Chapter 77

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Davina's pov

I hear the front door open followed by a load of voices so I make my way to the foyer to see my brother and children talking. "Hey guys" I say "sorry we're a little late mom. We just got a little caught up with Uncle Percy" Harmony explains making me wave my hand "it's okay, sweetie. I knew he was going to meet you three and I guessed you may be a little late back for dinner" I respond making her nod.

"Well dinner is being plated up so make your way to the dining room" I say and they start heading to the dining room however my brother stops "Shawn is on his way back with Gabriel. He's just making a quick stop at Damon and Elena's house" he explains making me nod as I follow him into the dining room.

The children are already sitting down, chatting amongst each other as Kol pours drinks. "Okay so just before we procced with dinner. I should make you aware that I have finally told your father about me being a demi-goddess and you three being the grandchildren of Poseidon" I explain making them turn to Kol.

"Great, we don't have to tip toe around him anymore. Welcome to the family secret dad" Ethan states "just don't go about spilling the secret to your siblings or Hope, not yet anyways. We need to know we can trust them and right now we don't" Keira states making Kol nod. "I understand the importance of keeping it a secret. I wouldn't put any of you at risk" he says as he pulls out a chair and sits down.

"So have you ever met Poseidon?" he questions looking at the kids "we have. We've also met Zeus and Hades too" Keira replies making him nod "grandpa P is the coolest though he is scary when he gets angry" Ethan states making Keira and Harmony nod in agreement. "They're all scary when they get angry" Keira comments "especially Zeus" Harmony adds making her siblings nod in agreement.

I hear the front door open and close before Shawn appears with Gabriel "mama!" he exclaims throwing his arms up in the air making me giggle "hi baby" I say as Shawn walks over and hands him to me "I'll be right down" he says before walking back out the room and heading upstairs.

I sit Gabriel in the chair next to me as Kol prepares a small plate for him "thank you" he says with a wide grin as the plate is set in front of him. He licks his lips before going to grab the food with his bare hands "ah, ah no Gabriel. Use your knife and fork" I say making him pull his hand back and he grabs the kid friendly knife and fork I laid out for him.

Shawn soon returns and takes his place at the table, grabbing a plate for himself. "So I should make you all aware. I will be leaving first thing tomorrow morning" Percy speaks up making us look his way. "Where are you headed Uncle Percy?" Ethan asks "to New York" Percy replies before making eye contact with me.

"Do you think you'll be able to make it to the talent show?" Harmony asks suddenly "well it depends, when is the talent show?" he asks "next week. It was supposed to be this week but because of the earthquake, it was pushed back" Harmony explains "well I will try to make it to the talent show but if not. I know your mother will likely stream it to me" Percy replies making her nod.

"Speaking of the talent show, how's your song coming along sis?" Keira asks making Harmony "it's still a work in progress but I'm getting there" she explains with a small smile "well we can't wait to hear it and watch you perform. I have no doubt you'll do amazing" Kol says making her smile "thank you dad. It will be nice to have you all there watching and supporting me" she replies "we'll always support you sweetheart" I say giving her a smile.

As we all eat and chat, I notice Harmony picking at her food, only eating little bites. I noticed she did the same yesterday, she left half of the food on her plate. "Is the food okay for you, Harmony?" Kol asks obviously noticing her picking at her food. "Yeah, it's great dad. I'm just not that hungry, I had a big lunch today" she replies and I notice Ethan looks like he's about to say something but doesn't.

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