Chapter 3-10: The Girl

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"Desiree would you get down here already! The match starts in twenty minutes!" shouted Pansy from the stairs of the common room.

"Pansy I'm right behind you." laughed Desiree.

"Woah when did you get there? I didn't even see you come downstairs." asked Pansy, turning to face Desiree.

"I walked down while you were talking to Blaise." said Desiree.

"Oh...well let's go then. I don't want to be late." said Pansy.

The two girls continued their walk down to the Quidditch pitch with Blaise. Today's match was Slytherin v. Ravenclaw. The weather was still quite cold, even Desiree's sweater couldn't warm her for long. Just as Desiree was going to begin her journey up the stairs of the Slytherin tower she heard a familiar voice call her name.

"Desiree!" shouted Cedric.

"Pansy I'll meet you up there." said Desiree before she turned to walk towards Cedric. "Well hello." she smiled.

"Hi." Cedric smiled before kissing Desiree. "I brought you this." he said as he handed Desiree a blanket.

"How'd you know I needed this?" she smiled.

"Well we have known each other for three years now and we've been dating for two months." smiled Cedric.

"You bring some very good points up." Desiree smiled, giving Cedric a quick kiss. "I should be getting up there to Pansy. I'll see you later."

"Okay I'll see you later." said Cedric.

Desiree then made her journey up the stairs and sat in one of the middle rows with Pansy and Blaise.

"Where'd you get that from?" asked Pansy, pointing the blanket Desiree was just given.

"Cedric gave it to me. He knew I'd be cold. Here you can use it to." said Desiree, handing a portion of the blanket to Pansy.

"Oh bless him and his magic blankets." Pansy laughed.

As the game began it was clear that today's match would be a close call for the winner. Each time Slytherin scored a goal Ravenclaw scored one seconds later. While looking at the far end of the pitch Desiree's eyes fell onto a girl in her year wearing one of Draco's extra quidditch jerseys.

"Hey Pansy, who's that?" asked Desiree, pointing to the Slytherin girl.

"Oh Blaise was telling me about her this morning. Apparently she's Draco's girlfriend, they've been dating for about a month." said Pansy.

"Do you know her name?" asked Desiree.

"No but can you believe he didn't tell us."  said Pansy.

"I can't believe him! We've been friends with him since first year and he didn't tell us." said Desiree. She felt her anger begin to slowly rise. "He's going to hear from me later."

"What are you going to say?" Pansy asked in a warry tone.

"Just that it's ridiculous that we've been best friends for three years and he didn't feel the need to tell us when he got a girlfriend. I mean I told you when Cedric asked me out." said Desiree in an angry tone.

"Why don't you give him until later tonight before we go to sleep." said Pansy.

"Fine but if he doesn't say anything before then I'll bring it up myself." said Desiree.

After the match was over and Slytherin narrowly won, everyone in Slytherin made their way down to the common room to celebrate the victory. Everything was going great until Desiree saw Draco sitting on the couch with the girl she just learned was his girlfriend.

"Can I talk to you?" asked Desiree to Draco. She then looked the the girl then back to Draco before saying, "Alone."

"I suppose." Draco said as he walked out of the common room with Desiree.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" she paused, "Actually let me rephrase that. Is there someone you'd like to tell me about?"

"What are you talking about?" asked Draco,

"I'm talking about the girlfriend you've had for a month that you failed to tell us about." said Desiree, her anger began to rise again.

"Who, Emma?" asked Draco.

"If that's her name then yes." Desiree snapped.

"Why do you even care? You're with Diggory." said Draco with disgust.

Desiree hadn't really known why this made her so angry but she finally said, "Draco I have been your best friend since first year. And you didn't feel like telling me when you got a girlfriend."

"Well maybe if you weren't with Diggory at all times I would have told you." Draco yelled.

Desiree was taken aback, she hadn't expected those words to come out of Draco's mouth. Let alone have him yell at her. Desiree stood there in silence for a second until she finally found the right words to say. "This has nothing to do with me and Cedric. This is about you lying to me, lying to Pansy for over a month. Don't you dare try to turn this on me, not when I've done nothing for you to treat me like this."

"Is everything alright? I heard shouting." asked Pansy, peering around the door of the common room to where Desiree and Draco stood not saying a word to each other.

"Everything's fine. I was just going to go take a walk." said Desiree with tears filling her eyes.

"Desiree wait!" shouted Pansy, running to Desiree's side.

The two girls walked to the side of the Black Lake where they sat when they needed to talk about things without the interruption of other students.

"Desiree what happened back there?" asked Pansy.

"He blamed me for him not telling us. He said he didn't tell me because I'm always with Cedric." said Desiree.

"Desiree you know that's not true. It's not your fault, it's his. He should have told us himself." said Pansy.

"I know, I know. But I think what hurt the most was the way he looked when he was saying I spend all my time with Cedric. He looked furious while he was yelling at me, but even under the anger you could see pain. Pansy I can't hurt him, not when his father's been doing that for years." said Desiree.

"Hey look at me." Pansy paused, "You can't think of it like that. Whatever he's hurting from isn't because of you. You need to focus on your own happiness. I'll go and talk to him later tonight. But you need to know that the pain he feels is from things long before we knew him, not because you're with Cedric."

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