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Full name: Davina Rose Claire

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Full name: Davina Rose Claire

Age: 17+ (33)

Mother: Martha Claire

Father: Poseidon 

Species: demi-goddess heretic (vampire/siphoner witch/demi-goddess)

Children: Ethan, Keira and Harmony Claire and Gabriel Parker-Claire

Brothers: Percy Jackson and Tyson

Nephew: Peter Jackson

Personality: feisty, stubborn, smart, protective, caring, compassionate, sarcastic, fearless and bold

Bio: Davina is a siphoner witch who was abandoned by her mother when she was 2 years old when she realized she couldn't do magic naturally. Davina was left in the care of her step-father who became addicted to drugs and alcohol and started beating Davina whenever he was drunk or had no money. Davina's biological father left before she was born however her mother told her he was dead little did she know that wasn't the case.

When Davina was 7 years old Bonnie's grandmother Sheila Bennett discovered Davina was being abused and neglected so she took Davina into her care and reported her step father to Liz Forbes who arrested him and sent him to a prison far away from Mystic Falls.

Sheila Bennett became Davina's legal guardian and helped her accept and appreciate who she was.

Davina has been friends with Elena, Bonnie and Caroline ever since she started living with Bonnie and her grams.

Davina always struggled to read words because they'd all appear jumbled in front of her and she was later diagnosed with dyslexia however she would soon come to find out that wasn't exactly the case.

Davina was always the one running around after her friends making sure they were okay. She was the most selfless one out of the four of them, she always put others before herself.

Now Davina is a loving, caring and doting mother and she will do anything for her children.

10 years ago when Davina was 23 she discovered she was a demi-goddess and that her father was Poseidon the god of the sea, she also discovered she had two half-brothers named Percy and Tyson who both had different mothers. Davina was stunned to discover her parentage and true identity but had a hard time adjusting to the news since she went through hell at the hands of her step-father after her mother abandoned her when she was just 2 all because she was a siphoner witch and had no magic of her own well actually she did, it was just untapped.

Davina instantly welcomed her brothers with open arms, she was happy to learn she had brothers. Both of whom were both great people even though her brother Tyson was a little strange at times and was very awkward with people. 

It was learning who her father was that helped her get so many answers to questions she had longed to know, like why she was dyslexic it was because she was a half-blood, a demi-goddess and her father was trying to send messages to her to try and communicate with her but she never realised it. She also came to understand why she loved water so much and why she'd often hear voices in her head, it was her father trying to once again communicate with her.

Not many know of her heritage except for her friends and children of course but to everyone else it is strictly a secret for safety reasons and because Davina doesn't trust people to not take advantage of the information.

That's everything about Davina.

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