Chapter 55

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Kol's pov

I lift my head up as I hear someone pulling up outside so I peer through the window and see Davina getting out of a car making my eyes widen before I vamp speed to the front door turning to the mirror at the side and I fix my hair making sure I don't look like a slob or like I've just rolled out of bed.

I wait as I hear her approach the door and I grab the handle but don't make any move to turn it until her hand touches the door and she knocks only then do turn the door handle and open the door.

I flash a smile as I casually lean against the door frame "Davina what brings you here?" I ask with my arms folded "I came to see you actually" she replies making me perk up "really?" I ask trying not to sound too excited as I don't want to make myself look like a desperate idiot in front of her even though I am desperate. I'm desperate for her.

"Yeah listen we have this annual game night at my place and I was wondering if you would like to come. I think the kids would really like it if you came and took part in game night, it's sort of a family tradition for us" she explains "yeah sure, I'd love to come" I respond and she smiles "awesome, game night is tomorrow at my place of course" she says making me nod.

"Alright, what time?" I ask "come just before 6, we usually start at 7 after Gabriel's gone to bed" she replies "okay, I'll be there but may I ask who else is going to be there?" I ask wondering if Shawn is going to be there. "It'll just be me, the triplets and you. Gabriel will be asleep he's a little too young to take part in game night" she replies "okay and what of Shawn?" I ask curiously "he's going out on a guys night with Damon so he won't be back until the morning unless they land themselves in a prison cell again" she replies with a small sigh as she runs a hand through her long beautiful luscious hair.

"Okay well I'll be there" I say "great, oh and if you want you can bring Rebekah since the triplets seem to like her" she says and I hear a whoosh "I heard my name" Rebekah says as she appears behind me making me huff "we were talking about you, not to you" I say as I glance at her "oh piss off Kol" she snaps before shoving me aside taking my place making me scoff.

"Hi Davina you're looking lovely today" she says "thank you Rebekah. I was just inviting Kol to game night at my place. It's a family tradition for me and the kids so I thought it would be nice if he came and I also told him he could bring you along too since the kids like you" Davina explains "I would love to come and the kids really like me?" Rebekah asks sounding happy "yeah, they say you're cool so I think it would be nice if you came but just you two, they still aren't okay with the others" Davina replies "that's perfectly fine with me, I wouldn't want to ruin game night by bringing the bane of my existence" I respond and she nods.

"Well I've gotta go so I'll see you tomorrow night" she says looking between us "definitely" Rebekah replies and she nods "okay great bye then" she replies before turning and walking away and I just stare at her as she leaves before Rebekah shuts the door.

"I hate you" I say as I turn to her "why? What did I do this time?" she asks with a frown "only interrupt my time with my kids and Davina" I respond "hey she invited me so take it up with her" she retorts "you could've said no" I respond "and why on earth would I do that? I get they're your kids and you're trying to win Davina back but they are my nieces and nephew not to mention Davina was my friend, I want to spend time with them too you know" she replies making me sigh.

"Fine, just don't make me look like an idiot" I say and she scoffs "can't do something that you already do" she retorts making me glare at her. "We can't let Nik know where we're going, you know he will only ruin it right?" I say and she nods "I know so let's stop talking about it, instead we just text so he won't find out" she replies before vamp speeding away upstairs as I head into the living room.

End of chapter

Hey guys I know it was short but I didn't have a lot of time as I have to go to work this morning but I wanted to get this chapter up for before I go. Anyway what did you think? Davina invited Kol and Rebekah to game night. What will happen?

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