Chapter 7-4: They Are Coming

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"Desiree, wake up," A voice whispered.

"Desiree, it's time to get ready for the wedding. Get up," it whispered again. Desiree let out a small groan.

"Alright, you asked for it," the voice sounded. Desiree suddenly felt the sheets spin beneath her, dumping her out onto the ground. Desiree jumped up, collecting herself from the sudden throw. She saw Ginny laughing on the opposite side of the bed.

"Ginny! What was that for?" Desiree shouted, she was clearly annoyed.

"I told you to get up. It's time to start getting ready for the wedding," Ginny giggled.

"The wedding isn't until sunset. Why are you waking me up this early in the morning?"

"Desiree, it's afternoon," said Ginny.

Desiree's eyes grew wide, "Is it really?"

"Yes, now would you please start getting ready? I told mum you were up ages ago just to appease her anxiety about today. She's running around like a madman," Ginny giggled.

"Did we really expect anything else with how she's been during the past two weeks?" Desiree laughed.

"No, I suppose not," Ginny laughed. "I just hope she isn't the same with everyone else's weddings."

"I highly doubt she'll change. Now, I'm going to go brush my teeth and do my skincare. I'll come back in here to do everything else," Desiree grinned.

With this, Desiree made her way into the bathroom. She took a quick shower before brushing her teeth and washing her face. Once making it back into Ginny's room, she slipped on one of Draco's old jumpers she had failed to give back and began getting ready. Mrs. Weasley wanted all of the younger people ready an hour and a half before the wedding was set to begin for them to escort the guests to their proper seats.

Desiree first started with her makeup, allowing her hair to dry as much as it could in the meantime. She put on a bit of concealer, covering any blemishes on her face, as well as the dark circles under her eyes. They had been better recently while staying at the Burrow, likely because she was finally getting the proper amount of sleep after being worn out each day. After concealer, she put on a small amount of eyeshadow before putting on mascara, eyeliner, and blush. She finished off her makeup with a small amount of lipgloss. After finishing her makeup, Desiree pulled her hair from the towel, brushing it out before using a drying spell on it. She went with simple curls in her hair. She didn't feel like putting a lot of effort into her hair when it would likely fall out any other way.

Nearly two hours after Ginny woke her up, Desiree was finally ready. She wore a form-fitting black dress. Black was one of her favorite colors to wear. She quickly slipped on a matching pair of heels and made her way down to the wedding tent where she was supposed to meet the others. Fred, George, Ginny, and Harry in his disguise as one of the Weasely cousins stood at the entrance. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley thought it would be wise to disguise Harry with Polyjuice Potion just in case.

"Where are Ron and Hermione?" Desiree asked, walking up to Ginny's side.

"We don't know," George shrugged.

"I thought I heard Ron say he was coming downstairs just after me but, I don't know," Harry shrugged.

"Ah, there they are. I don't think I want to know what they were doing, but there they are," Fred grinned as Ron and Hermione entered the tent.

"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Ron. His hair looked a bit disheveled at the top.

"Oh, nothing," George chuckled.

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