Chapter 66

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Warning contains sexual content...

Davina's house...

No one's pov

All was quiet in the house, the triplets were out, Gabriel was asleep in bed. Shawn was watching porn in his room, he was wearing earphones don't worry. Kol was in the middle of taking a shower while Davina was napping in her room after a long tiring day at work.

Davina was having a bit of a restless nap as she was having a rather interesting dream.

Davina's pov

I was stood out on the balcony at the Mikaelson's mansion, it was a calm quiet night. I was wearing a white lace robe which was pulled tight.

A soft cool breeze swept by me making me fold my arms over my chest. I hear the balcony doors open and close but I pay no attention to it until a strong pair of warm arms wrap around me from behind making me stiffen before I feel a pair of lips brush against my ear.

"Relax darling, it's just me" he whispers in my ear making me shudder before I turn around in his arms. My eyes instantly locking with his beautiful brown ones "you look beautiful tonight" he says cupping my cheek before I look down with a frown as I scan myself.

"I'm barely dressed" I say and he grins pulling me against him making me gasp "dressed or barely dressed, you're still beautiful. Gorgeous in fact" he says as he peppers kisses along my cheek and jaw making me lean my head back.

"I should go" I say pushing him back "I know you don't want too" he says cupping my chin between his thumb and forefinger. He leans forward "we shouldn't" I whisper as his lips brush against mine "why? Am I not allowed to express my love for you?" he asks as he kisses down my neck making me bite my lip.

"You know I love you" he says looking into my eyes "that's what I'm afraid of" I say and he smiles "why?" he asks as he presses his lips against mine making me melt against him. He smiles against my lips as he moves his hands to my head, sliding his fingers through my hair.

I gasp as I feel him stick a hand under my robe and slip his hand inside my thong "ooh" I whimper as he strokes my folds "is it because I do this to you?" he whispers against my lips "because I make your heart race, I make you feel safe, I make you happy" he says as he pulls away looking into my eyes as he continues stroking my folds.

"This isn't real" I whisper "it's as real as it can be" he says before removing his hand from inside my thong and robe. I bite my lip as he unties my robe before opening it and letting it slide off my shoulders, making it pool around my ankles.

I look down and find myself wearing no bra and only my white lace thong. My nipples are erect from the sudden exposure and arousal.

He places a hand on my cheek and the other on my hip before tugging me closer. Our eyes lock before our lips touch and move in sync passionately and hungrily before he shoves his tongue in my mouth making me whimper.

I trail my hands to his shirt and rip it open making him chuckle against my lips. "Shush" I say making him chuckle again before he suddenly grabs my ass making my eyes widen before he hoists me up making me wrap my legs around his waist.

I thread my fingers through his hair as our lips keep moving in sync, never parting once for air. We kiss like our lives depend on it.

"Davina" he moans gripping my ass making me whimper. I hear the sound of his zipper being pulled down before he breaks the kiss and sets me on the balcony rail "don't let me fall" I say my chest rising and falling "I won't darling" he says as he moves my thong aside as he frees his cock from his pants and boxers.

I moan loudly and toss my head back as he enters me with one movement "ooh" I whimper biting my lip as I feel every inch of him inside me, stretching me "so good" he moans gripping the railing as he stills his hips.

I wrap my arms around his neck making him look up and he smiles as he starts thrusting in and out of me passionately "ooh fuck me" I moan leaning my head back as he buries his head in the crook of my neck, panting.

"Love me" I moan tightening my legs around his waist as he keeps thrusting into me "you're so deep in me" I moan and he moans lifting his head up "ooh Kol" I moan as he starts pounding into me, hips clashing, skin slapping and moans filling the air.

I suddenly jerk awake, gasping and looking around quickly finding myself in my bedroom where I remember falling asleep. 

I sigh running a hand through my hair as I shake my head thinking why the hell did I just have a sex dream about me and Kol? Well it wasn't a total dream I suppose since something like that did occur, though it was on the balcony of a hotel room and not on the balcony at his family's mansion and also he didn't fuck me on the railing, he fucked me against the balcony doors and we fucked on a chair that was on the balcony.

I get up off the bed and exit the room to go take a shower to help cool myself down and wake myself up properly.

I glance down at the floor not paying attention as I near the bathroom and because I'm so deep in my thoughts I fail to notice the bathroom door opening and a certain someone stepping out of it

Until of course I smack into them, my hands fly to their chest which is slightly damp from the shower they've just taken.

My eyes widen as I look up and find Kol standing in front of me, wearing nothing except a towel around his waist. My hands are pressed against his naked chest and for a moment our eyes just stay locked.

"I-I am so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" I say as I break eye contact and take a step back, running a hand through my hair "it's alright" he says with a smile "are you done in there?" I ask pointing to the bathroom "yeah, it's all yours" he replies "great" I say as I walk past him to enter the bathroom and once I'm inside and I've shut the door, I just slide down it.

"I'm so screwed" I mumble shaking my head as I stare blankly at the wall "are you alright love?" Kol asks from outside "yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired that's all" I respond as I stand up and start stripping as I make my way to the shower.

End of chapter

What did you think? Davina had a sex dream about her and Kol. Davina bumped into Kol half naked after coming out of the shower. What will happen next?

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