Chapter 19

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The next day...

Hope's pov

Today is my first day at the Salvatore boarding school, I'm only going to be there for half the day to get a taste of what it's like there and to help me sort of settle in. I was feeling excited for today well until my dad caused a scene last night at Miss Claire's house so now I'm nervous that everyone will hate me and I will be kicked out of the school.

My Aunt Rebekah is dropping me off at school, my dad was going too but I don't want him to after last night. "Hope are you ready love?" Aunt Rebekah calls up the stairs "yeah, I'll be down in a minute" I respond as I finish doing my hair before I grab my school bag and my phone as I leave my room.

I head downstairs and find my whole family waiting "are you all waiting to see me off?" I ask feeling awkward as they all just stare at me. "Why of course, it's your first day of school and we're happy for you" Aunt Freya replies "well thanks but I don't need the send off, it's just school, I'm not leaving for the army" I respond making Uncle Kol chuckle.

"Anyway we should get going as you are suppose to meet with the headmistress before your first class" Aunt Rebekah informs me making me nod "okay then let's go" I respond and we leave the house, heading to the car. We get in the car and Aunt Rebekah starts it off before driving away from the house.


10 minutes later....

We pull up outside the school and I turn to Aunt Rebekah "good luck Hope" she says giving me a hug "thanks Aunt Bekah" I respond as I get out the car and wave before turning around and heading into the school. I hear her drive off the second I step through the school doors, geez did she think I would suddenly ditch or be kidnapped before I got to the school doors?

I make my way to the head mistress's office and knock on the door "come in" Miss Claire says from inside so I slowly open the door "hi Miss Claire" I say and she looks up with a smile "good morning Hope, do come in" she responds gesturing me to enter with her hand. I enter the office and shut the door behind me "take a seat" she says gesturing to the seat in front of the desk so I walk over and sit down.

"I just want to apologise for what my father did last night. I'm so sorry" I apologise "Hope it's okay you have no reason to apologise. You can't control what your family do and I don't blame you for what happened last night" she replies with a kind smile.

"Thank you, so why am I here?" I ask wondering why I was called to her office on my first day "relax you're not in trouble, I just wanted to talk to you before your first lesson" she explained "okay" I respond "so whenever we get a new student me and Caroline always like to ask them a few questions and that's all I'm going to do if that's okay with you" she says "that's fine with me, I can answer questions" I respond and she smiles.

"Great, so my first question is how are you feeling today?" she asks "I'm feeling kind of nervous" I respond "and why is that?" she asks "I don't know, I suppose I'm just nervous at the fact everyone knows who my parents are and I know my father didn't leave a good impression when he was here. You know my father was the villain in their story and the fact I'm the only tribrid is kind of unnerving" I explain and she gives me a soft smile.

"Hope you must know that nobody is going to judge you or mistreat you based on who your parents are nor are they going to blame you for the things your father and family did because you are innocent" she responds making me feel a little bit better.

"Now as for the whole tribrid thing, there's no need to feel insecure about it. At this school different is good and it is respected. You are something special Hope and you will fit right in here" she says making me smile "okay, I kind of feel better now" I respond "good" she responds.

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