Chapter 57

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The next day...

Davina's pov

I wake up with a kink in my neck making me groan as I sit up and rub the back of my neck while blinking sleep from my eyes.

I glance around the room and smile seeing the triplets passed out on the sofas. Keira and Harmony are top and tailing on the three seater sofa while Ethan is asleep on the love chair with his legs hanging off one arm with one arm dangling off the chair and his head hung back over the other arm rest with his mouth open as loud snores escape his lips.

Rebekah is asleep on the two seater sofa with her hair going all over the place. I look around for Kol but frown as I don't see him so I check the time and see it's 6 in the morning.

I decide to get up and check on Gabriel so I make my way upstairs and the bathroom door to the left suddenly opens and Kol walks out, rubbing his eyes and he's shirtless and only has a pair of pants on.

I freeze up at the sight of him as I briefly check out his shirtless body. God damn his arm muscles seem to be bigger and he's still got one heck of a six pack and those abs, my lord I feel so thirsty right now.

I snap myself out of it just as he looks up "oh hi love, didn't notice you there. You alright?" He asks "yeah I'm fine, I'm just heading to check on Gabriel" I respond as I start to move past him. "Last night was fun" he says making me stop and turn back to him "yeah it was" I respond "thanks for inviting me over" he says "well the kids wanted you there" I respond trying not to stare at his chest.

"Is there a reason why you're not wearing a shirt?" I ask clearing my throat "I got a little warm and needed to freshen up" he explains making me nod "oh okay" I respond "is it a problem for you me not having a shirt on?" he asks as he moves towards me "not at all, I was just asking. Now if you'll excuse me I have a child to go check on" I say before scurrying away to Gabriel's room.

"Mama" Gabriel says as I enter his room "good morning baby" I coo as I walk over to his bed and pick him up as he climbs out of bed and reaches up for me. "I'm hungry" he says "okay well let's go make you something to eat" I respond as I turn and exit the room.

I reach downstairs and head to the kitchen where Kol and Rebekah are stood talking "oh good morning Rebekah" I say "good morning Davina, do you want me to see to Gabriel while you get yourself changed?" she offers "no it's fine" I respond as I sit Gabriel on his chair by the kitchen table before grabbing two slices of bread and pop them in the toaster.

"Juice mama juice" Gabriel says "okay baby, apple or orange?" I ask as I move towards the fridge "orange mama" he replies and I open the fridge and grab the orange juice along with the butter and grapes.

I head over to the counter and set the stuff down, I grab Gabriel's drinking cup and fill it with orange juice "here you go baby" I say as I set the drink down in front of him "thank you mama" he says before picking up the drink and taking a big sip.

I stand and wait for the toast to be done when a hitch pitched fog horn goes off in the living room "ahhhh!" Ethan yells at the same time the horn goes off, I also hear a thumb followed by laughter.

"What's going on in there?" Kol asks standing by the kitchen door "Keira woke me up with a fog horn" Ethan explains "he woke me up with his atrocious snoring!" Keira says "my snoring is not that bad!" Ethan exclaims "oh come on, you snore so loud that it sounds like thunder!" Keira retorts "that's an over exaggeration" Ethan retorts "oh would you two shut up? Ethan your snoring is terrible and Keira you don't exactly snore like sunshine and kittens so you can't talk" Harmony pipes up making them go silent.

The toast suddenly pops up after what feels like forever and I grab the two slices of toast and set them down on the bread board. I quickly butter the toast before cutting them into triangles and popping them on a plate for Gabriel.

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