Chapter 60

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Later that night...

Davina's pov

I was washing up some dishes when there was suddenly banging on the door making me stop and make my way to the door. Shawn has taken Gabriel out for a drive round the town since he was refusing to go sleep so he thought a car ride might tire him out.

I open the door and my eyes widen in surprise as I find Kol on my door step "Kol what are you doing here?" I ask "I h-had to s-see you" he slurs on his words making me sigh "you're drunk" I say making him shake his head "no I'm not" he says before stumbling on his feet "like hell you aren't" I respond not too pleased as I pull him into the house.

"I'm sad baby" he says snuggling up against my back making me freeze as he buries his face in my hair "Kol you're drunk so let's get you sat down" I say moving away from him and he pouts, looking at me with puppy dog eyes making me curse "damn those puppy dog eyes" I mumble looking up at the ceiling before grabbing his hand and leading him to the living room.

"I don't even want to know how you got like this" I say as I manage to get him on the couch "K-Klaus pissed me off" he slurs making me sigh "of course he did" I say "he's a dick!" he says making me nod "I'm well aware of that" I respond "h-he d-doesn't like it when I'm happy" he says with a slight hiccup escaping his lips "he along w-with everyone else doesn't want me with you" he says reaching his arms out and pulling me to him "I can't leave you be" he says wrapping his arms around my waist before placing his head against my stomach.

He mumbles against my stomach but I can't make out a single word of what he's saying "Kol stop talking, you need to sleep" I say as I pull away, running my hand through his hair and he closes his eyes. "I need you" he slurs gripping my shirt "no, you need sleep" I say trying to remain calm although my undead heart is thumping away in my chest.

"I wanna get naked" he says suddenly perking up and shooting up from the couch so I push him back down "no" I say "do you wanna get naked with me? We use to get naked together a lot" he says with a grin as he places his hands on my hips and rubs them making a hot flush rush through my body before I push his hands off my body.

"It's bed time Kol" I say moving away and grabbing a blanket "stay with me" he says with a pout as I walk over to him "I'll be right upstairs" I say as I manage to lay him down on the couch, propping a pillow under his head. I place the blanket over him "sleep now Kol, you'll feel better in the morning" I say as I run a hand through his hair, his eyes flicker to my face "still as beautiful as the day I first saw you" he says bringing a hand to my cheek and caressing it making my heart hammer in my chest and I feel my cheeks burning.

I gently remove his hand "goodnight Kol" I say and he flashes a tired smile before his eyes start to droop so I quietly exit the room and head to the kitchen to finish washing the pots.

End of chapter

I know this was a very short one but the next one will be longer, I just hope you liked this one. Let me know what you thought in the comments, thank you

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