Chapter 7

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Hope's pov

My family and I arrive back at the house after going for a tour around the school and officially registering me into the school and I honestly can't wait to start and hopefully make some friends. 

"The school is amazing and I can't wait to start. Thank you dad for letting me go" I say surprising my dad as I practically tackle him into a hug. "You're welcome love. Anything for my daughter" he replies giving me a smile as he hugs me back "your mother would want this for you" Elijah speaks up with a look of pain in his eyes making me smile sadly. I know he misses my mom as do I and it's all my fault she's gone. If only I hadn't been such a brat about wanting my dad to see me during the whole hallow fiasco. If only I had been patient but I just wanted to see or hear from my dad but because I got restless and impatient, I ended up doing something that got my dad back but also resulted in my mother dying. If I could go back and change things I would, I'd change how I did things, I would've tried to reach out to my dad and get him back in my life some other way.

"So what subjects do you think you're going to choose?" Aunt Freya asks while Uncle Kol raids the liquor cabinet. He's been acting very strange ever since we left the school and I know this has something to do with the headmistress Miss Claire as I believe they dated or something as Uncle Kol used to have a picture of her in his wallet and he had one on his nightstand back in New Orleans before we left. 

"I'm not so sure yet but I'm going to have a look through the sheet Mrs Forbes-Salvatore gave me" I respond looking at the sheet of paper in my hand which was in front of the play program I got. I really hope there are some left over tickets as I would like to see the show.

"Well take your time and make sure you choose the ones that are right for you" Freya said making me roll my eyes "yes Aunt Freya I know now if you'll excuse me I'm heading up to my room" I say turning on my heel and heading upstairs before any of them could say another word.

No one's pov

As Hope went upstairs Klaus looked at his siblings "well I think today went rather well" he said making Kol scoff "speak for yourself" he retorted as he sipped on a bottle of bourbon, yep he was drinking straight from the bottle. "Ah what's wrong brother? Feeling a little sour about seeing your ex after all these years?" Klaus teased earning a glare from Kol while Rebekah scowled and shook her head. 

"Wait you dated the head mistress?" Freya asks "oh yeah he did, they had quite the romance but Kol left her when we found out about Hayley being pregnant with my child" Klaus replied making Kol growl as he grabbed an empty vase and tossed it at Klaus but he dodged it so the vase just hit the wall and smashed into little pieces.

"Hmm really and how long ago was it when you and her dated?" Freya questioned glancing at her younger brother "16 years why do you ask?!" Kol snapped he did not want to be the centre of an interrogation or this torment from his family. He had enough for one day after seeing the love of his life after 16 years. He was so stunned when he saw her as she hadn't aged a day since he left yet she looked even more beautiful if it were possible. It took everything in him to not just pull her into his arms and kiss her like he was dying too.

It crushed Kol when he found out she had children, meaning she had moved on and by the look of how old her children were, it mustn't have been long before she got with someone and the thought of her being with someone else so soon after they broke up, hurt him more than he would let on.

Kol was hurt and angry at the thought of some other man getting to hold her in his arms at night. A man who also got the privilege to kiss her and see that beautiful smile of hers. He hated the thought of someone else touching her and making her happy that wasn't him and the idea of some other man making love to her and being inside her made his blood boil but he knew he had no right to feel that way since he was the one who broke up with her. The biggest mistake he ever made in his one thousand years of living.

"I wonder who the father of her children are?" Elijah pondered making Kol grit his teeth, he didn't want to know the name of the man who got intimate with his love or got the privilege to father her children. 

"Let's discuss something else, yeah? This clearly isn't a comfortable topic for Kol and you two bloody well know that" Rebekah spoke up knowing how crappy Kol must feel right now. Klaus smirked but said nothing as he left and headed upstairs.

"I wasn't aware it would have an affect on him. She was just a girl he dated for a couple of months" Elijah retorted "she wasn't just some girl and those months I spent with her were the best moments of my life until you and that bastard got in the way!" Kol snapped glaring at his older brother. Rebekah placed a hand on Kol's shoulder to calm him but he just shrugged it off and stormed up to his room to sulk some more. 

"Davina was my friend Elijah, you forget that" Rebekah replied before leaving the room. Elijah turned to Freya who looked deep in thought "what's on your mind sister?" he asked walking over to her. "Nothing brother, I'm just tired. I'm gonna call Keelin and then have a nap" Freya replied pulling out her phone to call her girlfriend Keelin who was working overseas at an orphanage. Elijah frowned knowing there was something up with Freya but he didn't push it as he went to pour himself an alcoholic drink.

End of chapter

What did you think? Hope's excited about starting school. Kol's sulking over Davina and getting jealous and angry at another man getting intimate with her and fathering her children but little does he know? What will happen next?

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