Chapter 85

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Hey, everyone it's been a while since I've updated, I didn't mean to leave it so long but I was having trouble with inspiration and I was busy with work and life so I didn't really have the time to write but I'm trying to make more time for it now. Anyway here's a new chapter and I hope you like it.

Continues from previous chapter...

No one's pov

Harmony, Keira and Hope arrived back at the house and Hope giggled as Harmony and Keira practically dragged her up the stairs making Kol and Davina smile at them as they watched them disappear up the stairs.

"It's good that Keira is finally warming up to Hope" Davina stated as she removed her jacket and Kol had to divert his away from looking at her cleavage. "I knew she would eventually" she added as she turned around to hang up her jacket on the coat hanger.

"Do you want something to drink?" she asked as she turned back around "yeah, I'll take anything you have" Kol replied with a small smile as she nodded and turned, heading for the kitchen smoothing down her dress making Kol sigh until he suddenly jumped at the feeling of a hand clapping his back.

"Hi dad" Ethan said as he stood by his side "where the bloody hell did you come from?" Kol cursed he had not heard Ethan approaching him. Ethan smirked at his question "I believe I came from your balls and you shot your load into my mom, knocked her up and 7 months later I popped out along with the other two" he replied making Kol pinch his nose and close his eyes, he inhaled deeply while counting to 3 in his head. Of course, he would be blessed with a son that has his inappropriate and dirty mouth.

"Don't be ashamed, dad. It's how all babies are made, it's the circle of life" Ethan said while patting his father on the shoulder "you know that wasn't what I was referring too" Kol replied as he pulled his hand away from his face and Ethan shrugged "well, you should've been a little more specific" he replied before looking at his phone as he pulled it out of his pocket.

"I didn't hear you approach" Kol stated making Ethan raise an eyebrow "probably because you were paying too much attention to mom's ass again" he retorted with sass in his tone "I was not staring at her ass" Kol replied making Ethan snort "if I had a dollar for everytime I caught you staring at moms ass, I'd be filthy rich" he stated before patting him on the shoulder.

"It's okay, don't be ashamed. It's a common thing for a man to do when he sees a very attractive woman and mom is a very attractive woman, I mean look at me. These good looks didn't come from nowhere that's for sure" Ethan said gesturing to himself making Kol raise an eyebrow and clear his throat.

"Yeah, yeah I got them from you too, I know. God you have a big ego" Ethan sighed waving his hand at him before his phone rang "excuse me, I have to take this" he said answering his phone and walking away. "That boy is too much like me" Kol stated shaking his head before heading to the kitchen.

Davina had just finished pouring wine into a glass and she set the bottle aside, putting the cap back on before grabbing the two glasses in front of her "me and Ethan are so alike, it's almost scary" Kol spoke as she turned around.

"No surprise here. He's been a mini you since the day he was born, so has Keira" she replied as she walked towards him and held a glass of wine out towards him which he took. "You must've had a lot on your hands?" he guessed making her nod as she sipped on her wine "I did but I wouldn't change it for the world. I love our kids no matter how chaotic they are" she replied making him chuckle before he took a sip of his wine.

Meanwhile upstairs with the girls.....

Keira, Harmony and Hope were in Harmony's room. They were wearing pajamas and Harmony was painting Hope's nails while Keira was braiding Harmony's hair "so do you have slumber parties a lot?" Hope asked looking up from her nails which were looking so pretty "every now and then. We love having slumber parties, we'd have them once a week with the twins when we were little" Harmony explained as she finished Hope's nails and instructed her to stick her hands under a little lamp machine that dried them quickly.

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