Chapter 5-19: Butterbeer

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Time was yet again beginning to slip away from Desiree. Whatever anger Desiree felt towards Draco during the mass detention was fixed when Draco helped bandage her hand. Everything seemed to be going as good as they could with Umbridge now acting as the Headmistress of Hogwarts after Dumbledore vanished from his office when the Ministry tried to arrest him for the creation of the D. A.

"Ally, guess what," said Draco, sitting down next to Desiree in the common room.

"What?" she asked, looking up from her book.

"I convinced Umbridge to let you be able to go to Hogsmeade with me," said Draco, clearly trying to hide the excitement in his voice.

"I thought I was banned for the rest of the year," Desiree's brows furrowed.

"You were but I told Umbridge I'd keep an eye on you because she doesn't know that I knew about the D. A. and she doesn't know that I'm with you," said Draco, a mischievous grin grew on his face.

"Well, well, it looks like we have a double agent on our hands," she giggled.

"I guess we do," he laughed. "So, what do you think? Will you go with me?"

"I don't know," Desiree made a face that was clear she was joking. "I was really planning on studying for O.W.Ls."

"Ally, we can study together for the rest of the time until we have to take them. This is our last Hogsmeade visit, come one, please?" his desperation was funny but cute.

"Fine, but only if we can get chocolate frogs. I ran out a long time ago," said Desiree, a small grin growing on her face.

"I suppose we can work that out," he grinned, quickly giving her a kiss before getting up to walk away. At least that was before he turned to face her, "You were going to go the whole time weren't you?"

"The world may never know," she grinned, biting her lip before looking back down to her books.

The next morning Desiree awoke with a pinch of excitement slowly growing within her. She had been banned from the last two Hogsmeade visits by Umbridge. Now, she would finally be able to go. She hurried to get dressed, putting on a pair of black tights, a short emerald skirt, a black turtleneck shirt tucked into the skirt, and finally a black peacoat that hung at the same length as the skirt. She pinned the top half of her hair up with a small clip. Lastly, she put her charm bracelet on before fixing her necklace and walking up towards the common room.

"Hey, are you ready?" asked Draco, standing up from the couch. He himself was dressed in a pair of black pants, a black jumper, and a black peacoat paired with his slytherin scarf.

"Yep," she grinned as she reached for his extended hand. "Oh wait. I forgot my bracelet. I'll be right back."

"You have your bracelet on," said Draco, his brows furrowed in confusion.

"No, my other bracelet. I left it in its bag sitting in my trunk. I'll be right back I promise," said Desiree, quickly walking back to her room. Just as she walked in she saw Pansy was now up. She tried her best to avoid her, especially now that it had been a few months and Pansy had still failed to apologize.

"I see you're going out," Pansy glared at her.

"Yeah, I'm going to Hogsmeade," said Desiree, reaching down to her trunk to get her bracelet.

"I thought you were banned," Pansy's tone had a hint of disgust which only made Desiree angry. "I suppose you're just going to sneak into the village with Potter and your other friends."

"No Pansy, I'm not," Desiree slammed her trunk closed, her bracelet now in her hand. "I'm going with Draco. Not that it's any of your business."

With this Desiree walked out of their room before Pansy could say another word that would infuriate her more. It wasn't until she saw Draco again she had realized she still hadn't put the bracelet on.

"Is everything alright?" asked Draco, clearly noticing her anger.

"Yeah, it's fine," she hissed, fumbling with the clasp of the diamond bracelet. "Can you please help me?"

"You ran into Pansy didn't you?" asked Draco, clasping the bracelet on her wrist and turning it.

"Thank you," Desiree paused, looking at the two bracelets on her wrist. "But yes I did and she was even more of a bitch today than she has been since the day we fought."

"Woah Ally, I did not expect to ever hear that come out of your mouth," Draco slightly chuckled as they began making their way towards the entrance hall.

"Well, I'm mad at her. And she is being a bitch. It's only fair that I call her what she is," Desiree shrugged her shoulders.

"Okay well moving on," he chuckled. "Why was it so important that you get that bracelet?"

Desiree was quiet for a moment, looking down to the bracelet. "It was the bracelet Cedric gave me before we entered the Yule ball. It was his mothers," Desiree looked up to Draco. His face showed he felt as though he shouldn't have asked. "Draco if it bothers you-"

"Nonsense, if you want to wear the bracelet wear it. I know this past year has been hard on you. Besides, I know where your heart lies. Do you want to know how?" he raised one of his eyebrows to entice Desiree.

"How?" she raised her eyebrows curiously.

"Because you haven't taken that necklace off since the day I put it on you," Draco grinned to himself, gently pressing his finger on the Emerald necklace. He was right, she hadn't taken that necklace off since her put it on her the night of the Yule Ball. It made her feel closer to him. "Now come on, let's go get you those Chocolate Frogs and then celebrate your release with a Butterbeer," he chuckled.

The walk to Hogsmeade was filled with an endless conversation of nonsense. This time they had talked about what would happen if you crossed Professor Snape with a Grindylow. This was Desiree's idea of course.

"Are you ready to get a Butterbeer now that we've got enough Chocolate Frogs to last a lifetime?" Draco grinned, lifting the Honeydukes bag as they walked towards The Three Broomsticks.

"Oh please, that will last me until the end of the school year," she laughed. "But yes I'm ready for a Butterbeer."

"Good, because I was going to make you come in here with me regardless," he laughed, holding the door open for her to walk into the warm pub.

Desiree quickly found a booth in the back of the section that Hogwarts students usually sat in while Draco grabbed two Butterbeers. Desiree had just taken off her peacoat when Draco walked back to their table.

"Oh, he comes bearing gifts, how charming," she grinned, taking a swig of the ice cold Butterbeer.

"Well I had to make sure our newest escapee got their complementary Butterbeer," he chuckled, taking a swig of his.

It was quiet for a moment as Desiree took another sip of her Butterbeer before her eyes grew wide with excitement, "I've got it! Dumbledore mixed with one of the choir toads!"

In an instant, Butterbeer shot out of Draco's nose from his laughter. This only made Desiree laugh harder at her own joke. The sat having a laughing fit for a few moments, both to the point they could barely breathe. Mainly because of the Butterbeer flying out of Draco's nose rather than Dumbledore and the toad.

Desiree's smile was wide as ever. There it was again. The special side of Draco that he only let her see. The side that added light to his own darkness. The side she would cherish forever.

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