Chapter 38

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Kol's pov

Davina has just left with Ethan and Keira leaving me feel saddened, I wanted them to stay but obviously I understood they didn't want too especially with how Klaus is currently acting.

I apologised to her for everything but I know an apology isn't enough to erase all the hurt I caused her nor is it going to help win over my children. Actions speak louder than words so I need to put myself out there and actively show them I'm sorry and gain their love and trust.

I look over at Klaus who isn't happy that the hex wasn't removed off him right away like he wanted but Ethan made a compromise that he would if Klaus stops being a dick which I don't see happening. Klaus might have changed because of Hope but he's still a dick and he still has the tendency to control everything and everyone around him.

I would rather the hex stayed on him as like they said it doesn't cause him any harm unless he tries to hurt someone. It keeps him in line "Niklaus you heard Ethan he will remove the hex if you tone down and start behaving" Elijah says "I was just disrespected in our own home" Klaus rants throwing his hands up in the air.

"Well you kinda had it coming" I say making him glare at me "shut it Kol, your kids have no respect!" he snaps making me narrow my eyes "actually they do have respect, it's just you pissed them off, you got on the wrong side of them by threatening their mother. No child is ever going to take that well Nik so pull your head out of your arse and get over it" I respond folding my arms across my chest as I lean against the doorframe.

"He's right Niklaus and if you want the hex removed I recommend you start making peace and apologise to Davina" Elijah says making him snort "no way, I don't need to apologise to her" he retorts making me scowl. "Are you fucking kidding me? You threatened her and you show her absolutely no respect. She's the mother of my kids, she's let your daughter enrol in the school despise all the shit you and our family did to her and her friends!" I snap making him look down.

He grumbles some words before storming away to go sulk upstairs making me roll my eyes. I turn to Freya is silent "why are you so quiet?" I ask "no reason I'm just thinking" Freya replies "thinking about what?" Elijah asks "about the triplets" she says making me raise an eyebrow.

"What about them?" I ask "they have magic" she says making me gasp sarcastically "well no shit Freya" I respond sarcastically making her roll her eyes. "I've been doing some thinking regarding the triplets" she says "and?" Elijah says "I want to know how Daliah never found out about the triplets when they were born premature which means they were born before Hope and they tapped into their magic before her" Freya says making me instantly glare at her.

"Don't even fucking go there Freya" I warn making her frown "Dahlia didn't seem to know about them or at least she never mentioned anything about them. Our mother never knew about them and I'm just curious as to how they didn't. I would've sensed the triplets when they first tapped into their magic as would Dahlia. There's no way she couldn't have known" she explains "Freya please drop this. I'd rather you not go digging for answers because when you go digging for answers that's when shit happens and I'd rather not have anything happen to my kids because you got curious" I warn sternly I will not have her be nosy and dig up old problems that are long dead.

"Well aren't you at least curious?" she asks "well considering I know their mother I'm not curious. Dahlia didn't know about the triplets and that makes me relieved so just drop the matter because I swear if Dahlia or even Esther ends up rising from the dead and comes for my kids because you went searching for answers I will kill you" I threaten before walking away and heading upstairs.

I reach my room and I just stare at the picture of the triplets as babies that we got from the spell Freya did to find out they were mine. I put the picture in a frame and put it on my nightstand next to the one of me and Davina, one day I hope to get a picture of us all together as a family.

One hour later...

I hear the front door open "dad I'm here" Hope says so I leave my room and head downstairs just as Klaus walks out from somewhere and hugs her.

"My daughter how's it going at school?" Klaus asks "it's going really well, I'm loving the lessons and it's just really nice being around other supernatural kids" Hope replies "have you made any friends?" he asks "a few" Hope says as they head into the dining room where Elijah and Rebekah are setting up for dinner which is why Hope is over.

"Are you bonding with your cousins?" Klaus asks making me perk my head up "at the minute it's pretty much touch and go or hit and miss with them. Keira avoids me like the plague and Ethan will speak a few words with me before walking off but Harmony's okay with me, she sits with me if we have a class together and she's really nice" Hope says "that's good, I'm sure Ethan and Keira will come around eventually" Klaus says kissing her on the side of her head.

"I don't know about Keira, she sees me as the reason why her mother was left with a broken heart and her and her siblings were left without a father" Hope says making me frown "it's not your fault. It's mine" Klaus says taking me by surprise.

"The triplets have every right to be angry, they're just blaming the wrong person" he says "okay who are you and where the hell has Klaus gone? The Klaus who was not long ago trying to bark orders and demands at Davina and my kids" I say "you and Rebekah were right earlier about everything you said. I tried to control things by pushing Davina and I ended up upsetting two of the triplets, I will apologise to Davina and I will make things right" he says making me narrow my eyes in suspicion.

"What game are you playing?" I ask "there's no game, I don't want to make things worse than I already have" he replies shrugging his shoulders. "I don't bloody buy it" Rebekah says "me neither" I say folding my arms as I eye Klaus. "You're probably just acting sorry so you can get the hex removed" Rebekah says making me nod in agreement.

"I think Niklaus has realised his mistake so let's all just move past this and sit down so we can have dinner in peace without any bickering and conflict" Elijah says as he sets a bottle of wine down on the table. "Yes Elijah is right besides all bickering and conflict should be put aside while Hope is present" Freya says walking into the room and giving Hope a hug.

I still don't buy that Klaus is sorry for what he's done but I'll let my suspicion slide for now "you know I was thinking, maybe to try and help us understand and get to know the triplets better we could look at more memories of them growing up?" Hope suggests as we all sit down at the table. "I wouldn't oppose to that, I would like to see more past memories of my kids and not just to get to know them better because I will get to know them by speaking to them" I respond as I pour myself a glass of wine.

"I would like to see more of my nieces and nephew growing up too" Rebekah pipes up "I think it would be nice too" Elijah says "Freya do you think you and Hope could do a spell to show us more of the triplets past after dinner?" Klaus asks looking to our older sister "of course we can" Freya replies before we all get stuck into dinner.

End of chapter

What did you think? Freya is curious about why Dahlia didn't know about the triplets. Kol warned her against doing any digging. Klaus is apparently feeling sorry and regretting his actions but is it sincere? The Mikaelson's are going to look at more memories of the triplets past. What will they see? What will happen next?

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