Chapter 48

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One week later....

Harmony's pov

Today my mom and I are heading to the court house about the girls who cyber bullied, harassed and assaulted me. I am nervous as I really don't want to see those girls but I have to face them otherwise I'll be a coward and they would win and I will not let them win.

The case is to see whether the girls will be sent to juvey for what they did to me. Mom is hoping they will as she thinks they need to realize that their actions have consequences and I feel the same and want the girls to be punished in someway.

Ethan and Keira would personally like to get back at them and make them suffer in other ways but I made them swear they wouldn't get involved or do anything stupid that could make things worse. They are going to accompany me and mom to the court case as support but I think they just want to go so they can glare daggers at the girls since I won't allow them to do anything.


We arrive at the court house and head inside, we instantly see the girls heading in with their lawyer and their parents look our way and glare at mom and me before suddenly going pale as Ethan and Keira move in front of us and give them the coldest glare they could muster "keep walking assholes" Keira sneers "Keira be careful of what you say, you could get into trouble or affect the case" mom whisper shouts "I'm sorry but I wasn't going to stand by while those snobby assholes glared at you and Harmony" she retorts making me hold back a giggle while Ethan laughs as we head into the court room.

We're lead to our seats I have to sit at the front table with mom and the lawyer while Ethan and Keira sit behind us. I hear the court room door open so I look back to see my dad walk in making my eyes widen "what's dad doing here?" I ask mom who turns and looks back and sees dad "I don't know" she replies with a frown as he walks over.

"What are you doing here?" Keira asks glaring at him with her arms folded "I'm here for Harmony. I knew the case was today so I thought I'd come and show my support if that's alright" he explains looking at me "that's okay" I respond "who's this?" the lawyer asks "the father" mom answers "well he will have to sit with your other two kids" the lawyer replies making dad nod and he goes to sit with Ethan and Keira, he sits next to Ethan as Keira scoots away from him she's still giving him the cold shoulder.

The judge suddenly enters and walks over to the podium and sits down "welcome to small claims court, we're here today because the claimant and her mother wish to take action against Cynthia, Laura and Paige" he says "this is ridiculous your honor" Cynthia's mom yells "pipe down Mrs Creckovich" the judge orders banging his gavel.

"Here I have the report from Miss Claire and her daughter on the accounts of Cynthia, Laura and Paige cyber bullying, harassment and assault. If found guilty the girls will be sent to juvey" the judge explains holding a piece of paper.

The barrister stands up and walks over to me making me gulp and my mom instantly senses me worrying so she places a hand on my shoulder and gives me a comforting smile.

"Harmony Claire you claim Cynthia, Laura and Paige had been cyber bullying you for months is this true?" he asks "yes, they had been cyber bullying me for several months" I respond making him nod "were you ever friends with them?" he asks "no, we go to different schools and I have never been friends with them" I respond "have you ever interacted with them outside of school?" he asks "not really, I'd see them around and they'd usually shout insults at me or snicker at me but I would usually just walk away and ignore it" I explain "what would they say to you online?" he asks "they would call me names, fat shame me, slut shame me and make me feel small about myself. They told me I was ugly on multiple occasions, that I was a loser who put my siblings to shame and that nobody cared about me and that I would be better off dead" I explain before looking down as I fiddle with my fingers.

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