Chapter 6-11: The Truth Will Always Prevail

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Even after Draco's promise that there would be no more secrets, just like last time, that only lasted for a short while. They were happy, Desiree had no worries for only a few weeks.

Those few weeks had felt like pure bliss. But, it was short-lived just like the last time they seemed to be doing good. Draco reverted back to his secretive, dodgy ways. Though Desiree tried her best throughout the year to keep her trust in Draco, she could slowly feel it slipping and she hated it. She hated feeling like she was losing him and couldn't do anything to stop it.

"Desiree, are you alright?" asked Hermione,  snapping her back into focus.

"Yeah, fine, I just have a lot on my mind. But, how are you doing?" Desiree looked over at Hermione. It had taken Hermione a long time to accept that Ron was with Lavender. Much longer than Hermione wanted to admit.

"Me? I'm fine, honestly, I am." Though Hermione said this confidently, it was clear that she was still bothered by it.

"Whatever you say," Delaney shrugged.

"Now, seriously, what's going on with you?"

"Hermione, I'm fine," Desiree huffed, she really didn't want to talk about the whole situation with Draco, and Hermione pressing her about it wasn't helping.

"Desiree, I know something is wrong. You were barely paying attention in charms," Hermione gave her an all-knowing look.

"Ugh, fine," Desiree took a deep breath. "It's just, something's going on with Draco. And frankly, we haven't been the same in months."

"I'm sure if you talk to him you'll be able to figure it out. Look, I may not like Malfoy, but I know he loves you and he wouldn't do anything to lose you," Hermione placed a reassuring hand on Desiree's shoulder.

"Hermione, what if he doesn't want to talk to me?"

"Desiree Alcyone, I am shocked at what I am hearing coming from your mouth," Hermione abruptly stopped walking, almost making Desiree run into her. "What happened to the girl that used to chase what she wanted and not take anyone's shit? What happened to the girl that quite literally punched Malfoy for calling me a mudblood?"

"She's still here," Desiree's brows furrowed. She was quite annoyed with what Hermione was insinuating.

"Really? Because from what I'm seeing she's not here," Hermione's tone was harsh but not in a rude way.

Desiree was completely dumbfounded by what Hermione was saying to her. At first, all she felt was anger building within her. But then, she realized she was only angry with Hermione because deep down what Hermione was saying was true. She had been letting herself be walked over as if she were a doormat. But, now would be the end of that. Now, she would get back to the feisty girl that stood up for herself and those close to her.

"Oh you're good," Desiree giggled.

"I try," Hermione giggled. "But, seriously you need to talk to him."

"I'm going to, just after dinner tonight," Desiree nodded.

"Good, I'll expect a full report tomorrow," Hermione narrowed her eyes jokingly.

"Will do," Desiree giggled. "I'll see you later."

"Bye Desiree," Hermione waved before the girls went their separate ways.

The rest of the day Desiree tried thinking of what she was going to say to Draco. Even while she was studying, her mind wandered to what she would say to him and what he would say to her. At dinner, she involved herself in more conversation than she had in the past weeks. In reality, just the anticipation of taking to Draco was giving her a confidence boost. She talked to Pansy and Blaise almost the entire length of dinner, well after they all finished eating. That felt like a nice change as well.

Just as Desiree was about to get up to walk back to the common room with Blaise and Pansy, she saw Draco walk past the doors to the Great Hall.

"Hey guys, I'll meet up with you two later," said Desiree, waving a quick goodbye to her friends before discretely following Draco.

She followed Draco all the way up to the seventh-floor corridor. She watched as he summoned an all too familiar door from a blank wall. It was the Room of Requirement. But why was he going in? What could he possibly need in the Room of Requirement?

Her curiosity got the best of her, she quietly followed him into the room. She walked over to where she saw his blonde locks glimmering in the moonlight of the windows.

"Draco?" she asked timidly, though she was confident in her confrontation, the room was giving her an eery vibe.

"Ally? What are you doing here?" he turned quickly.

"I needed to talk to you," said Desiree.

"You shouldn't be here. You need to leave," his tone was icy as he turned back around as if she was going to listen to his order.

"No," she said in a shocked yet firm tone.

"What?" he turned back around to face her.

"I said no. I came here to talk to you, so that's what I'm going to do," her eyes met his sternly.

"Can we do this some other time? I'm busy right now," he half turned to face a strange cabinet.

"No! Draco, we're doing this now. I am tired of being pushed around and treated like I'm something that you come to when you're bored or are done with whatever the hell you've been doing for the past few months," she snapped.

"Fine. You want to talk? Let's talk," he snapped back.

"Fine, I'll go first. What have you been doing when you're avoiding me?"

"Ally, don't do this," he shook his head as if to show his reluctance for the direction their conversation was headed in.

"Don't tell me not to do this! You promised me no more secrets!" she yelled. She watched as his jaw clenched at her voice raise. She could feel her rage begin to boil within her.

"What? Was that all bullshit?" she snapped.

"It wasn't bullshit," he spat.

"Then what was it?" her voice stayed at a yelling volume. It was as though all of the emotions she had felt towards their situation in recent months were now flowing out freely.

He again stayed silent as he turned to face the same strange cabinet.

"God, Draco, what could be so bad that you are acting like a fucking coward?"

"I am not a fucking coward!" he yelled back.

"Then tell me what you've been doing!" she shouted, her arms raised by her sides. She could feel tears of anger threatening to fall. "Draco, if you don't tell me then we're done. I can't keep putting myself through this in the hopes that you'll have a nice day and be around me. Don't you see what this is doing to us? I can't keep doing this every-"

"I cheated on you!" he shouted as his jaw clenched. "There, I said it, are you happy?"

"What?" Desiree's voice quickly changed from the loud, booming yell, to a mere hoarse whisper. She could feel the walls within her begin to crumble.

"I cheated on you," Draco said at a more normal volume. His eyes seemed to do everything to avoid hers now.

"I don't understand. You said you love me," she paused as a tear began to fall down her cheek. It felt as though someone had ripped her heart out and stomped on it right in front of her. Everything she had been telling herself not to think about had been true. All of the trust she tried to cling onto was a lie. His love for her was a lie.

"You said-" she began again, twisting her promise ring on her finger as she met his eyes. "You said forever."

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