Chapter 6-17: A Lover's Attack

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A week had passed, and Ron was finally cleared to go back to all normal activities he had been doing before he was poisoned. Desiree was relieved that Ron was able to fully recover. Her mind, however, would always fall back to Draco. She missed him. She missed the way his eyes fell onto her, the way his smile could brighten her day, the way his cold hands perfectly enveloped her own, the way she would get goosebumps with even the smallest touch, the way his lips fit hers like a puzzle, the way his arms felt like a safe place. She missed him.

Pansy, Hermione, and Ginny were trying their best to help Desiree get over Draco. They had thought they were doing quite well at it. But, that was because Desiree was quite well at hiding her true feelings. She herself understood that she shouldn't act on them. After all, he was the one that should be working to get her back if he truly wanted her back. But he wasn't trying. He didn't miss her the way she missed him.

"Desiree, do you ever think you'll be able to be around him again? I mean it's getting a bit exhausting trying to bounce between the two of you," asked Blaise, sitting at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall for breakfast.

"Blaise," Pansy whispered sternly, hitting his leg harshly under the table.

"It's fine," Desiree giggled. "I don't know Blaise, I think I'd be willing to try but I can't guarantee it wouldn't make things worse."

"Look, you don't have to do anything if you're not ready. Some of us just can't seem to get it through their thick skull just how hurt you were," said Pansy, glaring at Blaise.

"I'm not saying she has to do anything right now. But, it would be nice to at least have everyone all together at one time," said Blaise, moving his gaze between Pansy and Desiree. Pansy continued to give Blaise a death stare, practically warning him to shut up. "Right, I'm going to stop talking now."

"Good idea," Pansy nodded, pulling a sarcastic smile on her lips.

"Pansy, it's alright. I'm tired of being treated like some fragile piece of glass that could shatter at any moment. I just want to be treated the way I was before all of this," said Desiree, taking a sip of her pumpkin juice.

"I told you," Blaise said with a sarcastic smile.

"Oh, alright. What are you two ganging up on me now?" Pansy laughed.

"Wouldn't be a terrible alliance," Blaise chuckled.

"Okay, well while you two start arguing over that, I'm going to sit with Ron and Hermione. I told them I'd go to apparition lessons with them since you two can't go," said Desiree, slowly standing from the table.

"Are you going to come straight to the common room when you get back? Or are you going to go to the Gryffindor common room with them again?" asked Pansy, crossing her arms. Pansy had grown a bit jealous of how much time Desiree was spending with Ginny and Hermione. Desiree thought it was quite funny.

"I promise I'll come straight back to our common room," Desiree giggled.

"Good, I'll see you later then," Pansy nodded, looking back over to Blaise.

With this, Desiree made her way over to the Gryffindor table where Ron and Hermione were sitting with Harry.

"Stop it, Ron. You're making it snow," said Hermione, nudging his side to make him focus again as Desiree sat down in front of them.

"Tell me how I broke up with Lavender again," said Ron.

Hermione and Harry shared a look with Desiree. The other two were wondering if they should tell him.

"Um, well, she came to visit you in the hospital. And, you talked. I don't believe it was a particularly long conversation," Hermione beat around the bush.

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