Chapter 7-10: Savior

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Desiree kept her promise to Narcissa at the back of her mind. Though she would keep that promise, she was already fulfilling it on her own. And she didn't want to make herself feel like she was staying with Draco because of a promise she made to his mother. She just tried to maintain her happy mentality during their visits because she knew if he was coming to their talks, he was safe, he was alright.

As for the others, they merely became prisoners for the sake of it. They were never taken upstairs for questioning like Desiree and Ollivander were. Desiree was relieved with this. She would never wish that treatment on anyone.

Desiree had been busy counting the taps of her feet while Luna and Dean slept when she suddenly heard a loud clamber come from the door. Someone was entering. Were they retrieving someone? Desiree felt her stomach churn with this inquiry.

"What are we going to do? We can't leave Hermione alone with her," a familiar voice yelled, followed by the hitting of the iron gate that enclosed them in the cellar. This was loud enough to startle Luna and Dean out of their slumber. But, Luna being Luna, she was able to recall the voice even in her sleep.

"I don't know, Ron," another familiar voice said in a panicked tone.

"Ron? Harry?" Luna stood, slowly walking towards the door. Dean and Desiree followed her.

"Ron?" Dean asked in a questionable tone.

"Harry?" Desiree asked, squinting her eyes in hopes of seeing the figures more clearly.

"Luna? Dean? Desiree?" Harry asked, squinting his eyes to focus on the figures before him. Ollivander and Griphook stood in the corner.

"Harry! Ron! What are you two doing here?" Desiree asked between hugging them.

"The Snatchers picked us up because this one," he pointed to Harry, "doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut about You Know Who's real name."

"Oh, yeah, I heard about that taboo thing," Desiree nodded. "But wait, where's Hermione?"

Before any of them could answer, a blood-curdling scream began to ring out from the floor above them. Desiree felt her heart and stomach drop simultaneously. It was Hermione.

"Hermione!" Ron shouted. "Leave her alone!"

Ron quickly ran back up to the iron-barred door, shouting a string of profanities in hopes that it would make Bellatrix stop torturing Hermione. Desiree felt tears begin to sting her eyes at the sound of one of her best friends being tortured on the floor above her. It not only made Desiree feel terrible for Hermione, but it also brought up all of the old feelings Desiree felt during her time with the same experience.

"We have to do something!" Ron shouted back to the group.

"There's no way out of here. We've tried everything," said Ollivander weakly as he walked over to the group.

"It's enchanted," Dean added with reluctance in his voice. He winced with the sound of each of Hermione's painful screams.

"Ollivander and I spent the entire first few months I was here trying to come up with a way out of here. Dean even tried after he got here," said Desiree, trying hard not to listen to Hermione's screams.

The loud pop of an apparition snapped her back into focus. Before her, and to some confusion, stood Dobby the house-elf.

"Dobby?" Harry asked in quite a relieved tone. "What are you doing here?"

"Dobby's come to rescue Harry Potter, of course. Dobby will always be there for Harry Potter," Dobby squeaked.

"Are you saying you can apparate in and out of this room?" Harry asked him. A sense of urgency was clear in his tone.

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