Chapter 20

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Continues from previous chapter....

2 hours later....

Hope's pov

I've just had my third lesson meaning it's the end of my taster day. It's now currently lunch and I should be heading home but I decided to stick around at lunch before going home. I texted my aunt Rebekah to not pick me up at lunch as I wanted to stay a little longer.

I make my way to the school canteen where all the other students are either sat chatting with their friends as they eat or they're standing in line waiting to get food.

I walk up to the line to get in queue to get something to eat and I grab a tray standing behind some blonde haired girl. I just stand in silence when I'm shoved into the back of the blonde haired girl who turns around with a glare on her face "what the hell?" she snaps "I'm so sorry I was pushed into you" I apologize not wanting to cause any trouble. She looks me up and down before scoffing "that better be the case because I don't want to catch whatever you might have" she sneers making me frown.

"What are you talking about? I don't have anything" I respond "I'm Hope by the way, I'm new" I add holding my hand out for her to shake and she just looks at in disgust "yeah and I don't care. Do you know who I am? I'm Cindy and I'm the most popular girl here and I don't associate with poor people" she responds "I'm not poor" I respond shaking my head.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night" she responds giving me a bitchy smile "Cindy what are you doing?" Harmony asks behind her making her stiffen up "I'm not doing anything Harmony" Cindy replies suddenly very nervous "oh really because it sounded like you were being a bitch to my new friend here" Harmony responds with her hands on her hips.

"S-She's your friend?" Cindy stammers making Harmony nod "yes, she is and you know me and my siblings don't take lightly to anyone who mistreats any of our friends or any other person for that matter, you know we don't tolerate bullying at this school" Harmony says as she squares up to Cindy.

"Hey sis, what's up?" Keira asks as she appears next to Harmony before looking to Cindy a scowl appearing on her face "Cindy" she seethes gripping her tray "K-Keira" Cindy stutters "Cindy here was being a bitch to Hope calling her poor and claiming that she's the most popular girl here" Harmony explains making Keira snort.

"You the most popular girl? Yeah no the only thing you're the most popular of is being a total bitch" Keira says "I suggest you change your attitude Cindy otherwise you'll get your ass whooped" Harmony warns making Cindy gulp "yes" she replies before turning to me. "My apologises Hope" she says before turning away and moving up the line.

"Thank you" I say looking at Keira and Harmony "ah don't sweat it we don't like Cindy. She's a high maintenance two faced boyfriend stealing bitch" Keira retorts before walking away. Harmony smiles "Cindy once tried to steal my sisters boyfriend Harlow from her but it didn't work and well Keira has hated her ever since. I hated her before as she's always been a bully to those she thinks are beneath her, she once bullied me before she learned I was the headmistress's daughter" she explains making me nod as I grab a sandwich, a chocolate bar and a bottle of orange juice. Harmony grabs herself a chicken wrap, a cookie and a bottle of water before we head over to an empty table.

"Why'd she bully you?" I ask making her look down before she points to her birth mark "she'd tease me about this, she'd tell me I was a burden and an embarrassment to my siblings, that I wasn't pretty" she explains looking down "that's absurd, you're beautiful" I say making her look up and smile. "Thanks, I know that now thanks to my mother and siblings" she responds "that's what family do, they look out for you, protect you and build you up when bullies and bad people try to tear you down" I respond making her nod.

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