.

"Look Davina about leavin...." I start to say but she holds her hand up to stop me as she stands up "I don't want to hear it Kol. It's the past, let's just leave it like that" she says making me shake my head "no you don't understand, I never wanted to brea...." I say but stop as she glares at me. "Don't you dare finish that sentence Kol because I don't want to hear some excuse as to why you broke my heart when I already know the truth" she reponds "but you don't" I respond "I don't care Kol, I don't want to talk about it.  I don't want to hear it so just drop it!" she snaps running a hand through her hair.

Not wanting to upset or anger her, I just nod "okay well what about the triplets? I want to be involved in their lives" I say I've already missed 16 years and I don't count on missing anymore. "I won't protest to that as I always wanted you to have a relationship with them but before you go off and start trying to bond with them, you have to assure me of something" she says "sure what is it?" I ask "the kids are sensitive especially Keira so if you are going to be involved, then you have to assure me that you're not just going to suddenly up and leave" she says and I shake my head.

"That won't happen" I say making her shake her head "I know what you and your family are like Kol, you're always up and leaving and I don't want the triplets to get attached to you only for you to suddenly leave them because I don't want them to get hurt or abandoned" she says sternly. 

"I won't abandon them, I promise" I assure her but she just shakes her head "don't promise it because both you and I know you never keep your promises and I can't be too sure that you will keep to your word that you won't abandon them" she responds "your siblings are all that matter to you and if Klaus suddenly wants to leave you're all likely to follow him including you no matter how much you bicker and fall out with him" she adds "so if I let you be in their lives, you have to put them first about anything and anyone else including Klaus because they come first Kol, not your siblings so assure me you won't up and leave them for Klaus or anyone else because they need you and they have trust issues and I don't want them to get hurt" she says making me nod. "I swear I'm not going anywhere, I'm here for them...for you" I add making her shake her head "no you're not here for me so don't start that bullshit. All that matters is the triplets" she responds making me nod. "You're right, so when can I see them?" I ask "let me talk to them first and I'll get back to you" she responds "why can't I just see them after school?" I ask "because I have to speak to them first, if you randomly show up and announce you know I don't know how they'll react especially Keira she has a short temper and as I said before she's very sensitive so let me talk to them first" she explains "okay" I respond "good, now you should be on your way. I have things to do" she responds as she sits down.

There's so much I want to say to her but she doesn't want hear it and I don't want to push anything so I just nod "okay" I say before I exit the office and leave the school.

End of chapter

Kol confronted Davina. Harmony saw Hope take the hair strands from her brush and told her mother. Kol tried to explain he didn't want to break up with her but she cut him off not wanting to hear it. Davina's going to talk to the triplets about Kol knowing the truth. How will the triplets react?

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