Chapter 17

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At the Mikaelson's....

No one's pov

The Mikaelson's had arrived back from the Salvatore school after watching the play about an hour ago and Klaus was on edge, he was pacing back and forward around the living room while occasionally looking at either his watch or looking out the window. 

"Nik would you bloody sit down, you're gonna end up tearing a hole in the carpet" Rebekah snapped as she casually sat on the couch, sipping on wine. "I can't, I'm worried about Hope" Klaus replied as he nervously bit his lip "relax Niklaus, Hope will be fine she's in good hands" Elijah tried to assure him "what if something bad's happening right now?" Klaus pondered making all his siblings roll their eyes. "If something bad did happen Davina would've called so calm your ass down and sit down before I impale you to the wall" Rebekah warned earning a glare from her brother.

"You seriously need to take a chill pill Nik, it's only been an hour. Hope will be fine" Kol spoke up "shut up Kol, you're not a father so you don't know what it's like not having your child in your sight where you know they're safe or not!" Klaus snapped little did he know how very wrong he was about that fact.

"So what if I'm not father? I know you're being ridiculously paranoid over nothing. Davina wouldn't let anything happen to Hope" Kol retorted not letting what he said phase him. "I have to go over there, I have to see Hope" Klaus said completely disregarding what Kol said.

"Stay Niklaus, let Hope have a bit of fun for once in her life" Elijah replied but Klaus ignored him as he got up and fled the house. Elijah sighed "oh dear this isn't good" he mumbled as he stood up "he can't let Hope have a simple hour of fun" Rebekah said as they all left the house to follow Klaus.

"Where are we even going? We don't know where Davina lives" Freya said as she shut and locked the door behind her "I can track Hope via her phone" Klaus answered "typical" Rebekah muttered as they all climbed into the car, somehow all managing to fit in the car.

Klaus started up the car and drove away from the house "Hope's not going to be happy" Kol commented "shut up, I just want to make sure my daughters okay" Klaus responded making Kol roll his eyes. 



Klaus pulled up outside Davina's house and all their mouths dropped "wow, Davina's done well for herself" Rebekah spoke as they all got out the car. Music could be heard playing inside and outside "let's find Hope and leave" Klaus said "you are not going to bother Hope brother, let her have some fun. She deserves it after all she's been through" Elijah replied placing his hand on her shoulder.

Klaus shrugged his hand off and walked up to the front door with his siblings following him. Klaus raised his hand and knocked on the door before taking a step back as they heard someone approaching.

The door opened and Lizzie stood on the other side, she narrowed her eyes at the Mikaelson's "Keira there's trash at the door" she called over her shoulder, the Mikaelson's looked offended by Lizzie calling them trash.

"Excuse me, what did you say?" Freya asked finding it very rude of her "oh I'm sorry. I called you trash" Lizzie replied with a fake smile "Lizzie what's up?" Keira asked as she appeared in the doorway. "We have trash at the door" Lizzie replied motioning to the Mikaelson's and Keira scowled as she looked at them.

"May I help you?" Keira asked "can we come in?" Klaus asked and Keira tapped her chin "hmm let's see, eeni meenie miney moe no bye" Keira said as she pointed to each Mikaelson before slamming the door in their face as she said bye.

"Well that was rude" Freya commented "she's definitely Davina's daughter" Rebekah said "why was Davina rude too?" Freya asked "no she wasn't" Kol replied glaring at Freya when suddenly the door was opened. Lizzie and Keira were no longer at the door, instead it was Davina who was holding a fast asleep Gabriel in her arms and she looked shocked to see the Mikaelson's standing on her doorstep.

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