Chapter 16

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Continues from previous chapter....

Harmony's pov

I am buzzing and so proud of myself. Everyone keeps congratulating me on how wonderful I was in the play  I did of course say none of it would've been possible without Lizzie and the others who were in the play and they did a fantastic job too.

Ethan and Keira have already left with Skylar and Harlow to get to the party at mom's house. She hosts an after party every year when we do a play, except for last year since I was ill so Caroline had the party at hers which I didn't attend as I was recovering from being seriously ill and having an operation to remove a big ass tumor that was literally affecting my health and could've stopped me breathing and killed me if I didn't have it removed.

I shiver at the memories, last year was horrible for me because I felt helpless and weak and I never want to feel that way again.

Anyway I'm currently trying to find my mom and Gabriel who I'm getting a ride home with. I know I'm 16 and I depend on my mom to give me a ride to the party but I don't care besides I am learning to drive.

"Harmony" Hope says as she walks over "oh hey Hope" I respond "you were amazing up there" she comments making me smile. "Why thank you. So are you coming to the party?" I ask noticing her family walking over but I try to ignore them.

"I wasn't in the play" she replies "that doesn't matter. You're still welcome to come if you would like" I offer "I thought the party was for only students who starred in the play?" she questions "well yeah that is true but other students that didn't appear are also going so you should too" I respond "I don't know if I should" she responds making me frown.

"Why not unless it's because of your dad here?" I ask nodding my head towards Klaus who is literally standing right next to us with his siblings including my dad who are all standing behind him except Elijah who is stood right next to Klaus.

"Sweetheart you ready to go?" Mom asks as she walks over to us holding Gabriel in her arms.

"Yes but is it okay if Hope comes to the party?" I ask "of course" she replies looking to Hope "really?" Hope asks looking surprised and hopeful. "Hope you are more than welcome to come to the party. It'll give you the chance to meet all your classmates" Mom says to her giving her a warm smile.

Hope smiles before turning to her dad "dad can I please go to the party? Please, please?" she begs practically bouncing on the balls of her feet. Damn she must've never been to a party before? Well not a teenager party at least.

"Hope I don't know...." Klaus trails off "oh come on Klaus let her live a little. She'll be fine, I'm not gonna let anything happen to her. I'll drive her back home if it makes you feel better" Mom tries to convince him. "Please dad" Hope pleads one more time making him sigh "alright you can go to the party" Klaus responds and a relieved smile apppears on Hope's face.

"Oh thank you dad, thank you" she says giving him a hug "come on, I'll give you a ride" mom says I smile and grab Hope's hand. "Come on you can sit in the back with me and my little brother" I say her face lights up and her grip on my hand tightens.

"What about your brother and sister?" Hope asks "oh they've already left to go to the party. They like their parties a little too much" I respond "which reminds me, we should get going before they eat all the food and cake" mom says making me giggle and suddenly Gabriel lifts his head up from her shoulder.

"Cake!? Where is cake!?" he asks making me laugh "oh dear mom you said the forbidden word" I tease my little brother loves cake. We can't say the word cake in front of him without him going on a cake crazy meltdown.

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