Chapter 27

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The next day.....

Davina's pov

Today was just like any other day, I was in my office at the school filing in some paperwork when out of the blue my door is swung open making a bang as it hits the wall. I look up to see Klaus stood there "Klaus may I help you? Is Hope doing okay?" I ask thinking he's here about Hope.

"I'm not here about Hope, I'm here about the triplets. My brother has every right to know them and be involved, he is their father and you have no right to keep them from him" he says making my blood boil.

Use my magic to shut the door before using my magic to force Klaus to sit his ass down "okay first of all, how dare you come marching into my office like you own the place! This is a school Klaus, not a place where you can just come and do what you please! Second of all I am not trying to keep the triplets from Kol! Yes I never told him I was pregnant but I didn't want to force him to stay with me just because I was pregnant, also I never told him afterwards because of all the crap your family were going through in New Orleans, I didn't want my children growing up like that even though I wanted my children to know their father! And third of all it's up to my children whether they want to have a relationship with their father or not, they are 16 and are capable of making their own decisions!" I snap "they clearly can't make their own decisions because Kol is their father and them shutting him out is unacceptable, they need to treat their father with respect and whether they like it or not my brother will have a relationship with them!" he yells making me snort at the audacity of this asshole.

"I can assure you that my children are very capable of making their own decisions and they aren't completely shutting him out, they asked for time and space to think about this because they are scared of getting hurt by their father! They have trust issues and they don't trust you and your family because you all have a track record of leaving when things get difficult and you all have a track record of causing terrible things and they don't want that to happen here! Also you clearly don't know how a relationship works, for a relationship to work it requires for all individuals to want that relationship, you cannot force my children to have a relationship with their father if they don't want too and if you force or pressure them then it will backfire and you will only push them away!" I snap just as the door opens and Harmony walks in looking down so she doesn't see Klaus.

"Mommy I need you" she cries making me frown as she has tears in her eyes and one of her cheeks is swollen making my mama bear mode instantly activate. "Baby girl what happened? Why is your cheek swollen? Why are you crying?" I ask frantically as I get up and walk over to her, cupping her cheek in my hand to inspect it.

Harmony sniffles and opens her mouth to say something but stops and looks at Klaus "not in front of him, I want to talk to you privately" she says making me nod "of course. Klaus get the hell out of my office" I say sternly "no, I will not leave until you let my brother see his children!" he snaps making Harmony flinch as she hates yelling.

"For the last god damn time Klaus! I'm not stopping them, it's their choice whether or not they want to see him so leave my office now!" I whisper shout not wanting to scared Harmony. "This discussion isn't over. Mark my words I will be back and if you keep the triplets from my brother I will have you removed from the picture" he threatens which is followed by a bang.

"What the fuck! Did you just threaten my mom!?" Ethan rages from the doorway with his fists clenched and a hard glare on his face. Klaus looks surprised at seeing him "it was just an empty threat" he defends making Ethan scoff "that's bullshit, I just heard every word you said and I know that wasn't some empty threat. I know how you work, we all do if you say you're to remove someone you will do just that and I will not let you hurt my mother!" Ethan yells making Harmony curl against me, not liking the shouting.

"Don't you shout at me boy! I am your Uncle and you will show me respect!" Klaus booms so I instantly grab him by the ear and yank him out the office. Ethan and Harmony follow me as I drag a profanity yelling Klaus down the hallway by his ear. Students pop their heads out from classrooms upon hearing the commotion.

I reach the front of the school and with all my might and strength I literally toss Klaus out the building and onto the lawn where he quickly stands up and glares at me. "DON'T YOU EVER SPEAK TO ANY OF MY CHILDREN LIKE YOU DID WITH ETHAN, STAY AWAY FROM MY CHILDREN AND MY STUDENTS OR I WILL GIVE YOU HELL AND ALSO DON'T EVER COME NEAR THIS SCHOOL AGAIN !" I snap "you litt....." he didn't get to finish that sentence as I snapped his neck with a flick of my wrist and headed back inside, guiding Harmony with me so I can tend to her.

No one's pov

As Davina and Harmony headed back inside the school with Davina telling all the students to go back to what they were doing.

Keira walked out and saw Klaus lying on the grass with his neck snapped and didn't even seem phased by it and just shrugged as she went over to her brother and asked him what happened. 

"Oh this asshole paid a visit to mom, demanding that she stop keeping us from our father and that we have no choice in whether or not we want a relationship with our father. Oh and he also threatened to have our mom removed from the picture if she kept us from our father" Ethan explained making Keira instantly snap "HE WHAT?!" she screeched glaring at Klaus's still body as some of students looked their way before hurrying away sensing her rising anger.

"Yeah apparently he's trying to force the situation and doesn't like us making our own decisions so he thinks it's wise to threaten our mom" Ethan said making Keira clench her jaw and the leaves on the ground near her started to levitate off the ground. "We can't let him hurt our family. He needs to be put in his place" Keira said "I agree with you sister so what do you suggest we do?" Ethan asked looking at his sister just as a menacing smirk appeared on her lips.

Ethan went to ask what was on her mind when Klaus sat up with a grunt and growl "that bitch!" he boomed making Ethan and Keira look to each other and smirk as Klaus went to stand up. Keira suddenly started chanting a spell making Klaus fall to his knees in pain.

Keira joined hands with Ethan and they start chanting together making Klaus start chanting. Blood starts pouring from his nose and ears, veins appear all over his face. His eyes became blood slot "ahh stop this!" he yelled before beginning to claw at his chest so much that he tore his shirt a little revealing some of his chest which was glowing as a red mark was appearing on his body and it felt like a knife was being carved into his skin making this mark.

Ethan and Keira kept on chanting their eyes glowing blue as they chanted louder, the wind picked up around around making Keira's hair blow around her.

They suddenly stopped and Klaus slumped forward in a sweaty heap, blood dripped down his neck from his ears. Klaus slowly lifted his head up and started patting at his chest trying to search himself where he see a bright red cross on his chest. "What is this? What did you do to me?!" he yelled at the two who smirked "we just hexed the crap out of you, we placed a hex on you so you can't come anywhere near our mother again to threaten or hurt her. Our mom means the world to us and we will not let you and your shitty ways hurt her or take her from us since you think you and your family are so entitled" Keira explained with a smug grin. "The hex also prevents you from hurting anyone in this town, you caused terror and hurt to many people throughout this town so long ago but we will not let you do it this time" she declared feeling triumph at hexing her uncle and giving her a piece of her and her brothers mind.

"Now get the fuck off this property! Have a nice day now" Ethan said as he mockingly waved at Klaus before turning away with his sister and the two high fived each other as they headed inside.

End of chapter

What did you think? Klaus pulled a dick move at the school. Harmony was upset about something. Klaus threatened Davina and Ethan didn't like that nor did Keira. Ethan and Keira put a hex on Klaus to keep him from Davina so he can't hurt her. How will Kol react when he finds out what Klaus did? How will the Mikaelson's feel about Ethan and Keira hexing Klaus? What will happen next?

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