Chapter 6-2: Late Night Swimming

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The days with Draco at the Alcyone Estate felt like a much-needed break for Desiree. With Draco by her side, it made her feel as though they were in a small bubble, away from the dangers that threatened them just outside.

The first two days of Draco's visit was spent meandering about the Estate while Desiree's parents were at work. Today, however, Desiree had a plan that she hoped Draco would go along with because they never actually made a plan for the week.

Desiree jumped out of bed Tuesday morning and quickly rushed to the bathroom to brush her teeth and do her skincare routine. After doing all of that, she quietly walked over to Draco's room across the hall. As she opened the door she found him sleeping peacefully with the silk sheets draped carelessly over his shirtless body. The sun hit his body just in the right places that made him look god-like.

"Draco," she whispered lightly in his ear.

"Hmm?" he stirred.

"Draco, it's time to get up," she grinned, letting her lips barely graze his ear as she spoke.

"Ally? What time is it?" he looked around confusedly.

"I don't know, sometime in the morning though," she giggled. "Now come on, get up."

"Just five more minutes," he mumbled, rolling over onto his side.

"Oh no, you don't," Desiree climbed on top of him in hopes of waking him up. "Come on, wake up, please. I have our whole day planned if you would wake up."

"Really? Like what?" asked Draco, his voice still groggy from sleep as he flipped Desiree over. His hips now pressed against hers, his hands held hers firmly against the bed.

"This was your plan this whole time wasn't it?" asked Desiree, a grin slowly emerging from her lips as she sat pinned to the bed.

A devilish grin formed on his face. "Maybe it was," he teased. Desiree looked into his grey eyes as she bit her lip. Draco almost instantly connected their lips. Desiree let out a small whimper at the sudden pressure of his body on hers. She began to feel his hands move from hers, one connected with the back of her neck, pulling her closer to him. The other braced him near her head.

Though the feeling of his kiss brought an almost immediate euphoria, Desiree wanted to make him wait just a bit longer. Just as she felt his lips move from hers and down to her neck, she wrapped her legs around him, swiftly turning so that she was on top of him, straddling his hips.

"Didn't expect that one did you?" she raised her eyebrows enticingly towards him. Draco simply stuck his tongue in his cheek, clearly fighting back a smirk. Desiree slowly leaned down just below his ear, placing a kiss in the exact spot she knew drove him mad. "Now come on, let's get ready," she whispered in his ear, un-straddling his hips and getting off of his bed.

"Merlin's beard, you're going to be the death of me," Draco said to himself, covering his face with his hands.

"I'll be waiting downstairs," she teased before walking back to her room.

Desiree quickly walked over to her closet to look for the perfect outfit. She laid out several options but eventually landed on a pair of black ripped jeans and an emerald corset top. She curled her long brown hair into light waves. She then put on a light amount of makeup consisting of concealer, blush, and waterproof mascara.

She quickly walked down to the kitchen after grabbing her bag. Her mother and father were still sitting at the table when she walked in.

"Oh, good morning darling," said Mrs. Alcyone, pushing her daughter a cup of tea.

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