Chapter 22

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Hope's pov

Aunt Freya pulls up outside the school "okay go and be careful, don't act suspicious" she warns "I know aunt Freya, I'll be fine" I assure her as I get out of the car and shut the door behind me. I wave to her before I walk away from the car and head into the building where the student dorms are held.

I sneak my way up to the floor that Harmony mentioned her room was on, I'm careful not to get seen and I feel weird doing this but I have to know. My Uncle Kol needs to know, he deserves too even though I pretty much heard a confession from Keira but I need solid proof for the rest of the family. 

I finally reach Harmony's room and I look around before attempting to use my magic to open the door but I frown as my magic didn't work "she must've spelled it so none can enter" I mutter to myself "Hope" Harmony says from behind me making me freeze.

"Harmony" I say as I turn around feigning my surprise "what are you doing outside my dorm?" she asks "I uh came to see you, I figured we could hang out" I respond as she walks up to the door, waving her hand making the door open and she steps into the room. I head in after her and look around the room which is a nice lilac colour.

"I can't hang out right now, I still have two more classes but maybe we can hang out some other time" she responds turning her back so I quietly grab her hair brush and take some hair from it and hide it in my hand. 

"Sure, sorry to bother you" I say "oh it's okay, at least you found my dorm room" she replies looking over at me with a smile. "Yeah, so is Keira okay? She seemed upset at lunch" I say "she's fine, my sister gets emotional sometimes. She's a tough cookie but she's sensitive" she responds looking down as she fiddles with her fingers.

"About your father?" I ask "yeah" she replies "do you know anything about him?" I ask curiously "bits but not from my mother, it hurt for her to talk about him you see he broke her heart after making so many promises to her. After he left my mother felt broken, that she was never good enough but she accepted that he never really loved her and that he left to be happy with his siblings and she only ever wanted him to be happy" she explains with a sad look on her face.

"How do you know that he didn't love her?" I ask "because it wasn't hard for him to let her go and leave her behind" she responds before clearing her throat. "You should go, I have a class to get too" she says as she picks up a text book from her desk "okay, I'll see you around Harmony" I say before leaving the room and I run down the hall.

I exit the dorm building and walk to the car and get in "did you get anything?" Aunt Freya asks "yes, I got a few strands of Harmony's hair this will do right?" I ask "yes, it will do just fine" she replies as she drives away from the school once I put my seatbelt on. 


We pull up outside the house and I get out the car and head straight into the house. Aunt Freya follows after me "Hope are you alright?" my father asks "we need to have a family discussion now" I say as I look back at Aunt Freya who sighs.

"What is it Hope? What's going on?" Uncle Elijah asks as we all gather in the living room "Aunt Freya do you want to explain your bit" I say making her nod. "Alright earlier today I did a spell that would tell me where all our family members, a tracking spell of sorts and well when I did the spell instead of six dots appearing, there were 9 dots meaning three other unknown family members" Aunt Freya explains and my father instantly starts ranting.

"Is it Esther, Mikael and Dahlia? It is isn't it? Bloody hell can we never have any peace?" he rants "Niklaus shut up and let Freya finish" Uncle Elijah says earning an eye roll from my father. "At first yes I did think it was Esther, Mikael and Dahlia but that was until Hope brought something to my attention, something I was suspicious of but I brushed off what I thought because it seemed impossible" Aunt Freya explains making everyone frown.

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