Chapter 4-17: Numb

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The week leading up to the third task had been quite nerve racking for Desiree. Though her and Draco repaired their friendship it only created more room to worry about Cedric. Her worry increased with each day. She tried to mask it around Cedric and the others hoping they wouldn't catch on.

The morning of the third task Desiree awoke with a pit of worry sitting in her stomach. Though her worry had seemed to subside over the course of the tournament, today was worse than it had been. Nonetheless she got up and hurried to get dressed and meet everyone downstairs. As she stepped off of the final step she found Draco, Blaise, and Pansy already sitting on the couch.

"There she is. And not a moment to spare," said Blaise as the three stood up.

"We were worried I'd have to go up there and wake you up," said Pansy.

"I've been up for awhile. I just laid in my bed for a bit," said Desiree.

"Oh don't tell me you're worried about him again," said Pansy as the four of them began to walk towards the stadium.

"I can't help it. You'd be worried if it were Blaise going into the maze," Desiree looked to her. Pansy seemed to grow slightly uncomfortable.

"Look why don't you two go ahead and find seats for the four of us and I'll try to calm her down," said Draco to Pansy and Blaise.

"Alright, we'll see you two shortly," said Blaise.

"Ally look at me," Draco stepped in front of her. "He's going to be fine. He's made it this far for a reason. Hell, he's even in first place. That's pretty impressive since he's going against Krum."

Desiree chuckled at the last part, "Yeah I suppose it is isn't it?"

"It is," he paused. "Now come on it's time to start enjoying the tournament rather than worrying about it."

"Oh fine," she grinned as she latched her arm onto Draco's and continued walking. As they grew closer to the stadium Desiree remembered that she visited Cedric before the first task. Granted it ended with her face being plastered on the cover of thousands of Daily Prophets, she wanted to see him again. "Draco I'll be right back. I'm going to see Cedric really fast. Save me a seat," she smiled.

"Alright, I'll see you in a few minutes," he continued walking to the stadiums seats.

Desiree walked quickly to the back of the Champion's tent. Cedric was luckily standing near the back. "Hey handsome," she smiled.

He quickly turned his head to see who said that only to smile when he saw Desiree. She felt a flutter of butterflies as he smiled. "What are you doing back here?"

"We aren't seriously going to have this conversation again are we?" she giggled.

"No I suppose not," he smiled before gently kissing Desiree.

"Good luck today," she smiled.

"If you're there I won't need luck," he slid a piece of hair behind Desiree's ear.

"Someone's quite the charmer today," she giggled.

"Ah well I try," he chuckled. There was a silence as they gazed into each other's eyes.

"Be careful out there okay?" she looked into his eyes for reassurance.

"I will I promise. Now you better hurry back to your seat. The task is going to start soon."

"Fine," she said reluctantly before quickly kissing Cedric one last time.

As she turned to walk away Cedric called her once more, "Desiree!"

She turned quickly, "Yes?"

"I love you," he smiled kindly.

Desiree felt another flutter of butterflies, "I love you too."

Desiree made it just in time to find her seat in between Draco and Pansy before the champions began to emerge.

"Did you get to see him?" Pansy turned to face Desiree.

"Yeah I did," Desiree smiled.

"Silence!," Dumbledore shouted.

"That'll get people to be quiet," Pansy rubbed her ear from pain as Desiree chuckled.

"Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now, as Mr. Diggory," cheers erupted from the section near Desiree. "and Mr. Potter," cheers began to cry out from the section in which Ron and Hermione sat, "tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr. Krum, and Miss Delacour. First person to touch the cup, will be the winner," Dumbledore paused to allow cheers to spread, "I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. Should at any point a contestant wish to withdraw from the task, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wand. Contestants, gather round. Quickly."

"What do you think their talking about?" Desiree leaned toward Draco.

"Probably how to make sure they stay in the spotlight after the tournament is over," said Draco glumily.

"Draco that was the time where you were supposed to say something funny," she said sarcastically with a giggle.

"Champions, prepare yourselves," Dumbledore's voice began to echo throughout the stadium again. Cheers began to ring throughout the crowd as each champion stepped up to their entrance of the maze. Desiree looked to Cedric hugging his father and gave a kind smile as she waved to him. He did the same before turning to his entrance of the maze.

"On the count of three, one--" the cannon sounded before Dumbledore could finish. Thus starting the third task.

Worry was clear on Desiree's face, for Draco grabbed hold of her hand. "Hey, he's going to be fine."

Desiree took a deep breath before she nodded in agreeance. The rest of the time was spent with the band playing music occasionally and talking amongst groups. A pinch of worry would shoot through Desiree when the red sparks that pulled the champions out were fired into the air. It subsided when she realized that it was Fleur and Krum being pulled.

"So, any big plans this summer?" asked Draco.

"Not really. My parents might be traveling again. If they do I might be going with them," said Desiree.

"You're parents really love traveling," Draco chuckled.

"They love seeing the world. There's so many beautiful things to see. I hope I can travel like they do. Well maybe not as much but you get the point," she chuckled.

"You'll have to tell me about your adventures," he grinned.

"Oh don't think you aren't coming on at least some of them," she laughed.

"We'll see," he chuckled as they looked to each other.

"Hey look, they're back," said Blaise pointing to the two boys that appeared in the middle of the open area where the other champions stood. Everyone stood up and began cheering at their return. The band began playing. But as Desiree looked to Harry and Cedric she felt her heart drop. All color drained from her face. Draco had been the only one to notice this sudden change.

"NOO!" Desiree screamed an ear shattering scream as she looked to Cedric's lifeless body. She felt her legs give out from under her.

"Ally!" Draco caught her in his arms. By now the other students began to notice. The music had stopped.

"He's back. He's back. Voldemort's back," Harry began to sob after Dumbledore approached him. "Cedric, he asked me to bring his body back. I couldn't leave him, not there."

"Pansy we need to get her out of here," Draco looked from Desiree to Pansy. It didn't matter, Desiree already felt numb. Everything sounded muffled in her head. She could see people talking to yet no words seemed to pierce her ears. She felt like the weight of the world was crashing down on her all at once; she couldn't breathe. Just in a matter of seconds everything turned to nothing.

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