Chapter 68

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Hope's pov

I was on a date with Landon at the Milkshake shack. It was a secret of course because my dad wouldn't have allowed me to go out with a boy alone.  In fact I'm sure my dad would have Landon's head if he knew he asked me out.

"So how has everything been with you and your cousins?" Landon asks sitting across from me "sort of hit and miss" I respond and he frowns "why? What's happened?" He questions making me sigh.

"Nothing really. I mean Harmony talks to me and doesn't seem to hate me. Ethan is confusing because one minute he seems totally cool with me and like he's warming up to me but sometimes he can come across as rather cold and hard to read, sometimes I feel he doesn't know whether he wants to be near me or not and he hasn't tried to approach me outside of school like Harmony has" I explain pausing to catch my breath as I was rambling a little.

"As for Keira she only barely just acknowledges me around school. She hasn't tried to talk to me and when I try to approach her she'll make an excuse to leave" I say with a sad sigh "I know it's because she hates me. I don't blame her, I'm part of the reason she didn't have her dad around but I want her to like me. I want all my cousins to like me" I say briefly glancing down at my chipped finger nails.

"All my life I've felt alone because I felt I was this huge cosmic mistake that wasn't meant to be born and just brought so much hassle into my family's lives. I grew up practically isolated from kids my age, all I knew was my family and the people around them. No kids, no friends to play with" I say with tears brimming my eyes.

"All this time I had cousins. Cousins I could've grown up with and bonded with. I wouldn't have been or felt so alone. I mean don't get me wrong it was great having my family, they were great but I still felt alone. Growing up with my cousins, kids my own age would've been great, I would've felt somewhat normal and had a bit more happiness" I express "being a Mikaelson isn't all sunshine and rainbows" I add and he lightly chuckles.

"I gathered that. It mustn't be easy being part of an old powerful family" he says "no it isn't" I respond "I sympathize with you and your cousins. I see your side but I also see theirs too" he says making me look at him.

"The triplets are complicated if you don't know them. I'm still sort of getting use to them and it is difficult but once you know how they are it gets better. The triplets come across as rude or cold or hard to read to those they don't know or those that done wrong in their eyes but they are some of the nicest people, they are loyal and protective but they are also deeply cautious and sensitive, it's hard for them to open up to people" he explains "I suppose that's something you have in common perhaps?" He adds looking at me.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused "I gather it's hard for you to open up to people like it is for the triplets. You've obviously been through stuff and so have they" he says "what kind of stuff have they been through?" I ask curiously "I don't fully know, I've just heard rumors. Only those that are close to the triplets know" he explains making me nod.

"It couldn't have been worse than what I went through, being hunted by witches for just being born and having my grandmother and uncle trying to kill me and an aunt wanting to steal me from my parents and growing up in a war zone, barely seeing my father and losing my mother" I respond rather bitterly without meaning too.

"There's no competition in who's been through worse. I know you've been through tough stuff but you don't know what they've been through so try not to compete because that won't end well" he says making me feel guilty for being selfish in thinking I've been through worse. I mean I'm sure I've had it worse though.

"Try to keep in mind you and your cousins both missed out on having something. You missed out on growing up with your cousins kids who were like you and the same age while they missed out on having their father" he reminds me making me sigh.

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