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"Ally, wake up," Draco whispered.

"Ally, wake up," he whispered again. His warm breath cascaded against her ear gently.

"Hmm?" she asked. Her eyes were still closed tightly from her slumber.

"I made breakfast," he whispered, leaning over her.

"Did you really?" Desiree turned her head to face him, grinning.

"I made your favorite," he leaned down, kissing her cheek, "And, you have some visitors that would like to see you."

"Send them in," she grinned.

With this, Draco stood from the bed after giving her another kiss, this time on the lips. He walked idly over to the door of the bedroom. Slowly opening it. In walked two sets of thundering steps, which paused just at the end of the bed.

Suddenly, the end of the bed sunk in two places, and Desiree was met with the feeling of two people crawling onto her.

"Momma," the small girl smile, sitting just up at Desiree's shoulders, wiping her dark brown hair from her face. She wore a small, floral nightgown that paired well with her bright green eyes.

"Good morning, Ayla," Desiree smiled, pulling her daughter into a hug.

"Good morning, momma," the little boy at her hip said. His bright blonde hair stuck out in different places from his slumber. He wore a matching set of dragon pajamas. His eyes were a cool grey color like Draco's. It was funny, just how different each of their children looked, yet looked just like Desiree and Draco.

"Oh, good morning. Scorpius," Desiree grinned, opening her arms to him as well.

"They woke up when I was making breakfast and just couldn't wait to see you," Draco chuckled, setting his chin on his hands as he laid on the bed.

"Oh, well, there's nothing wrong with that," Desiree grinned, "Now, about that breakfast."

"Everyone's plates are already set on the table," Draco grinned, standing up from the bed and helping Scorpius off.

With this, Desiree stood from the bed, slipping on one of Draco's jumpers before grabbing Ayla and walking down the steps of their cottage to their kitchen. Draco had already made his way down to the table with Scorpius by the time Desiree made it there.

"Is it good?" Desiree grinned, sitting down next to Scorpius. He simply nodded with a mouthful of french toast.

"Of course it is. I made it," Draco grinned.

"That's why I had to ask, you made it," Desiree giggled, taking a sip of her pumpkin juice.

"I can't believe I married someone that treats me with such disrespect," he playfully rolled his eyes.

"Don't forget you fathered our children as well," she laughed again.

"How can I? They look just like you," he chuckled, taking a bite of his eggs.

"Scorpius looks just like you," Desiree pointed out.

"And Ayla looks just like you," Draco grinned, looking down at his daughter who was taking small bites of her eggs.

"Even though she's only two, she reminds a lot of my mother and aunt," Desiree smiled at her.

"Well, they were who we named her after," Draco chuckled.

"Scorpius reminds me a lot of your mother," said Desiree, looking over at their son.

"Well then, it looks like our children will turn out alright. Even if we are their parents," he chuckled.

"I think that's a wonderful combination for parents if you ask me. And, they have Ginny, Pansy, and the others as their aunts and uncles."

"That's what worries me," he chuckled.

"Is Aunt Ginny coming today?" asked Scorpius. He and Ayla were quite fond of Ginny and Pansy. But, Scorpius liked playing with Ginny and Harry's son Albus. Ayla liked playing with Ginny's daughter Lily as well.

"Well, it is Saturday, so she should be here for dinner tonight," said Draco. Every Saturday, Desiree, and Draco tried to hold a family dinner, which included the Weasley's, which now included Harry and Hermione officially, Desiree's father, Draco's mother-- who left his father after the war for all that he put Draco through -- and finally, Pansy and Blaise with their son.

In the warmer parts of the year, dinner was held at Desiree and Draco's cottage on their outside patio. Their cottage was just what Desiree and Draco imagined it to be. It was a quaint little home that reminded them much of the guest house at the Alcyone Estate. It sat in the middle of a field filled with wildflowers.

"Can I paint rocks with Albus again?" Scorpius asked.

"We'll have to walk down to the river to get them, but if your mother's okay with it, I'll walk you down there with your sister," Draco nodded. By now, they had a collection of painted rocks on their mantle that Scorpius had painted over the four years of his life.

"Can we momma?" he asked with bright eyes.

"I suppose so, but I'll have to stay back here to make the pie for tonight," Desiree nodded.

"Finish your breakfast and we'll get ready to go," Draco pointed at his food.

After the family was done with breakfast, Draco helped Desiree wash the dishes before they went back upstairs to get ready for the day. Scorpius and Ayla were both ones to fall asleep after eating, so, Desiree and Draco used that time to shower, together. After their shower, Desiree set to getting ready, throwing on a sage green floral dress. She let her hair fall freely and put on a light amount of makeup. After she was ready, she set to getting Ayla and Scorpius ready with Draco. Desiree put Ayla in a light blue floral dress, while Scorpius wore a small button-down shirt with trousers to try and match with Draco.

"Ready?" Draco looked down at Scorpius in front of the door. Scorpius nodded eagerly.

"Don't stay out too late. Besides, I'll need someone to try the pie when it's ready," Desiree grinned.

"We'll just make a short trip. I'll see you when we get back. I love you," Draco kissed her forehead as she rolled pie dough in her hands.

"I love you too," she smiled.

"Now," Draco clapped his hands together before opening the door for his children, "let's go get some rocks."

With this, Ayla and Scorpius ran out of the house and into the field. Desiree watched through the window of the kitchen as Draco ran quickly behind them, slinging Ayla onto his shoulder and grabbing Scorpius' hand. Despite was most would think, Draco was an amazing, loving father.

Desiree watched, with a smile on her face, as her family walked through the field of wildflowers to the river. Everything she wanted in life had come true. She married the love of her life and started a family with him. Watching Ayla sit perched on Draco's shoulders and Scorpius grasping his hand as they watched on assured Desiree more of one thing. He would forever hold her heart. Draco Malfoy was her Forever Home.

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