Chapter 41

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The last few memories the Mikaelson's are gonna see, hope you like it.

Klaus walked up to a door which had colourful spots splattered onto it. He opened the door and they were all sucked through the door.

They found themselves in a kids bedroom where there was a visible lump on the bed.

Davina entered the room and walked over to the bed. She got on the bed and sat down as she lifted up the covers revealing a 7 year old Keira who had her arms crossed and over all didn't look very happy. "There you are" Davina said with a smile as she ran her hand through Keira's hair "I'm upset" Keira stated "what's wrong?" Davina asked as she laid down on her side so she was facing her.

"These boys at the park called me weird. Am I weird?" Keira asked "stupid boys" Klaus commented making the others nod in agreement. "No sweetie" Davina replied "do you think I should act more normal?" Keira asked which had the Mikaelson's frowning.

"Of course not. Keira you are perfect just the way you are, you are unique so don't change who you are just because of some kids who don't even know how amazing you are" Davina said "you have to say that, you're my mom" Keira retorted "I say it not only because I'm your mom but also because it's the truth. You are extraordinary Keira" Davina replied planting a kiss on her forehead.

"You know what? Let's do something fun to cheer you up, what's the one thing you really want to do?" Davina asked as she sat up "I want to make the longest picture, that will go around the room" Keira said as she got up on her knees "let's do it" Davina declared making Keira's eyes light up and she shot off the bed making Davina laugh as she followed her out the room.

The Mikaelson's felt themselves being pulled along as they left and soon enough they found themselves outside in the garden as Davina was rolling out a long piece of paper across the garden. The paper went from one end of the garden to the other and there were tubs of paint set out in the garden by the paper Davina just rolled out.

Ethan and Harmony ran out "okay kids get creative and let your imagination run wild" Davina said and the triplets quickly got into the paint dipping their hands in and sticking them on the paper. "I made a hand print!" Ethan stated "well done, what will you do now?" Davina asked and Ethan ran back to the tubs of paint and put his feet in the blue paint before running back and he ran down the long piece of paper making foot prints.

Harmony sat down with a paint brush and started painting flowers along the bottom of the boarder where she was sat while Keira dipped her hands and feet in red paint and started doing cart wheels along the paper.

Davina sat down beside Harmony painting flowers with her while Ethan and Keira went crazy with the paint making hand prints, foot prints on the paper and doing cart wheels around the garden letting out their energy.

Keira sat down by Harmony and started painting butterflies on the paper as Ethan sat down opposite his mother and sisters as he began to paint with them.

"Hey hot mama and kiddos" Damon said as he walked out into the garden with Shawn. Davina just looked at Damon with narrowed eyes as the triplets got up and ran to Damon and Shawn.

"What are you three getting up too with mommy?" Shawn asked "we're painting" Harmony explained "that's cool" Shawn replied when Keira suddenly dipped her hand in a bucket of paint and flicked her hand out, flicking paint at Damon making Shawn laugh along with Ethan and Harmony as paint splattered on Damon's face.

"Okay that's it, come here you" Damon said as he began to chase Keira around the garden making her giggle. Davina stood up "so who's idea was this?" Shawn asked walking over to her "Keira's, she was upset so I asked her what she wanted to do to cheer her up and she wanted to do this and her siblings joined in" Davina explained with her hands on her hips.

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