Chapter 6-15: Hangover

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Desiree woke up the next morning, feeling as though she had been hit by a muggle bus. Her head was pounding, her body ached, she felt awful. She looked over to see that Pansy wasn't in her bed anymore, meaning she must be in the Great Hall for breakfast.

Desiree slowly got up from her bed, rubbing her temples in hopes of relieving some of the pressure in her head. She put on her robes the quickest she could before making her way down to the Great Hall. By now it was actually lunchtime.

Once inside the Great Hall, Desiree still hadn't found Pansy. She did, however, find Ginny sitting in the middle of the Gryffindor table alone. Instead of sitting by herself, Desiree decided to sit next to Ginny. Though her memory was a bit hazy, she did remember spending most of the night with Ginny.

"Hey, Ginny," Desiree groaned, sitting down before returning to rubbing her temples. Ginny merely made a noise of acknowledgment as she laid her head down on the table between her arms.

"I'm never drinking again," Desiree whined again.

"I second that," Ginny raised her hand.

"Hey, guys," Hermione said chipperly as she sat down across from them.

"Why are you yelling?" Ginny groaned, lifting her head to look at Hermione.

"Good Godric, you two look awful," said Hermione.

"Gee, thanks Hermione," said Desiree, letting her head sink into her hands.

"How much did you two drink last night?" she asked.

"Too much," Ginny whined, letting her head fall back into her arms.

"This is why I don't condone underage drinking," Hermione rolled her eyes with a small grin.

"Hey, I am of age thank you," said Desiree.

"I'm not but we had fun," said Ginny with a grin, she tried to laugh but it hurt her head too much.

Hermione let out a small chuckle before sliding two small potions in front of the girls, "Drink this, it should help with the hangover."

"Since when do you know how to make these," asked Desiree before drinking the potion in one sip.

"Since the Gryffindor victory parties started having spiked Butterbeer," said Hermione.

"Noted," Desiree giggled. It didn't take long for the potion to take effect. Within minutes it felt like she hadn't even sipped alcohol the previous night.

"All I have to say is that though I may despise most Slytherins, no offense Desiree," Ginny began.

"No offense taken," Desiree grinned.

"I have to admit, Slytherin knows how to throw a party," Ginny chuckled, it was clear she was already feeling much better as well.

"Oh, Hermione I wish you could have stayed. Ginny and I had a blast," Desiree grinned, slightly leaning into the table.

"I was thinking about going back after I made Harry and Ron go back to the common room but I ended up reading," said Hermione.

"Boring," Ginny giggled causing Desiree to giggle with her.

"I'm glad to see the both of you are feeling better," Hermione giggled. "That potion should also help you remember what happened if there's anything you've forgotten."

"Oh, well, that should be fun," Desiree laughed, taking a sip of her pumpkin juice.

"Why, did you do something stupid?" asked Hermione.

"Not that I can think of, but let's hope I don't remember anything that proves otherwise," she laughed.

"I don't think I did," said Ginny.

"Ah, well, guess we'll find out throughout the day," Hermione grinned. "Now, I'm getting a bit tired of staying at Harry's side all the time. Especially when all he does is read that stupid potions book. So, what's the plan for the day?"

"I would say we could walk around the castle. Cedric and I used to do that a lot, but it's freezing out there so," Desiree shrugged.

"Yeah, I would prefer not to freeze to death," Ginny giggled. "Hey, we could go back to the common room and play that game we learned over the summer."

"Poker? We have to have more players for the game to be more interesting," said Hermione.

"Well, I don't know about you two but I think it'd be interesting to teach Neville, Dean, and Seamus how to play," Desiree grinned.

"Now that you say that, I think that'd be so funny," Ginny chuckled.

"Well, back to the common room," Hermione grinned, standing up from the table with the girls.

"I think this will be the earliest I've snuck into the common room," Desiree chuckled. To Desiree's luck, just as they were turning the corner, still giggling, she ran into someone. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I wasn't-"

Desiree felt her breath hitch, she couldn't even finish her sentence as she saw who she ran into. His cold, grey eyes pierced through hers. Draco's eyes were filled with pain. He looked like he hadn't had a proper night's sleep in weeks. Desiree could see parts of her memory from last night flashing back. The feeling of his lips on hers in their drunken kiss, his eyes piercing through hers as he had her pinned to the wall, the way his breath warmed her neck. She had proven herself wrong. She had done a stupid thing. Because now, now she had not a single doubt in her mind that she still loved him. She loved him and he didn't love her the same.

"Desiree, are you coming?" asked Ginny. She and Hermione were a few paces ahead of Desiree before they realized she was no longer walking with them.

Desiree looked at the pair ahead of her then back at Draco. Her eyes stayed on his as she spoke, "Yeah, I'll be right there."

"Ally, wait-"

"Draco, please, don't do this," Desiree turned back to him. She could feel tears begin to form. This was the first time they had spoken since the break up. She watched as his jaw tensed and he grew a few shades paler. It physically hurt her to see that she was doing this to him, but that was only a fraction of what he caused her to feel.

With this, Desiree walked back over to Hermione and Ginny. They didn't ask what happened because they could tell Desiree didn't want to talk about it. Instead, they all made their way up to the common room. Sneaking Desiree in was a breeze.

Luckily, Neville, Dean, and Seamus were already sitting in the common room. After a few minutes of convincing from Ginny and Desiree, the boys finally agreed to play poker. Harry joined the group just before they started the first round.

The six sat in the middle of the Gryffindor common room for hours playing games. They played poker for about two hours then switched over to playing a card game Dean learned as a child. The card games were a good distraction for Desiree. Even though Desiree had just had the run in with Draco, and it brought up a lot of unresolved feelings, she felt better now that she was surrounded by a large group. She made new friends that night.

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