Chapter 1

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This is more of a flashback and it is quite long, as it details the break up, the birth of the triplet and Davina becoming a vampire.


16 years ago.....

Davina's pov

I'm currently pacing back and forth in mine and Bonnie's room. "Davina sit down" Caroline says making me stop "I can't Caroline, I'm too nervous. What will I do if it's positive?" I ask biting my lip "D whatever the test says it'll be okay because you have us" Bonnie says pulling me to sit down.

These last few weeks I've been feeling sick, throwing up a lot in the mornings and I've been having the worst headaches and just recently I realized I missed my period.

So Caroline thinks I'm pregnant which I'm indenial about because my boyfriend is a vampire and they supposedly can't have children. Anyway Bonnie bought me a few pregnancy tests and they are making me take them.

I freeze as the timer goes off "okay times up. Go look" Elena says rubbing my back as I huff and stand up.

I walk into the bathroom and walk over to the sink where the pregnancy tests sit. I hesitate before grabbing the first one and flipping it round and my heart stops as I see two little pink lines meaning it's positive. I quickly check the other three tests to see they are also positive.

I hold a hand over my mouth as a sob escapes and I sink down on my knees. I hear the girls rush in "Davina what's wrong?" Caroline asks "they're all positive, I'm pregnant" I say turning my head to look at them.

"Aww this is great, I'm so happy for you" Caroline cheers "I don't know what to do" I say as a tear trickles down my cheek. Bonnie smiles at me sympathetically "it's going to be okay, whatever you decide to do from here we will stand by you" she assures me as she helps me up on my feet.

"I want to keep my baby there's no doubt about it. I'm just scared, how will I tell Kol?" I ask as I walk back into the bedroom.

"Just tell him like you're ripping off a band aid" Caroline replies "I can't you know Kol has a short temper and he might think I've cheated on him. I have to approach this matter in the right way" I respond as I wipe my cheek.

"Well regardless you do need to tell him and try not to stall it. I may hate Kol but he deserves to know sooner rather than later" Elena advises making me nod. "You're right, I'm gonna go tell him now so wish me luck" I say taking a deep breath as I look at the girls.

Caroline gives me a hug "good luck" she says I feel Elena and Bonnie join the hug making me giggle as I pull back. "I'll catch up with yous later" I say before walking out the room and heading down the stairs and leaving the house.
I feel my nerves bubble inside me making my stomach churn as I arrive at the Mikaelson's mansion.

I hesitate before knocking on the door. I take a step back and wait for someone to answer.

I take a deep breath as I hear someone approach before the door is opened by Kol. "Hey" I say with a nervous smile "hi I was just about to text you to come over. We need to talk" he says with a serious face making me feel even more nervous.

"O-Okay well I'm here so let's talk" I respond as I step inside. Kol closes the door behind me before leading me to the living room.

"Where are your siblings?" I ask trying not make conversation to try and ease the tension. "They left town which is what I need to talk to you about" he responds as we sit down on the couch.

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