Chapter 7-13: Stay

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"Neville, where does this passage lead?" Desiree asked, looking around the dark passage they walked down. Neville had so far explained to them how much Hogwarts had changed under Snape's and the Carrows rule. He also mentioned all seven of the original secret passageways were sealed off at the start of term. This passage was the last in and out of the castle.

"See for yourself," Neville grinned, pushing open the door at the end of the passage. Neville pushed open the door, revealing the Room of Requirement in a new fashion. It was still a large room, but now, it had canopies strung against all the walls and pillars. It had banisters for each house that had students staying inside. Desiree was in shock at the number of students that were in hiding because of the Carrows. "Right, listen up you lot. I've got a surprise."

"No more of Aberforth's cooking I hope. It'll be a surprise if we can digest it," said Seamus from the ground.

Neville simply let out a small grin, stepping aside to allow the group of students to see Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Desiree.

"Blimey," Seamus said in excitement, quickly standing up to meet them with the rest of the students.

All four of them were greeted with "hello's", and handshakes. Students that never really got to know Desiree gave her space, as they only knew her as a Slytherin instead of who she really was. After the crowd of students started focusing more on Harry, Neville walked up to Desiree, pulling her to the side.

"I sent someone to spread the word to Remus and the others that you all are here. I can only imagine that your presence means You Know Who is coming as well," said Neville.

"Thank you, Neville. And yes, I'm afraid our presence does mean that You Know Who is coming, and soon at that," Desiree looked over to the crowd of students surrounding Harry. They all had smiles on their faces, excited with Harry's presence. They thought Harry had come to save them, little did they know, he was bringing the war.

"Then we'll fight," Neville nodded. "We'll fight like we've never fought before."

"You've come a long way since the Neville Longbottom I met during flying lessons first year," Desiree smiled at Neville.

"And you've proved to hold a lot more Gryffindor qualities than Slytherin since I met you," Neville grinned.

"Just because I'm Slytherin doesn't mean I'm evil, it just means I strive for greatness above all," she grinned.

"Let me get this straight, you came here to get something that can be used as a weapon against You Know Who, yet you have no idea where it is, and he's on his way to the castle right now?" asked Seamus, crossing his arms over his chest. This quickly moved Neville and Desiree's attention back to the group.

"Look, I know it doesn't sound like much-" Harry began.

"Much? That's nothing," Seamus interrupted.

"-but if I can just get into the Ravenclaw common room, I think I could find it or at least a clue," Harry finished as if Seamus hadn't interrupted him.

"I can take you there," said Cho, emerging to the front of the crowd.

"Okay," Harry nodded, beginning to walk towards her.

"No," Ginny stopped him. "Luna can take him."

Desiree looked at Hermione with wide eyes, trying hard to hide her laugh. They both knew why Ginny didn't want Cho to take Harry to the Ravenclaw common room, she was jealous. And it was hilarious because Harry was in her place just one year before.

"Luna, if you will," Harry held his hand toward the door.

With this, Harry and Luna left the Room of Requirement beneath the invisibility cloak. The rest of Hogwarts was in a deep slumber, any sound Harry made would surely wake them. Desiree just hoped that would be after he at least had a clue as to where the Horcrux was. After all, everyone's lives depended on it.

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